Another School Massacre

I do not own a gun so my understanding may be a bit off but as I understand it if any of your brothers guns automatically cycle the next round into the chamber (no pump action gun or bolt action where you have to physically put a round in the chamber) then they are semi-automatic. A 9mm pistol such as this:


is a semi-auto. You have to pull the trigger for each shot but the gun automatically chambers the next round. I am sure if this is incorrect I will be corrected.

You lefties crack me you know the world record fast fire is held by a guy shooting a revolver and not an semi-automatic?

Well...I think I'm ahead in this debate because each post calls me a name..jackass..idiot...whatever. My brother guns range from a 22 Winchester that was his great grandfathers to some hunting rifles he uses. Nary a semiautomatic in the collection...and he only has ONE gun that is not under lock and key. But he's never had to use it.

My brother has no problem with my view because I don't propose taking any of the guns he owns, and he doesn't have any guns that hold more than 7 shots. In fact, his pistol is a regular old 6 shooter. So no....he has not problem at all with my view on guns. He hunted deer and if you didn't get the deer on the first shot, you ususally didn't need even 7 no, his guns don't hold over 7.

I'm sorry you didn't talk to your grandparents. I enjoyed the stories that my grandad told me. And none of those stories involved shooting intruders.

As for me...I depend on my dogs. I don't deal drugs, so people aren't after me for that...and a dog barking seems to work well for me. I don't depend on anybody else, but I also have common sense....if I hear a gunshot in my suburban neighborhood, I'm calling the cops....wouldn't you? Most of my neighbors would. It's not an everyday occurance here. Now if that's "depending on someone else", well...I guess I am dependent on others. And I guess I'm damn glad I live somewhere where gunshots in the night would warrant a call to the police and not be chalked up as "just another night".
So you keep score in a debate? I hate to be rude but I just can’t keep from laughing at your nonsense.

You admit you don’t know anything about guns or gun laws in one comment then proceed to tell us about guns and gun laws.

You admit you’ve never been in a situation where you’ve needed a gun to protect your family in one comment then proceed to tell us what we need to protect our family in the next.

You admit that you have never been hunting with a gun in one comment then proceed to tell us that a single shot is all that is required to take down a deer in another.

You brag about living in a peaceful neighborhood in one comment then proceed to tell us that your barking dog alarm system is working out well for you.

You tell us that your brother has a collection of guns, only one of which “is a regular 6 shooter” then proceed to tell us that it is not a semi-automatic just to remind us you don’t know what a semi-automatic is!

You admit you don’t want to take your brother’s semi-automatic weapon away from him then proceed to tell us that we need to have our semi-automatic weapons taken away from us.

Did your brother go through a background check for each of his gun purchases or did he just convince them that his family has never had to us a gun to protect themselves in 121 years? Or, did he buy them from a stranger on a street corner in your area of paradise?

I have to give your brother credit; he keeps a gun readily available in his home should the need arise to protect his family. Just because he has never had to use it doesn’t mean he wouldn’t if need be. There’s no other explanation twhy he would keep one readily available.

Now you’re telling me that I’ve never talked to my grandparents? Let me add arrogant to my list of jackass and idiot.

My family history, on both sides has been traced back 70 years further than yours. I don’t pretend to know everything about their day to day life experiences, how does that equate to me not talking to my grandparents?

I live about a mile away from the gun club I’m a member of. I hear gunshots often, especially during the weekend. Since you know everything, is there a special kind of sound a gun makes when being used by someone who is defending themselves from one being fired at a target? Was that a car backfiring or was it a gunshot? I guess you’re the only one who knows the difference huh?
I do not own a gun so my understanding may be a bit off but as I understand it if any of your brothers guns automatically cycle the next round into the chamber (no pump action gun or bolt action where you have to physically put a round in the chamber) then they are semi-automatic. A 9mm pistol such as this:


is a semi-auto. You have to pull the trigger for each shot but the gun automatically chambers the next round. I am sure if this is incorrect I will be corrected.

So, would this gun not offend you ?
You admit you don’t know anything about guns or gun laws in one comment then proceed to tell us about guns and gun laws. Not really...just don't see where bans on certain types of guns or the number of rounds in a clip is going to allow the government to take over our lives.

You admit you’ve never been in a situation where you’ve needed a gun to protect your family in one comment then proceed to tell us what we need to protect our family in the next. Did I? I just said I have a dog.

You admit that you have never been hunting with a gun in one comment then proceed to tell us that a single shot is all that is required to take down a deer in another. Brother was a hunter. You might need a second shot to finish it off, but if you miss on that first shot, odds are you aren't going to get a second, as deer are a little harder to hit when they are on the run...unless of course you deer hunt with a sub machine gun.

You brag about living in a peaceful neighborhood in one comment then proceed to tell us that your barking dog alarm system is working out well for you. That's right. Dogs bark when something is a bit strange. And it has worked well.

You tell us that your brother has a collection of guns, only one of which “is a regular 6 shooter” then proceed to tell us that it is not a semi-automatic just to remind us you don’t know what a semi-automatic is! Quite frankly, I'm don't give a #### about the nomenclature...just that his gun holds LESS than 7 rounds...the number that means instant death for our families if the government limits magazines to this number

You admit you don’t want to take your brother’s semi-automatic weapon away from him then proceed to tell us that we need to have our semi-automatic weapons taken away from us. Sorry, I meant assault rifle.

Did your brother go through a background check for each of his gun purchases or did he just convince them that his family has never had to us a gun to protect themselves in 121 years? Or, did he buy them from a stranger on a street corner in your area of paradise?You'll have to ask my brother what he went thru when he purchased his guns. I do know that he never purchased one at a gun show.

I have to give your brother credit; he keeps a gun readily available in his home should the need arise to protect his family. Just because he has never had to use it doesn’t mean he wouldn’t if need be. There’s no other explanation twhy he would keep one readily available. True enough. But he's never had to. Never even had to display it. Of course, he might have a gun readily available since he doesn't own a dog.

Now you’re telling me that I’ve never talked to my grandparents? Let me add arrogant to my list of jackass and idiot. YOu seem to call my grandfather a liar because he never had to use a gun to protect himself.

My family history, on both sides has been traced back 70 years further than yours. I don’t pretend to know everything about their day to day life experiences, how does that equate to me not talking to my grandparents? HOw many stories did your grandpappy tell you about shooting it out with a burglar? I realize that we might not talk to them about what Tuesdays were like at work, but it seems a story where you had to whip out the old Remington to protect the homestead would be passed down. Oh...and my family history goes way back to...I just limited it to the ones I actually was able to talk grandad being the oldest. Never got to meet his dad.

I live about a mile away from the gun club I’m a member of. I hear gunshots often, especially during the weekend. Since you know everything, is there a special kind of sound a gun makes when being used by someone who is defending themselves from one being fired at a target? Was that a car backfiring or was it a gunshot? I guess you’re the only one who knows the difference huh? Well...there aren't any gun clubs in Prairie Village Kansas. So when we hear gunshots, something ain't right. And cars backfiring aren't that common around here either. A Harley might Backfire from time to time, buy those are usually accompanied by the thump thump thump that alerts the neighborhood that the owner just got his viagra prescription filled. I guess the general rule of thumb in my little leave it to Beaver corner of the world is if it sounds out of place - we'd rather be safe than sorry.
So, would this gun not offend you ?

I do not recalling offering an opinion on what would or would not 'offend' me. Perhaps you could point that out when you get a chance.

I was merely pointing out the difference between a semi and a non-semi gun.

If you recall, I have been the one who has said bans will not work and that we need regulations regarding the sale and titling of guns.
Seems some of the belle femme persuasion get it as well. Farcebook/Armed Mommy's Rants: "I don't need 30 rounds to hunt. The purpose of 30 rounds is to ensure your power-hungry, liberty-trampling azzez stay in line." ;)