Another School Massacre

I live in what's referred to as the real world. Criminals will always have access to weapons, as they still do in all those nations that have disarmed their decent citizens.

No idea where you live but it sure is not reality.

You absolutely no basis to say that criminals will always have access to guns. To have a basis for that, at some.point all weapons would have had ro be banned and no guns would be in public hands. If at that point criminals had gained access to run then hour supposition would have merit. The laws in the US have so many loop holes that they are useless.

Secondly there are numerous examples of countries that have extensive gun control laws and substantially lower homicide rates. I think it is a she assumption that criminals do not have easy access to guns the way they do here in the US.

There are ways to limit access to gun with infringing on anyone right to own them. You refuse to even examine any thing that does not fit in your knee jerk POV. To say that 'they will always have access' is a copout.,0,3450368.story
I'm just hung up on one minor issue. From a reading comprehension standpoint what does a shooting in California have to do with "another school massacre"?

You are dealing with a stock-clerk who runs around these boards with her "expertise"
Take that into consideration.
Do you think BaRack and Biden would mind if I used one of these for home defense, because of it's low capacity for ammo ?

Hey KC, I'd be more than happy to buy a yard sign for your house, that say's "Gun Free Zone" !

Hey KC, I'd be more than happy to buy a yard sign for your house, that say's "Gun Free Zone" !

Go ahead. It's not dog free though, and it's a funny's been proven that thugs will bypass a house with a barking dog...even if the barking dog is a toy poodle.

And while my dogs are labradors, the younger one has a neat little habit...they look out the front window all day and if someone is in the front of the house, not only does her bark sound ferocious, but the hair on her neck has this neat habit of raising up. Nice as she is, I do have to say, she looks pretty badass when she does that

Tried watching your video, but I can't handle the fact that right wingers apparently do not trust even their reading skills to narrate their right wing drivel and rely instead on the computer generated voice.