Another School Massacre

Well Ms Tree....that video I posted was of a semiautomatic that was legally purchased and a "bump stock" that was also legally purchased. Technically, there was only one shot per trigger pulll....but physics being our friend, bump stocks or bump firing uses the recoil action of the gun to turn it into an automatic. YOu actually don't even need the bump stock mod...just loop a finger thru your belt loop and away you go.

OK. Sounds like a full auto to me. I doubt the law see's it this way but then again, the law always has holes.
So I just saw in the news that this Mr. Dorner had something in the vicinity of 30 registered guns.... Hmmmmm.... Ohhh well, the constitution guarantees US guns, doesn't it?


I think they should have given those killed cops guns to protect themselves from the bad guy....
I had an interesting chat with a coworker after seeing a cnn report about three people being shot in a courthouse in delaware.

I dont know the fellow but he mumbled that this is the price we pay for freedom. He said it more to himself than for my sake.

I asked what he meant and he said where is from, people dont own guns, there is no gun violence but there is less freedom. I asked where he was from and he said China. Is violence a fair trade for freedom ?I asked. He said, without hesitation, yes!

He added that he does not like the needless violence and I had to agree with that.

I told him it wasnt always this way. Kids used to go to high shool with rifles in their trucks so they could hunt after class. Nobody batted an eye then. He asked what changed and I told him i was not sure. People changed. Economys and technologies changed. Millions of things changed but i wasnt sure which triggered the violence.
He cold have chosen any country in Europe, Canada, Japan or several other Asian countries, Australia, New Zealand and who knows how many other countries and have all the freedom he wants with out the 9,000 homicides each year.

Lack of fire arms does not equate lack of freedom. Given his experience in China I can see how he might think that though.
Dogs are licensed by the government.

Whew! That's a truly good thing, since that makes them completely safe! http://www.dogsbite....lities-2012.php

For me?....Well...I'm completely disgusted with all this horrific "dog violence" and say we need more restrictive laws to register and regulate all of those "assault" animals! Any honest "liberal" shouldn't have the slightest problem with having the government force them to get rid of Old Yeller, or any other potentially dangerous dog they have, or otherwise be made a criminal.....right? After all...that IS the "logic" we're seeing here.

KCFlyer; you don't mind giving your dogs you? It's all in the interest of public safety, and it's not like you should have any personal Rights that really matter in this country anymore, anyway....?
Lack of fire arms does not equate lack of freedom. Given his experience in China I can see how he might think that though.

Was that little missive truly typed while keeping even the smallest semblance of a straight face? :) Thanks for a hearty laugh.

"Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." Chairman Mao Zedong

"The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall ......" --Adolf Hitler

“If the opposition disarms, well and good. If it refuses to disarm, we shall disarm it ourselves.” - Joseph Stalin.

"Firearms stand next in importance to the constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence … from the hour the Pilgrims landed to the present day, events, occurences and tendencies prove that to ensure peace security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable … the very atmosphere of firearms anywhere restrains evil interference — they deserve a place of honor with all that's good."
George Washington
First President of the United States

"I ask, Sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people. To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them."
George Mason
Co-author of the Second Amendment

"And that the said Constitution be never construed to authorize Congress to infringe the just liberty of the Press, or the rights of Conscience; or to prevent the people of the United States, who are peaceable citizens, from keeping their own arms; …"
Samuel Adams

Let the cross-threaded and typically insane, "liberal" tap dancing commence! ;) "Lack of fire arms does not equate lack of freedom." Is a good fantasy to start with. :) Nevermind that the most notorious, mass murdering dictators in history vehemently (and very practically) disagreed with that BS.
For me?....Well...I'm completely disgusted with all this horrific "dog violence" and say we need more restrictive laws to register and regulate all of those "assault" animals!

When you look at the world through a telescopic scope it limits the range of vision.
When you look at the world through a telescopic scope it limits the range of vision.

How sublimely "profound". Viewing all of existence from the confines of one's own arse doesn't much serve to enhance overall awareness either. Perhaps you should try using a heads-up display with a reticle instead. ;)
Funny, so does the GOP when it comes to rolling back environmental protection, workplace safety and child labor laws.

Funny, I can't find any examples of what you links?

Funny you mention workplace safety and child labor or your family got one of those sweatshop made electronic devices?
Or buy goods made in the environmental graveyard China?

You feed the dragon or stand on principle?
Was that little missive truly typed while keeping even the smallest semblance of a straight face?

And yet the country with the most ineffective gun control laws enjoys the highest murder rate in the world of any country not involved in any type of civil or international war while the countries I mentioned enjoy some of the lowest murder rates in the world and are still as free as anyone.

And as usual you only come here to cry and have yet to provide any ideas on how to reduce the murder rate in the US. Of course, dealing with the situation in extreme absolutes does make your argument better. Never mind that there are reasonable response in the middle ground. So long as you make it out that 'they are coming to take all my guns' and 'car deaths are the same as gun deaths' and 'if you take my guns away the union will crumble' then nothing will get done and more people will die every year.

Never mind the fact that a sniper got killed on a gun range and all the guns did not do him a bit of good. Never mind that 2 LEO's got killed by another LEO's and their guns did not do them any good. Never mind that Russia took 5 years to defeat Germany and lost 25-50 million people fighting the German army and you want to fight the most advanced US military force in history? Never mind that the former VP of the US with all the SS around managed to shoot his hunting buddy (and not get prosecuted for it). Never mind.
And yet the country with the most ineffective gun control laws enjoys the highest murder rate in the world of any country not involved in any type of civil or international war while the countries I mentioned enjoy some of the lowest murder rates in the world and are still as free as anyone.

And as usual you only come here to cry and have yet to provide any ideas on how to reduce the murder rate in the US. Of course, dealing with the situation in extreme absolutes does make your argument better. Never mind that there are reasonable response in the middle ground. So long as you make it out that 'they are coming to take all my guns' and 'car deaths are the same as gun deaths' and 'if you take my guns away the union will crumble' then nothing will get done and more people will die every year.

Never mind the fact that a sniper got killed on a gun range and all the guns did not do him a bit of good. Never mind that 2 LEO's got killed by another LEO's and their guns did not do them any good. Never mind that Russia took 5 years to defeat Germany and lost 25-50 million people fighting the German army and you want to fight the most advanced US military force in history? Never mind that the former VP of the US with all the SS around managed to shoot his hunting buddy (and not get prosecuted for it). Never mind.

As a self proclaimed recovering Jew, your words and views send a chilling spasm up my spine.
.....and are still as free as anyone.

Never mind that Russia took 5 years to defeat Germany and lost 25-50 million people fighting the German army and you want to fight the most advanced US military force in history? Never mind that the former VP of the US with all the SS around managed to shoot his hunting buddy (and not get prosecuted for it). Never mind.

".....and are still as free as anyone. "...? = That's wholesale BS that you've not the slightest material to back up in any debate. Name so much as ONE country that enjoys the same level of individal Rights as the USA? Hint: If you begin by noting those who's governments have disarmed them,...well...the point's already made, even if you're willfully oblivious to it.

"....and you want to fight the most advanced US military force in history?" What a complete jackazz! You've not the slightest idea of what you're babbling on about. I was part of said force for many years, and have no, that's ZERO expection, or even slight belief that those now serving would accept widespread orders to kill their fellow American citizens. Given sufficient time however, that may change, depending on how successfully the socially and morally bankrupt programming, that laughably now passes for public "education", turns developing young minds and spirits into "politically correct" mush.

For your observations on murders? = Grow up. People will always find ways to kill each other, and that can't be addressed by fretting over the tools alone. Why is it that all "civilized" nations maintain massive military forces?

Myself and many contemporaries routinely attended high school with shotguns and/or rifles in the trunks of our cars for after school shooting or hunting...and yet, Gasp! There were NO school shootings or concerns about such, or even thoughts about such. We even had a competitive shooting team! A friend of mine that later went on to fulfill his dream of commanding a tank brigade had a Schmeisser that was taken from the front by his father as a trophy. I first fired a Browning .30 machine gun (Blanks) during an Armed Forces Day celebration on the USN base we then lived on at the age of 7,...and I've yet to go on any mass murdering sprees targeting American civilians...go figure!

I've no fantasies of magically changing human nature by way of nonsensical, "feel good" legislation. I wish to be able to personally thwart individuals that might seek to harm those I care for and believe all decent Americans should be able to do the same....An amazingly simple concept really.