Another School Massacre

The NFA was passed in 1934 not 2008. Try keeping with the argument at hand and not moving the target around to dodge the fire.

Since you did not I cannot make anything more than a guess.

Perhaps the idea of an "accident" eludes you. Was Newtown, Arora, Columbine accidents? How many of the 9,000 or so murders last year were accidents? dodge the fire.

Umm..."to dodge the fire."? I thought that was the job of those who refuse to protect themselves and instead, hope/wish/whatever that others will do that for you! ;)

Ms Tree: "The .50 was merely one of the first weapons that came to mind." based on your vast personal experience and "knowledge"...we should enact laws based on wahtever just comes to mind at some moment's notice? Wow!

Ms Tree: " Perhaps you would be happier if I mentioned a M-2 carbine, Thompson submachine gun, M-14 or maybe a .55 tank rifle?" Sure. Explain what's so awful about the M-2? I'd not earlier noted another family piece from WWII, an M1, so I'm all ears here...?

Here's some pics of a true "gun nut's" collection who murdered no one.

No matter. Tomorrow awaits and it's time to exit. I'll just leave you with this "Rosie": http://www.thetrutha...uld-be-the-nra/
Wow. Im done. If you wish to continually misrepresent my comments you may do so at your leisure. I see no point to continue this conversation.

All you wish to to is misrepresent what I and others have said. You have not offered a single constructive idea to help reduce the number of homicides in this country. You offer strawman and false equivalent arguments. You are belligerent and rude from the get go.

Im done.
You have not offered a single constructive idea to help reduce the number of homicides in this country.

I've not the slightest, infantile fantasies about magically and instantly evolving our species into one that's both universally sane and peaceful, nor could anything above a sea sponge imagine any possible level of government control that would do so, or even prevent those with murderous intent from illegally obtaining guns. Grow up.

"Radical" idea number one = If I should encounter anyone trying to murder any within my little bit of the world; I'll shoot the former. That seems entirely reasonable to me. And your personal plan of "action" is....what...?...Check the registration papers on the assailant's gun(s)?...Say a quick prayer to Obama and Biden?.....Or just call 911 and scream?
In an instant of civil unrest with bands of marauding criminals coming down your street, and police already tasked to their extreme, how will you defend you wife ?
That's why I own dogs. First it was one guy with an illegal larger capacity magazine...then it was 3 punks with...then 5 (granny took care of them), then it's bands of marauding criminals.

And East....a "semiauto" rifle is missing the switch to make it fully auto assaut rifle. HOwever one can legally purchase a "bump stock", which in effect turns it into a fully auto. And yes, it's possible to bump fire a pistol, although one does run the risk of blowing their hand off by trying it. And the bottom line is - in the video...despite the terminology you care to use and my ignorance of being able to identify the make, model and caliber of a pistol from a 1 second flash from a security video...5 thugs with old lady....2 shots. She didn't use an AR15, so if they were banned, it wouldn't have made a difference. She only fired two shots, so a limit of a 7 shot magazine wouldn't have made a bit of diffrence. So now we intrtoduce "maurauding criminals". What's next....we're having dinner and teh Mexican Army comes rolling down the street??
That's why I own dogs. First it was one guy with an illegal larger capacity magazine...then it was 3 punks with...then 5 (granny took care of them), then it's bands of marauding criminals.

And East....a "semiauto" rifle is missing the switch to make it fully auto assaut rifle. HOwever one can legally purchase a "bump stock", which in effect turns it into a fully auto. And yes, it's possible to bump fire a pistol, although one does run the risk of blowing their hand off by trying it. And the bottom line is - in the video...despite the terminology you care to use and my ignorance of being able to identify the make, model and caliber of a pistol from a 1 second flash from a security video...5 thugs with old lady....2 shots. She didn't use an AR15, so if they were banned, it wouldn't have made a difference. She only fired two shots, so a limit of a 7 shot magazine wouldn't have made a bit of diffrence. So now we intrtoduce "maurauding criminals". What's next....we're having dinner and teh Mexican Army comes rolling down the street??

I must say, every mass murderer I seen was sporting a bump stock.
I've not the slightest, infantile fantasies about magically and instantly evolving our species into one that's both universally sane and peaceful, nor could anything above a sea sponge imagine any possible level of government control that would do so, or even prevent those with murderous intent from illegally obtaining guns. Grow up.

"Radical" idea number one = If I should encounter anyone trying to murder any within my little bit of the world; I'll shoot the former. That seems entirely reasonable to me. And your personal plan of "action" is....what...?...Check the registration papers on the assailant's gun(s)?...Say a quick prayer to Obama and Biden?.....Or just call 911 and scream?

And this is yet another idea of your straw man. I never even hinted at changing man kind. The only thing I was discussing was making guns less accessible to the people who should not have access t them.

Yet, this sea sponge looks around at the rest of the world and sees countries who's murder rate is far less than half that of the US. It would seem by your logic that either Americans are not capable of civility which people of other nations are because according to you it obviously is not their tighter gun regulations or some how the people of the rest of the world are just far less violent than those of the the US.

By the way, the NFA would seem to prove your theory wrong to a degree. NFA weapons according to the last article I read are only used in less than 2% of the violent crimes in the US. While correlation is not causation it is peculiar that these weapons are also heavily regulated while semi-auto and revolver type weapons are not very regulated at all in soome states and only limited regulations in others.

Typical American mentality. React to a situation and don't even

I cannot believe I am continuing this nonsense.
The "adrenaline effect" on this old lady made her fire 2 shots. Perhaps she could teach adrenaline driven macho men how to keep a cool head instead of firing aimlessly with a 30 shot cartridge and shooting customers as well as hoodlums. Whaddaya think??
65.4 Million Guns Bought Since Obama Took Office, 91% More Than Bush's First-Term Total
65.4 Million Guns Bought Since Obama Took Office, 91% More Than Bush's First-Term Total

That's because right wing second amendment nuts go crazy whenever they even THINK that a restriction will be put on a gun. My daughters boyfriends parents were planning on buying a gun...then Sandy Hook happened. They aren't the far right "Oh my God that liberal bastard is going to take our guns" types. Instead they decided to let the panic buying (and corresponding price increases) pass - then they'll buy their gun.
That's why I own dogs.

Gasp! Are you out of your mind?...Or perhaps even a "dog nut"? Have you NO idea of how many innocent victims were bitten by dogs, just last year alone? I certainly hope they're not "assault" dogs, and are properly registered with the government...just in case they ever feel the need to take them from you. It goes without saying that you keep them safely locked away in a proper safe with muzzles firmly set around their mouths....? :) Should the local or larger government pass any law that makes you a "criminal" for owning savage beasts like that; may we confidently assume you'll give them up instantly, in the interest of public safety of course?

Btw: A semi automatic weapon isn't missing a "switch" that would turn it fully auto. I suggest we drop any pretense that you've the slightest clue about firearms...and even mechanical or electrical mechanisms of any kind, it would appear.
That's because right wing second amendment nuts go crazy whenever they even THINK that a restriction will be put on a gun. My daughters boyfriends parents were planning on buying a gun...then Sandy Hook happened. They aren't the far right "Oh my God that liberal bastard is going to take our guns" types. Instead they decided to let the panic buying (and corresponding price increases) pass - then they'll buy their gun.

Probably the only thing keeping the economy afloat Pal.
That's because right wing second amendment nuts go crazy whenever they even THINK that a restriction will be put on a gun. My daughters boyfriends parents were planning on buying a gun...then Sandy Hook happened. They aren't the far right "Oh my God that liberal bastard is going to take our guns" types. Instead they decided to let the panic buying (and corresponding price increases) pass - then they'll buy their gun.

Dude, you continue to crack me up. I respect your position and all but can't you keep from bouncing off the ceiling?

Do to recent shortages of firearms, some have been left to seek other forms of protection much like when Barrack Hussein Obama confiscates our guns. Resourcefulness has its moments.
That's because right wing second amendment nuts go crazy whenever they even THINK that a restriction will be put on a gun. My daughters boyfriends parents were planning on buying a gun...then Sandy Hook happened. They aren't the far right "Oh my God that liberal bastard is going to take our guns" types. Instead they decided to let the panic buying (and corresponding price increases) pass - then they'll buy their gun.

I would not be surprised if the gun manufactures do not have a hand in this. Every time there is mention of restrictions, the NRA and other gun advocates stir the pot and the prices of guns and ammo sky rocket. I know the gun stores are raking it in and the gun manufactures get to increase production to satisfy the demand.

Never mind the fact that the House is controlled by the republicans no legislation would pass till 2014 mid ters at the earliest. On another forum I belong to the gun advocates are all coomplaining about all the idiots who are buying everything that is not nailed down out of some ignorant fear and as a result, driving the prices up on weapons in general and making other shooting supplies hard to get. If the idiots want to part with good money and make the dealers and manufactures rich, far be it from me to deprive them of the pleasure.
That's because right wing second amendment nuts go crazy whenever they even THINK that a restriction will be put on a gun. My daughters boyfriends parents were planning on buying a gun...then Sandy Hook happened. They aren't the far right "Oh my God that liberal bastard is going to take our guns" types. Instead they decided to let the panic buying (and corresponding price increases) pass - then they'll buy their gun.
