RDU Jetblast
The 2nd Amendment exists to enable the citizenry to defend itself against a tyrannical government.
Gather up everyone in your neighborhood, and all the guns. How long do you last against Seal Team 6... Or the local National Guard infantry unit?
Things changed.
I'm not advocating vacating the 2nd, but some restrictions, background checks, waiting periods, limits on gun show and mail order sales--coupled with enforced personal responsibility as ms Tree suggests, and some no bs dealing with mental health issues, may actually be the only thing that can ultimately preserve the people's right, in this case.
A society that routinely accepts TSA, the "Patriot" Act, etc., will not accept these events, or the wide open wild west gun rights philosophy, forever.
Those who value the 2nd had ought to get out in front of realistic, responsible solutions, and soon
Dont worry about it. Our govt has so many enemies, they would arm us.