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Another School Massacre

The 2nd Amendment exists to enable the citizenry to defend itself against a tyrannical government.

Gather up everyone in your neighborhood, and all the guns. How long do you last against Seal Team 6... Or the local National Guard infantry unit?

Things changed.

I'm not advocating vacating the 2nd, but some restrictions, background checks, waiting periods, limits on gun show and mail order sales--coupled with enforced personal responsibility as ms Tree suggests, and some no bs dealing with mental health issues, may actually be the only thing that can ultimately preserve the people's right, in this case.

A society that routinely accepts TSA, the "Patriot" Act, etc., will not accept these events, or the wide open wild west gun rights philosophy, forever.

Those who value the 2nd had ought to get out in front of realistic, responsible solutions, and soon

Dont worry about it. Our govt has so many enemies, they would arm us.
See all the lib's tip toeing away from this thread......Can't be too PC.

"For the children"

Unhappily life goes on.

No tiptoeing, showing respect for the victims.

Too many guns and too many nuts, in this country. It is a deadly mix.
I suppose this California guy just wanted to remind the world that he is just exercising his constitutional right to own a gun....
He really wasn't shooting at anyone....


I'm sure ya gun-lovers would have felt comfortable in this situation and just went on with your normal business at the mall. Nothing really to freak out about. Just someone owning a gun, and letting you know...

There are more ways to commit a homicide, other than using a gun and if someone is intent on comitting the act, knives, ropes, bombs are good substitutions or maybe we should outlaw those too !

As Sparrow refered to , in the above post, the Media is just as much to blame, as they sensationalize act's like these and not that this event is not tragic but, 24/7 coverage is well past the limit of good intentions !

Agree with the media statement but it is ugly and it is a result of the cumulation of our socities decisions. We should have it in our faces.

Even though other murderous devices could have been built, we alow it to be done efficiently. One weapon was used. Each victim shot multiple times. 26 victims. Took minutes.
Did any of the abortion doctors force their way into a womans house and perform that abortion? I guess what I should take from your comment that the death of these 20 already born children is okay because we allow abortions.

Using that logic, did any unborn children take themselves to the clinic or doctor to have their lives ended?

Responsible gun owners can and do prevent mass shootings from occurring and escalating.

A 1997 high school shooting in Pearl, Miss., was halted by the school's vice principal after he retrieved the Colt .45 he kept in his truck.
A 1998 middle school shooting ended when a man living next door heard gunfire and apprehended the shooter with his shotgun.
A 2002 terrorist attack at an Israeli school was quickly stopped by an armed teacher and a school guard.
A 2002 law school shooting in Grundy, Va., came to an abrupt conclusion when students carrying firearms confronted the shooter.
A 2007 mall shooting in Ogden, Utah, ended when an armed off-duty police officer intervened.
A 2009 workplace shooting in Houston, Texas, was halted by two coworkers who carried concealed handguns.
A 2012 church shooting in Aurora, Colo., was stopped by a member of the congregation carrying a gun.
At the recent mall shooting in Portland, Ore., the gunman took his own life minutes after being confronted by a shopper carrying a concealed weapon.

There are more ways to commit a homicide, other than using a gun and if someone is intent on comitting the act, knives, ropes, bombs are good substitutions or maybe we should outlaw those too !

As Sparrow refered to , in the above post, the Media is just as much to blame, as they sensationalize act's like these and not that this event is not tragic but, 24/7 coverage is well past the limit of good intentions !

Yep, there are more ways but which is the most popular? Whne was the last time 26 people were murdered by knife? By car? By bomb? (17 years ago). Criminals use the best and easiest meatod available and right now guns are it. There is no effort involved in buying a gun and killing people. Building a bomb takes muchj more work, knowledge and effort. Much more difficult. Ans so what, because there are other meathoods we should not go after the most popular and deadly method of killing people? Tell that to the families of the roughly 9,000 people murded by guns every year and let me know what the response is.

So we cannot blame the guns for the murder but we can blame the media? Can't fight logic like that.
Responsible gun owners can and do prevent mass shootings from occurring and escalating.

A 1997 high school shooting in Pearl, Miss., was halted by the school's vice principal after he retrieved the Colt .45 he kept in his truck.
A 1998 middle school shooting ended when a man living next door heard gunfire and apprehended the shooter with his shotgun.
A 2002 terrorist attack at an Israeli school was quickly stopped by an armed teacher and a school guard.
A 2002 law school shooting in Grundy, Va., came to an abrupt conclusion when students carrying firearms confronted the shooter.
A 2007 mall shooting in Ogden, Utah, ended when an armed off-duty police officer intervened.
A 2009 workplace shooting in Houston, Texas, was halted by two coworkers who carried concealed handguns.
A 2012 church shooting in Aurora, Colo., was stopped by a member of the congregation carrying a gun.
At the recent mall shooting in Portland, Ore., the gunman took his own life minutes after being confronted by a shopper carrying a concealed weapon.

And there are roughtly 9,000 murders that were not stopped. Big whoop. Think how many more murders could be prevented with tigher regulations on the purchase and storage of weapons.
Using that logic, did any unborn children take themselves to the clinic or doctor to have their lives ended?

I must have missed how this plays a role in a school shooting. Are you saying that the shootings aren't all that bad because we abort babies?
Yep, there are more ways but which is the most popular? Whne was the last time 26 people were murdered by knife? By car? By bomb? (17 years ago). Criminals use the best and easiest meatod available and right now guns are it. There is no effort involved in buying a gun and killing people. Building a bomb takes muchj more work, knowledge and effort. Much more difficult. Ans so what, because there are other meathoods we should not go after the most popular and deadly method of killing people? Tell that to the families of the roughly 9,000 people murded by guns every year and let me know what the response is.

So we cannot blame the guns for the murder but we can blame the media? Can't fight logic like that.
Yep, there are more ways but which is the most popular? Whne was the last time 26 people were murdered by knife? By car? By bomb? (17 years ago). Criminals use the best and easiest meatod available and right now guns are it. There is no effort involved in buying a gun and killing people. Building a bomb takes muchj more work, knowledge and effort. Much more difficult. Ans so what, because there are other meathoods we should not go after the most popular and deadly method of killing people? Tell that to the families of the roughly 9,000 people murded by guns every year and let me know what the response is.

So we cannot blame the guns for the murder but we can blame the media? Can't fight logic like that.

OKC bombing comes to mind off the top of my head, but there it was what? 166 dead.

As I ponder and process this whole disaster it has occurred to me that if the government went so far as to confiscate every gun in the United States those in CT would be no less dead. However, 280 MILLION would be less safe and less free.

While 10,000 gun deaths is 10,000 to many when compared to the alternative of a totalitarian regime of tyrants controlling our evey move ala the Soviet Union then I think the mayhem caused by gun violence is perhaps a cot of freedom. Especially since we know historically that when Prohibition ended violent crime went down 40% almost overnight. That same decrease would occur if we ended the war on drugs.

As we all mourn and react to the events of Friday we need to remind ourselves that the person whose hand is on the trigger is responsible, NOT society. A society with maximum liberty inherently carries maximum risk.
But the other 1,196,263 murders by abortion just this year are ok?

Great point. The ultimate innocents.

Gun homicides came in around 10,000 last year. Automobile wrecks killed just about double. Alcohol related fatalities were almost equal to gun deaths.

And of those 10,000 homicides, it's estimated that between 60 and 70% are due to gang-on-gang violence and drug trafficking. Another 20-30% are premeditated cases where the shooter knew the victim.

There are more ways to commit a homicide, other than using a gun and if someone is intent on comitting the act, knives, ropes, bombs are good substitutions or maybe we should outlaw those too !

9/11 was committed with items you could by at Home Depot.

Oklahoma City was also committed with items that are perfectly legal in the quantities they were purchased.

The fact is that arson kills almost as many (if not more) people as firearms once you factor out the premeditated cases and those involving drugs & gangs...

Nope, it's not and conservatives are doing about as much to stop abortions in this country as they are doing to stop gun homicides in this country. A whole lot of nothing.

Thanks for proving my point. You do not have any suggestions about how to reduce gun violence and you have nothing to reduce unwanted pregnancies and the resulting abortions.

Take the guns away, there will be other ways to achieve their statements. Its not the guns..its irrational unstable people.

With the left supporting a platform of it feels good do it without any moral or social repercussions somebody has to hold them accountable for their utter indiscretions. If I remember correctly it took three voice no votes and an override by the convention chair to include God in the DNC platform. So go figure.....
Piece of ass, pregnant, toss it away, its only life.
Great point. The ultimate innocents.

And of those 10,000 homicides, it's estimated that between 60 and 70% are due to gang-on-gang violence and drug trafficking. Another 20-30% are premeditated cases where the shooter knew the victim.

9/11 was committed with items you could by at Home Depot.

Oklahoma City was also committed with items that are perfectly legal in the quantities they were purchased.

The fact is that arson kills almost as many (if not more) people as firearms once you factor out the premeditated cases and those involving drugs & gangs...

Funny how the party that claims to want to protect human life does nothing to protect it other than come up with the idea of "just say no to sex" yet the party they accuse of wanting kill babies is the party that wants sex ed in schools, family planning, prenatasl care, OTC birth control. SO who really wants to protect the babies and who is trying to contol womens lives?

So your solution to the gun violence is ??????? Guess I cannot expect more from the "just say no to .. " party.
Funny how the party that claims to want to protect human life does nothing to protect it other than come up with the idea of "just say no to sex" yet the party they accuse of wanting kill babies is the party that wants sex ed in schools, family planning, prenatasl care, OTC birth control. SO who really wants to protect the babies and who is trying to contol womens lives?

So your solution to the gun violence is ??????? Guess I cannot expect more from the "just say no to .. " party.

Maybe eliminate people would solve the problem.
BTW, I haven't heard any suggestions from you, only finger pointing.

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