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Another School Massacre

The true mourning that is going on is: "What a terrible tragedy, I'm glad though that it happened to them and not me and my family" and
"they better not start this gun control thing again"

Not true. Some feel more pain than you'll ever know but because of all these types of killings in schools, malls, theaters, etc., most of us have become desensitized as we become a violent out-of-control society. Have you noticed how the ante keeps rising? Now lets show respect and not argue for now.
He's not far off the mark. It is a mental health issue, a dysfunctional family issue that needs to be adressed. The kid could have tosed a pipe bomb through the window if guns werent avalable.

Mental health care is too expensive and involves taking freedoms away. Cant legislate families. Their wll always be single parent homes and latch key kids. Im tired of the gun control argument.

May as well argue for higher pay, one working parent and several siblings to look after each other.
but the reality is that weapons are available and their impact is far greater than many homemade weapons.

It doesn't change the mental health situation of alot of people... but if the country has a mental health problem, then you have to make sure that they can't get weapons.

We can't continue to say that we'll deal w/ the problem later once the pain of it all has worn off.

The President argued for action while people are hurting and it is precisely from the pain that those parents are experiencing that we must act.

It is a disgrace to the lives of those who gave their lives and to the families who will forever bear the marks of that horrific day NOT to act.

We owe it to the victims to work to solve the problem and not subject other families to the same thing.
Look, it is being reported that 60% of the country believes there should be some gun control. But the argument is a waste of time. All it takes is an amendment change. But there is no political will. Absolutely no leadership.

I dont care that citizens own guns, I just dont believe the need for semi automatics with the capacity to carry more than six bullets exists.

Gun enthusiasts would probably would benefit more from target practice and the six shooter. And so will the rest of us
See all the lib's tip toeing away from this thread......Can't be too PC.

"For the children"

Unhappily life goes on.
it's not just libs who want to sweep the problem under the rug and refuse to deal w/ the real problems the incident raised.

I'm with Alex.... regardless of whether the issue is gun control, mental health issues, or any other issue that faces business, society, or labor unions.

Alex Koppelman of The New Yorker criticized Carney (WH Press Secy) by describing his statement as cowardly. "This is the way that we deal with such incidents in the U.S. - we acknowledge them; we briefly are shocked by them; then we term it impolite to discuss their implications, and to argue about them. At some point, we will have to stop putting it off, stop pretending that doing so is the proper, respectful thing. It's not either. Its cowardice," Koppelman writes.
I don't care who owns what so long as the weapons are secure and cannot be sold to anyone with no paper trail. I want weapons to be secure when not in use. If a weapon is stolen you better file a police report and be able to prove that the gun was in a secure safe or taken off your body by force. People need to be held responsible for their guns. In the CT case that obviously would not work but had the weapons been secure perhaps it may not have happened. We will never know.

I love how the gun rights folks are only worried about their rights. I wonder when they will start worrying about the rights of the thousands of people who are murdered every year. We have the highest gun ownership in the western world, the weakest gun laws, the highest murder rate of any western nation. You guys always say no on every idea to help regulate the proliferation of weapons but you never ever come up with any ideas of your own to meet any one half way.

People are getting tired of reading abut this crap every day. Either you start come to the table with some viable ideas or we are going to do it the hard way. It's kind of like same sex marriage. You guys won't allow a civil union with the exact same rights and privileges to we are going to legalize same sex marriage.

Learn to play with others or .......
Okay dell...it's been over 24 hours, and I'll quit tiptoeing. I doubt our forefathers had pistols that held 15 rounds and could be fired with a simple jerk of a finger and reloaded by simply slipping a clip inside. I doubt our forefathers imagined a gun that could fire off 700 rounds per minute. Our forefathers apparently thought we needed a well regulated militia, but a "hand's off" private sector toting guns. 20 kids are dead and the right winger gun nuts are all up in arms worrying that there might be a SECOND background check when they buy a gun that is ordinarily used in a battle zone. That they might have to wait 5 days instead of 3 to "cool down".

Yep....our society loves violence...we'll rate a movie with 300 people slaughtered as PG, but if we show a man and a woman in bed, it's an instant PG13...show a woman's nipple and there is the R rating. We'll make video games where blowing away people is no different than Mario bouncing on a mushroom. But if one of those kids who viewed shooting a person as not much different that smashing a mushroom...we better not do ANYTHING to hinder them from getting that weapon...."to protect themselves".

We are so protective of a #### inanimate object that we don't seem to feel that the mom needed to keep those guns locked up so that her kid couldn't get to them. I mean...what if the boogey man showed up at her house. Banning guns may not be the issue, but neither is defending that right without demanding SOME reasonable rules prior to purchase.

The right's gut reacttion is 'if there was a gun onsite, they would have taken this guy out before anybody died". Last year at my kids high school, some idiot kid had a toy gun they were waving around. I guess his folks are thanking God that a secretary didn't have a REAL gun to take care of that "threat". And of course, we'd ALL support a tax increase to train a school secretary on just how to pull the trigger when pointing a gun at another human being. Because as easy as that fix sounds, very few of us are used to shooting another human being.
it's not just libs who want to sweep the problem under the rug and refuse to deal w/ the real problems the incident raised.

I'm with Alex.... regardless of whether the issue is gun control, mental health issues, or any other issue that faces business, society, or labor unions.

Alex Koppelman of The New Yorker criticized Carney (WH Press Secy) by describing his statement as cowardly. "This is the way that we deal with such incidents in the U.S. - we acknowledge them; we briefly are shocked by them; then we term it impolite to discuss their implications, and to argue about them. At some point, we will have to stop putting it off, stop pretending that doing so is the proper, respectful thing. It's not either. Its cowardice," Koppelman writes.

Dems sweep it under the rug because when it gets brought up the gun rights people freak out and go into orbit. Conservatives sweep it under the rug because they do not have a single suggestion on how to help fix the problem.

Let me know when the NRA actually comes up with a proposal that starts with something other than "N" and ends with something other than "O"
What did a single mother in a practically crime free town and a troubled son need with a semi automatic assualt rifle and two semi automatic handguns? She was too stupid to lock them away let alone "protect " herself.

The gun nuts and the rest of us too busy to be louder than them are telling the rest of the world to phuk the children. We dont care because we have rights and dont want to be bothered.

Dance around the topic all you want but we are saying we dont give a damn about the kids or people shopping in malls or watching a batman movie or campaigning at a shopping center or going to class in high scchool. Phuk 'em. We dont care.

That is what we are saying . All tears , except those shed by victims families and friends, are crocodile tears.

There is no room for PC.
Shots fired at Fashion Island; lockdown in effect

December 15, 2012 | 5:22 pm

Shots were fired Saturday afternoon at the busy Fashion Island shopping mall, and police have taken one man into custody.
Newport Beach police said officers are searching the mall but have not yet found anyone who'd been injured.
The shopping mall was on lockdown, and many shoppers posted messages of Facebook and Twitter saying they were locked inside stores.
The mall was crowded with holiday shoppers when the reports of shots were first posted.
Shoppers who weren't locked in stores said they were getting to their cars to leave the mall.
The first 911 call came to police at 4:35 p.m.
After the jump are some images aggregated from social media:

SO would you support the President in cutting an EO that circumvents the Constitution to effect a change regarding gun control?
People may not see what I see or even how I see it. Reagan killed my goals and dreams in the mental health profession. Instead of getting into a diatribe about out patient mental failures...

Cybil is running the show 😉

(n ot responding to above)
The 2nd Amendment exists to enable the citizenry to defend itself against a tyrannical government.

Gather up everyone in your neighborhood, and all the guns. How long do you last against Seal Team 6... Or the local National Guard infantry unit?

Things changed.

I'm not advocating vacating the 2nd, but some restrictions, background checks, waiting periods, limits on gun show and mail order sales--coupled with enforced personal responsibility as ms Tree suggests, and some no bs dealing with mental health issues, may actually be the only thing that can ultimately preserve the people's right, in this case.

A society that routinely accepts TSA, the "Patriot" Act, etc., will not accept these events, or the wide open wild west gun rights philosophy, forever.

Those who value the 2nd had ought to get out in front of realistic, responsible solutions, and soon