Another School Massacre

Yes East...every citizen should be ready....back then we had a draft, so every citizen DID have a duty. Today it's all volunteer, and some of the yahoos that want to own assault rifles wouldn't last a day in boot camp. Perhaps your are on to something though....,let's make service in the military MANDATORY....and let's say you can't buy "huntin' assault rifles" until AFTER that service.
Yet when Kerry, a man who served in Viet Nam and earned a Purple Heart the right saw fit to vilify his service.

So with straight face, who would you follow into battle, a man born with a silver spoon who flew jets over IN when he had time to show up or a man who actually served and fought and killed for his country?

Both are complete wimps. You have not the slightest idea what you're babbling about here. "earned a Purple Heart"...? That clown even wrote HIMSELF up for that Decoration, which, having long-ago done Awards and Decs Officer side duties in a squadron, I can't even IMAGINE ever personally doing for ANY medals! How low-life is that to do, really? Oh well. For your "hero" there?: A few Hearts and you got to leave the combat theater...and surprise, surprise!...He left in the shortest amount of time imaginably possible, LONG before his tour of Duty was scheduled to be over. BTW: What grand "wounds" can you even mention that he heroically sustained...?

"All this and You and your Swiftboat numb-nuts have the never to question his service?" Well...I've been in a combat theater, so I'll take my own counsel there, thank you very much. Even that fool's own fellows and subordinates thought him Yellow and useless and they were there. For ANYTHING at all disparaging to come from one's fellows from a battle zone speaks, no shouts volumes. You weren't with them nor was I, so I'll defer to them.

As for Bush JR? = Worthless and complete wimp...period. Any "man" who'd wear the uniform, yet intentionally stay 10,000 miles from combat's beneath contempt.

For obama? = He'd first have to be some semblance of a "man" to even be worth commenting further on his complete lack of Service. By comparison, both Kerry and Bush Jr were indeed true "heros". By "man" I don't mean anything the least bit "racial" but purely regarding his complete lack of any character.

"So with straight face, who would you follow into battle,..?" You're joking...right? ;) Sorry, but I can't keep a straight face while even briefly considering EVER doing so with any of those worthless hyenas. :) Honest impression here? = obama would run at the sound of so much as a car's backfire. How would it even be possible to "follow" him "into" rather than far AWAY from "battle"...?
....,let's make service in the military MANDATORY....and let's say you can't buy "huntin' assault rifles" until AFTER that service.

Works for me KC. How 'bout we do the same thing with the Right to Vote while we're at it? = EARN citizenship Rights, whatta' concept that'd be! ;)
John F. Kennedy: "By calling attention to 'a well regulated militia,' 'the security of the nation,' and the right of each citizen 'to keep and bear arms,' our founding fathers recognized the essentially civilian nature of our economy... The Second Amendment still remains an important declaration of our basic civilian-military relationships in which every citizen must be ready to participate in the defense of his country. For that reason I believe the Second Amendment will always be important." John F. Kennedy, Junior Senator of MA in a 1959 letter to E.B. Mann

""I am pleased to accept Life Membership in the National Rifle Association and extend to your organization every good wish for continued success."
-John F. Kennedy, March 20, 1961

Any other brilliant questions there?

PS...In case you missed it entirely: "...EVERY citizen must be ready to participate in the defense of his country. For that reason I believe the Second Amendment will always be important."

The NRA of the 60's is not the NRA of 2013.

Section. 2.

The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States;

Let me know where there is a regulated militia which the president can comand.

One opinion does not a conservative make.
The NRA of the 60's is not the NRA of 2013.

How would you even pretend to know that? My initlal NRA membership was from that era....Yours...? I also had tremedous respect for President Kennedy. At that period in history, we weren't all so childishly polarized and insanely bent outta' shap over who's "Party" anyone belonged to but more what they, as people, were actually about.

JFk was, to my mind, a liberal in the best sense of the word, and without possible doubt an American...period. Today's "liberals" are often little more than pathetic charicatures of half-azzed, wanna' be communists, that care nothing for their Nation, and seek nothing more than power over any others the least bit in disagreement with them. I've no use for contemporary "Republicans" either, since they've also, and long ago lost their way.

Should you really want to know the major difference between liberals like JFK and the utter scum currently in office/orrofice? OK, Try this one on: "Ask not what your country can do for you..." and...Gasp! Choke!...He even referenced Christian scripture in his inauguration! How "Politically Incorrect" would any of that be today? ;)

How 'bout this one? Can you honestly imagine obama or his pathetic, political ilk giving so much as a speech that'd motivate anyone to even get up off some couch? Care to ask anymore about the sad changes in "Democrats" over time? ;)

Both are complete wimps. You have not the slightest idea what you're babbling about here. "earned a Purple Heart"...? That clown even wrote HIMSELF up for that Decoration, which, having long-ago done Awards and Decs Officer side duties in a squadron, I can't even IMAGINE ever personally doing for ANY medals! How low-life is that to do, really? Oh well. For your "hero" there?: A few Hearts and you got to leave the combat theater...and surprise, surprise!...He left in the shortest amount of time imaginably possible, LONG before his tour of Duty was scheduled to be over. BTW: What grand "wounds" can you even mention that he heroically sustained...?

"All this and You and your Swiftboat numb-nuts have the never to question his service?" Well...I've been in a combat theater, so I'll take my own counsel there, thank you very much. Even that fool's own fellows and subordinates thought him Yellow and useless and they were there. For ANYTHING at all disparaging to come from one's fellows from a battle zone speaks, no shouts volumes. You weren't with them nor was I, so I'll defer to them.

As for Bush JR? = Worthless and complete wimp...period. Any "man" who'd wear the uniform, yet intentionally stay 10,000 miles from combat's beneath contempt.

For obama? = He'd first have to be some semblance of a "man" to even be worth commenting further on his complete lack of Service. By comparison, both Kerry and Bush Jr were indeed true "heros". By "man" I don't mean anything the least bit "racial" but purely regarding his complete lack of any character.

"So with straight face, who would you follow into battle,..?" You're joking...right? ;) Sorry, but I can't keep a straight face while even briefly considering EVER doing so with any of those worthless hyenas. :) Honest impression here? = obama would run at the sound of so much as a car's backfire. How would it even be possible to "follow" him "into" rather than far AWAY from "battle"...?

He got three hearts. I was looking around and did not see any requierment that there be a "grand wound" only that the wound be a result of enemy fire and that the wound required treatment by a medical officer.

Were there any fellow officers that spoke highly of Kerry? I am sure that none of the solders had any political reason for saying what they said huh?

Bottom line is that Kerry joined and volunteered to serve in Viet Nam. Bush did all he could not too and with dads help and coonnections he succeeded.

Seeing that the roll of a president extends far beyond that of the military I believe other attributes are far more important than military service. Someone with a degree in economics would be a nice start.
Thought we were talking about a congressional approved bill authorizing the sale of F16 to Egypt and not a law enforcement sting operation (that does not require congressional approval.

Here are your exact words:

Are you under some sort of delusion that Obama is able to authorize the sale of weapons without any authorization from any other governing body in the US? Do you not pay attention to anything anyone else says on this board?

And according to Presidential Directives, it looks like you are very wrong.
He got three hearts.

Were there any fellow officers that spoke highly of Kerry?

Seeing that the roll of a president extends far beyond that of the military I believe other attributes are far more important than military service.

1) So? How many of those do you suppose he wrote up for himself...? No idea, right? A Purple Heart has properly and always been directly associated with serious wounds and/or caskets....Period! You've no possible notions of how many actually decent and respectable warriors have received such "wounds" as Kerry did without ever seeing or even wanting that medal for such....much less being so utterly low-life as to ever write themselves up for such.

2) None that I know of. Do you?

3) "I believe other attributes are far more important than military service." Big surprise that you'd think so. What specific "attributes" did you have in mind? = "Oooh!..That guys' kinda' cute, trendy and just totally waay-cool!"?
Here are your exact words:

And according to Presidential Directives, it looks like you are very wrong.
Again, the reference was to a trade agreement between the US and Egypt that requires Congressional approval not a clandestine op done by the DEA.
Again, the reference was to a trade agreement between the US and Egypt that requires Congressional approval not a clandestine op done by the DEA.

Again the reference was the President of the United States approving covert aid to Libya and Syria on his own.
Again the reference was the President of the United States approving covert aid to Libya and Syria on his own.

No matter guys and gals..I've finally figured it out! All anyone need do to avoid this latest, obscene attempt to disembowel the Constitution of the United States of America, via the Second Amendment, is (you've gotta' just love the subtle nuance and utter brilliance of this plan!)..well...first; we set up a phony Mexican Drug Cartel, then all we need do is place a call to Holder, and voila!...Fast and Furious Two, the sequel! All the fully automatic assault rifles that we'll ever even possibly need in our wildest imaginings! ;)

Sigh!...It's so very reassuring to sleep peacefully, knowing that obama's "got our back" and everything this new messiah and our government's now intent on doing is all being done purely to keep dangerous weapons outta' the hands of any criminals, by issuing them diectly to drug cartels' gangsta' thugs...while naturally attacking the Rights of the law-abiding citizens only of course..but...Waitta' minute...I'm gettin' a might bit confused again here... ;)

Ms Tree? Help me out here, willya' ? I'm afraid I've strayed from the One True Path again! :)
So only a tragedy negate the use of people to promote an agenda?

Nice set of flexible standards you have there.
I'm saying you should not exploit and use children to pursue your personal agenda !
If Barrack wants to read a book to children, condoning better education, no problem!

Btw, I was right about Demorats preferring larger exit wounds over smaller ones !

Biden, "Buy a shotgun!"
