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Another School Massacre


This Alex guy is the perfect example of the insane gun advocates running around the USA. Is there a way to create a White House petition to have Alex Jones institutionalized?

Insane? Nay, maybe a conspiracy theorist, over the top is a possiblity, just passionate I would say against a foreigner who should return to his homeland if he is unhappy here. I did like how Sir Piers couldn't run his Libtard "bully pulpit" agenda.... and I really like how Sir Piers couldn't get a word in edgewise....awesome. Now, if Alex could do that to Chrisy Matthews, CNN would be worth watching...well not really.

Here is my take on the Bi-dumb/Nobammy unconstitutional "Change it to Amerika" end game....

I DO NEED 10 bullets, or MORE perhaps, to DEFEND myself, my FAMILY and my COMMUNITY from THUGS.
Whether they wear a UNIFORM or NOT.
I call upon ALL SWORN PERSONNEL, current and former, to STAND UP and REFUSE to carry out ANY ILLEGAL, UNCONSTITUTIONAL ORDERS from our "Progressive" would-be MASTERS.
No matter WHAT "Law" or "Executive Order" they issue...

I will not turn in my guns, any of them. I will not be treated as a criminal, because I am not. No matter what the Progressives say, owning firearms is a constitutional right....and will not be infringed. Not now...not ever.

If Progressives don't like it here anymore, they can move. We can start a "Progressive Movement" fund....move to China.

As the late Charlton Heston stated....."From My Cold Dead Hands"

I think I will go feral hog hunting this weekend with my new AR308 (if my shoulder can take the kick, it's no 223) and a few 20 round clips....so much fun it is to whack and stack those little distructive bastards (some ain't so little, bigger than Rosie after the holidays) . Good eating too if they are young 'uns.

"The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere and everywhere restrains evil interference"
George Washington.
I call upon ALL SWORN PERSONNEL, current and former, to STAND UP and REFUSE to carry out ANY ILLEGAL, UNCONSTITUTIONAL ORDERS from our "Progressive" would-be MASTERS.
No matter WHAT "Law" or "Executive Order" they issue...

Like this EO?

Sec. 5. The Secretary of Transportation is hereby designated and empowered,

without the approval, ratification, or other action by the President, to exercise

the authority vested in sections 331, 359, and 367 of title 14, United States

Code, when the Coast Guard is not serving as part of the Navy, as invoked

by section 2 of this order, to recall any regular officer or enlisted member

on the retired list to active duty and to detain any enlisted member beyond

the term of his or her enlistment.

Sec. 6. The authority delegated by this order to the Secretary of Defense

and the Secretary of Transportation may be redelegated and further subdelegated

to civilian subordinates who are appointed to their offices by the

President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate.

Sec. 7. Based upon my determination under 10 U.S.C. 2201(c) that it is

necessary to increase (subject to limits imposed by law) the number of

members of the armed forces on active duty beyond the number for which

funds are provided in appropriation Acts for the Department of Defense,

the Secretary of Defense may provide for the cost of such additional members

as an excepted expense under section 11(a) of title 41, United States Code.

Sec. 8. This order is intended only to improve the internal management

of the executive branch, and is not intended to create any right or benefit,

substantive or procedural, enforceable at law by a party against the United

States, its agencies, its officers, or any person.

Sec. 9. This order is effective immediately and shall be promptly transmitted

to the Congress and published in the Federal Register.