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Another School Massacre

You want to hear something far-fetched? The government may not take your guns, but they can decrease your ammo to non-existance. Yes, I'm sure the really resourceful will make their own, but those are usually the demented bad guys.
He he he......I thought that awhile ago......keep your second amendment and your guns....we'll just tax ammo into oblivion.

How about the gov't 'leaning' on manufacturers? They did it to banks on stimulus......'sign or else'.......wonder if theres stuff in Dodd-Frank about money for 'dangerous endeavors?'

Tides Foundation wrote most if not all of Obamacare and also are one of the biggest advocates of gun confiscation....
for those who appreciate irony

Protects you from the police?

Yea go pull a gun on a cop and you will be pushing up daises.
The Standard Speaker:
A female homeowner shot one of several intruders breaking into her home in Pennsylvania. The woman was wounded but is expected to recover; one intruder was killed, the others retreated.
You can guarantee military will bomb US citizens?

Apparently individuals need to be more heavily armed than the government. That equals the military. I don't think the military would bomb US citizens, but a lot of second amendment folks who feel the purpose of the assault rifle is to protect yourself against thost that want to take away your OTHER guns. And I doubut Obama would send a bunch of wonks out to take over America. Now...the only time I could see the military taking action against Americans would be if a group of these non regulated militia types were to storm Washington to stop the signing of an executive order banning AR15's.