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Another Republican and Lewd Bahavior in a Men's Restroom

Today, Senator Craig filed a motion in Minnesota to withdraw his plea, arguing in part that pleading guilty would keep the matter out of the public eye. “While in this state of intense anxiety,â€￾ reads the brief, “Senator Craig felt compelled to grasp the lifeline offered to him by the police officer; namely that if he were to submit to an interview and plead guilty, none of the police officer’s allegations would be made public.â€￾
Today, Senator Craig filed a motion in Minnesota to withdraw his plea, arguing in part that pleading guilty would keep the matter out of the public eye. “While in this state of intense anxiety,â€￾ reads the brief, “Senator Craig felt compelled to grasp the lifeline offered to him by the police officer; namely that if he were to submit to an interview and plead guilty, none of the police officer’s allegations would be made public.â€￾

Just another sick twisted perverted individual trying to save face and keep his cushy G-job!

Nothing and I mean NOTHING shocks me in this cesspool sewage slide we as a Nation are becoming!

God have Mercy on our Youth!
Just another sick twisted perverted individual trying to save face and keep his cushy G-job!

Nothing and I mean NOTHING shocks me in this cesspool sewage slide we as a Nation are becoming!

God have Mercy on our Youth!


Ah, but not to worry..."12".

Your safely "tucked away" in the hard core...RED....sanctuary/Bible Belt..Called OKIE-HOMA !!

As for Larry(the POLE smoker) Craig/REPUBLICAN Sen./ID...The longer he "drags" this thing out, the better for the Democrats !!!!

Hey "12"........Did you catch Sen. Mitch McConnell's FACE(on TV) when he was announcing that "Larry" was'nt "leaving" after all ????

"SHEAR.......FEAR" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why are you attributing delldude's censored post with the moderator's admonition to me?

I am not happy about it.


No I was not. I was merely pointing out that delldude made the statement:

"Hey Lily...you post a quote again that you created,with my name on it...and you and I will have problems"

and now he is has done the same thing to someone else, and has been admonished for it.

I simply replied to the post you made about delldude being MIA for the last few days.

If somehow it seemed like I attributed the censored post to you, I do apologize. That was not my intention.
Interesting item about Craig's motion to withdraw the guilty plea.

"In order to withdraw his guilty plea, Craig will have to persuade a judge that a senator of this great nation can be a complete doofus, too dimwitted to understand simple English and too brainless to find an attorney who does.

Which means it ought to take a judge about five minutes to rule in Craig’s favor.
Larry Craig was able to do in one wide-stance bathroom break that which no other could do from Minnesota: Bring tourism into the state of Minnesota.

"The Minneapolis airport toilet where US senator Larry Craig was arrested for allegedly soliciting gay sex is now attracting tourists, say airport staff. People are taking pictures," Karen Evans, an information officer at Minneapolis-St Paul international airport, told Associated Press.

Now it seems that tourists passing through the airport cannot resist the temptation to have a look at the scene. "We had to just stop and check out the bathroom," said Sally Westby of Minneapolis, on her way to Guatemala with her husband Jon. "In fact, it's Jon's second time - he was here last week already." Royal Zino, who works at the shoeshine shop next to the public lavatory, said "it's been crazy". "People have been going inside, taking pictures of the stall, taking pictures outside the bathroom door."
And you thought it couldn't get any worse for the repubs this year.... Republican Senator Larry Craig was fined earlier this month for a misdemeanor disorderly conduct charge stemming from his arrest in June at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. Roll Call newspaper reported Monday that he was apprehended by a plainclothes police officer investigating complaints of lewd behavior in an airport men's room. The Senator pled GUILTY to the charges.

On a side note, what the heck is up with Minnespolis-St. Paul International Airport? They seem to be a glutton for controversey over there (Lewd Bathroom Behavior; Flying While Muslim, etc.).
Another Republican and Lewd Bahavior in a Men's Restroom

Here is Craig in 1982 issuing a public denial of being homosexual before he was ever named. He says he is a victim of "inuendo"
Is the dude gay or what?

I realize he plead guilty and all that....I'm not trying to defend him but once upon a time I had an incident where someone claimed I did something and I was innocent and a attorney advised me it would be cheaper to plead guilty and pay the fine instead of fighting it.

So is this dude gay in the closet or just some clown who should have thought about what he was pleading too?
It stretches credulity when he says he is not gay and yet he is implicated 2 times. One time I can maybe accepts, 2 times.....ehhhh I don't think so. The hole story seem like a SNL skit That he said what he said with a straight face seems a bit far fetched to me.
An interesting perspective on the gay lifestyle from another culture:

'No homosexuals in Iran': Ahmadinejad

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad skirted a question about the treatment of homosexuals in Iran on Monday, saying in a speech at a top US university that there were no gays in Iran.

"In Iran we don't have homosexuals like in your country," Ahmadinejad said to howls and boos among the Columbia University audience.

"In Iran we do not have this phenomenon, I don't know who has told you that we have it," he said.

Ahmadinejad was challenged during his appearance on Amnesty International figures that suggested that 200 people had been executed in Iran so far this year, among them homosexuals.

"Don't you have capital punishment in the United States? You do too. In Iran there is capital punishment," he said.

"This is a sick joke," said Scott Long of Human Rights Watch, saying Iran tortures gays under a penal code that punishes homosexuality between men with the death penalty.

Death by booga booga or Death from booga booga? :lol:

It's reported, that the good senator was engaged in "foot tapping", while in his STALL, with another man, in the adjacent stall (who was'nt a bit amused) :unsure: 😛h34r: 😛h34r:

Mark Foley/Macaca/Ted Haggard/ "foot tapping" !!!!!

Jesus, I could'nt have written a better script, if I tried !!!!!!!!!

The GOP. ..............................The party of MORALITY+FAMILY VALUES :down: :down:
He's back. Let us see how the Republicans line up behind him.

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