Why does the percentage even matter?
I'll ask the question again. Why would one chose to be gay?
I'll ask the question again. Why would one chose to be gay?
Lack of substance in ones life,hanging with the wrong crowd,peer pressure(queer pressure?)
Lack of substance? How would you know what 'substance' anyone has or doesn't have in their own life?Lack of substance in ones life,hanging with the wrong crowd,peer pressure(queer pressure?)
David Thorstad who does not even have a medical degree much less a degree in anything else it seems as opposed to several degreed professionals from UC David. Yea, I can see how you can equate those two sources as both being credible.
Your responses did not address the questions posed but that seems to be par for the course.
The bottom line is it is their life, and you nor anyone else for that matter have any right to tell them what they may or may not do when it does not infringe on your personal rights.
Seriously, why would someone choose that way of life? I have yet to hear a explanation substantiated by anything other than hate or prejudice.
Lack of substance? How would you know what 'substance' anyone has or doesn't have in their own life?
Hanging with the wrong crowd? Again, how would you know what "crowds" people hang with?
Peer pressure? If homosexuality is so widely unaccepted, why would there be peer pressure to take part in it?
Homosexuality is not a choice . .someone does not choose who they are attracted to; attraction is either there or it isn't.
Nobody's asking you to accept anything. But there is such a thing as "equal protection under the law", covered in the 14th amendment.I never reserved the right to tell two consenting adults what the do in their own abode either. When they 'come out' and tell me that I 'HAVE' to accept their lifestyle, and pay for their pervisions, then I say 'NO'.
Nobody's asking you to accept anything. But there is such a thing as "equal protection under the law", covered in the 14th amendment.
Now, for your homework, collect all the issues that I've raised in this thread (that you have ignored) and compile your point-by-point retort.
I'll ask the question again. Why would one chose to be gay?
"12"..WOW !
I NEVER thought YOU'D made "this" ERROR !!!!!!
The ERROR I speak of, is that the Indigenous peoples of the Americas..NEVER used the written word, which is Exactly why they told the protestant and catholic CHRISTIAN missionarys...To TAKE a HIKE, as they(missionary's) were WAVING the bible constantly under their noses !!
As I've heard , in native music Sooooo many times, is the Indians sing the words..."WE KNOW HIM"(refering to the CREATOR/god) They(Indians) were even LESS interested in listening to the JESUS/saviour Bull Crap !!!
Did you realize "12", that Indian legend has a very STRONG reference to the earth being totally covered with water(The GREAT FLOOD) ?(Makes one "stop and think" for a moment, would'nt you agree "12")
Now to your direct question.."12".
I've many LAKOTA friends.
(you remember the LAKOTA.."12". Ta tanka Iyo Tanka/Tasunka Witko and Custer ???
OOOPs sorry "12".........SITTING BULL/CRAZY HORSE and Custer ???(but those can be discussions for another time).
I asked Lakota people about 2 specific area's that are HUGE problems for christians today, and that being Gays and Abortion.
To abortion they replied, ALL indian women knew which plants could be used for an unwanted pregnancy. It did'nt happen often they said, BUT when it did, there was NO scorn, NO guilt, because no other person was in a position to pass judgement on that woman !!!!(makes one "stop and think" for a moment, would'nt you agree..."12")
To the Issues of Gays, they replied, virtually every camp had a PERSON like that. They were ACCEPTED in camp,and NEVER lay with children. Since the vast majority of Gay people(I'm told), don't bother children. There was NO scorn, or GUILT, because NO other living person, possessed the RIGHT, to pass Judgement, on another person...............................It "could" make you "stop and think" for a moment, would'nt you agree..."12" ?![]()
Homosexuality is not a choice . .someone does not choose who they are attracted to; attraction is either there or it isn't.
However, CASH, as I'm sure you and others involved in the homosexual lifestyle are aware, the kind of man that plays footsie in an airport toilet fully intends to have sex in that same toilet, and a public toilet is a public place—and public sex is illegal for gay people like you, CASH, and for straight people like me and Senator Craig.
And while I would be the first to argue that most of the men looking to get it on in toilets and other public sex environments are discreet and don't bother anyone—and I argued just that on CNN last week—some are not discreet and some do bother people. (I also argued that most of the men getting it on in toilets are straight-identified, just like me and Senator Craig.) There were complaints about that particular bathroom at the Minneapolis airport, and the police did what the police are supposed to do when there are complaints—they responded. If straight men, like me and Senator Craig, had been fooking women in the toilets at the Minneapolis airport, the police would no doubt have responded to those complaints, too.
Finally, part of the thrill of public sex—getting it on in toilets or parks with strangers—is the delicious danger, the exquisite risk, the trouble you know you'll get into if you get caught. So it's hard to have much sympathy when someone who is aroused by the risk of discovery is discovered. It wouldn't be a career-destroying event for an out gay man today—like, say, a George Michael. It would, however, be career destroying for gay-bashing, straight-identified hypocrites like, say, Senator Craig.