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Another Republican and Lewd Bahavior in a Men's Restroom

David Thorstad who does not even have a medical degree much less a degree in anything else it seems as opposed to several degreed professionals from UC David. Yea, I can see how you can equate those two sources as both being credible.

Your responses did not address the questions posed but that seems to be par for the course.

The bottom line is it is their life, and you nor anyone else for that matter have any right to tell them what they may or may not do when it does not infringe on your personal rights.

I personally do not care what two adults do in their own abode, but I do take offense when they tell me what they do and then get mad when I tell them they are perverted.
WTF do you want?
It started with wanting ‘acceptance’, and then migrated to becoming ‘normal’.
Acceptance is fine but has since turned to become the norm and teaching this crap to children leaves them more confused than they already are. Homosexuality is more or less another excuse for irrational compulsive behavior due to sexual frustration and lack of personal identity.

How does it ‘not’ infringe on my personal rights? We are pummeled constantly on how this should not only be accepted but be considered ‘normal’. Kids are hammered in elementary school about ‘Johnny has two daddies’, is that right?

Tell me this, why do fags have to ‘proclaim’ their identity? I have had numerous occasions at work and in public places where a group of people are sitting around shooting the breeze and someone will invariably declare their being ‘gay’.
WTF do I care?
I won’t tell someone I’m ‘heterosexual’, so why does someone feel the need to proclaim they are ‘gay’? I’ve stopped myself on several occasions to tell them that I don’t give a ####! They must have a ‘need’ to make this proclamation either to attempt to shock people or gain acceptance.

Hell, in SF, city employees can submit a request for transgender medical assistance to create a tallywaker or have one removed! Who pays for that? My taxes are increased to pay for ‘domestic partners’ as Mrs Dad stays home to play house. All the while needy kids don’t have enough nutrition and the elderly are put on the street without health care.

So take your ‘hollow hypothesis’ of the gay movement as being a benign action that does not infringe on ‘MY’ rights and stick it where the sun don’t shine.
I would like to add just one thing, A very close relative of mine is gay he was married once and he and his wife produced a daughter together, long story short they divorced because he was 'confused ' about his true idenity she eventually remarried and the new husband later adopted this child as his own because my relative decided to give up parental rights.

I got the chance to ask him once how he could walk away from his own blood just so he could live a certain selfish lifestyle and his reply just about floored me. when he was between the age of six and seven years old a very close friend of the family had a paper route and on the weekends he would swing by and take my relative with him in his pickup to deliver papers in a rural community, this 'so called' friend would find a back road, park and perform oral sex on my relative and then have him reciprocate, in his minds eye this became 'normal'.

I remember one time when my relative was in his early teens he got in to some serious trouble for molesting their next door neighbors little boy who was also six or seven at the time, it pretty much got swept under the rug by both families because they were afraid to make a big scene and cause more mental harm to both kids, the neighbors moved soon afterward.

No one will ever convince me that such behavior is biological, this relative of mine is living proof that it is learned and often times more than not by child sexual abuse.

BTW... he never told his family about the 'paper man' because of his shame, and I never did either out of respect for his honesty to me, but I've often wondered how many other little boys 'The Family Friend' managed to confuse and turn Gay before he died.

Awesome post btw...UAL


Local 12

If your theory is correct(and I'm not saying 100% that it's not), then what do we do with these victims ?

Do we(in a sense) just "sweep them under the rug" for the rest of there lives, or do we accomodate them in society, WITHOUT discriminating against them in any way.

Would,nt we as a society be assisting them, by letting them gather with other (like) individuals by(for example) letting them gather in their clubs, march in there parades etc etc ???

There is a proven theory...."that for every action...there is an equal, and opposite Reaction", and it's that theory that in my mind drives gay people(via parades) to REACT, due to societies mentality of hundereds of years(since 1607) of discriminating against them !!

I mention 1607 because thats the approximate ARRIVAL of the White man and his RELIGION to these shores.

FYI "12".

Indigenous peoples on this soil, had gays among them as well.
"No big deal" back then. They were accepted, and everyone went about their daily business.

I wonder WHY that was..."12" ??????????????????

I'll give you a little HINT.
The answer is 2 words.
the first word is..."the"....and the second is..."B- - - E"
I personally do not care what two adults do in their own abode, but I do take offense when they tell me what they do and then get mad when I tell them they are perverted.
WTF do you want?

Not sure why you feel the need to insult someone but if tha's what you need to do I guess go for it.

It started with wanting ‘acceptance’, and then migrated to becoming ‘normal’.

I thought they just wanted the same rights and be treated like normal people. I do not see what is wrong with that considering they also pay taxes like the rest of us

Acceptance is fine but has since turned to become the norm and teaching this crap to children leaves them more confused than they already are. Homosexuality is more or less another excuse for irrational compulsive behavior due to sexual frustration and lack of personal identity.

Source please.

How does it ‘not’ infringe on my personal rights? We are pummeled constantly on how this should not only be accepted but be considered ‘normal’. Kids are hammered in elementary school about ‘Johnny has two daddies’, is that right?

I do not know what the intent is other than to say this is what is out there so don't be confused or scared. I do not see anything wrong with that.

Tell me this, why do fags have to ‘proclaim’ their identity? I have had numerous occasions at work and in public places where a group of people are sitting around shooting the breeze and someone will invariably declare their being ‘gay’.

You work in a strange place. I work at an airline and heve been here for nearly 20 yrs and have yet to have someone 'proclaim' their gayness and I have several gay friends.

WTF do I care?

I won’t tell someone I’m ‘heterosexual’, so why does someone feel the need to proclaim they are ‘gay’? I’ve stopped myself on several occasions to tell them that I don’t give a ####! They must have a ‘need’ to make this proclamation either to attempt to shock people or gain acceptance.

Hell, in SF, city employees can submit a request for transgender medical assistance to create a tallywaker or have one removed! Who pays for that? My taxes are increased to pay for ‘domestic partners’ as Mrs Dad stays home to play house. All the while needy kids don’t have enough nutrition and the elderly are put on the street without health care.

I remember seeing a program on trans gender. I do not remember the details but the gist is that 1. It's not like there is a mad rush of 1,000s to have this done. 2. the very very few who do have this done have medical justifications to do so in most cases.

As for the domestic partner thing, not sure what you are referring to but if a hetero couple gets some sort of benefit, then a gay couple should be entitled to the same benefit. I would be just as happy for no one to get the benefit.

So take your ‘hollow hypothesis’ of the gay movement as being a benign action that does not infringe on ‘MY’ rights and stick it where the sun don’t shine.

Still do not see how it infringes on your rights.


Can you tell me when you chose to be straight? Can you explain why anyone would choose to be gay in a society that is so hostile to that segment of society? I asked everyone of my gay friends if given the opportunity to 'choose' to be gay would they chose it and every single one said no.

In my opinion, to say that it is a choice defies logic. Yes there are going to be isolated cases where a trait can be 'learned' but that is the case with everything. There are always exceptions to the rule.
Bears lets put the 'B - - - E' aside for a moment and not look at it in a Religious aspect shall we? Nature itself 'does not' conform to same sex attraction, it is not in and of its self a chosen behavior among the beast. sure you see the occasional goat, dog, sheep, etc...try and mount the same sex, but it is due to the need (instinct) to procreate and not because 'Billy the Goat' happens to fancy 'Bob the Goat' because he would prefer anal sex with someone who has a dong as opposed to vaginal sex, rather the beast is acting out what (it) is hard wired to do. be it because no female is around in heat, or it is simply an invoulutary habit. Have you never had a dog try and hump your leg?....do you really think that animal knows he's trying to have sex with your appendage?............Homosexuality is not normal, no matter what you say it goes totally against our nature!!!!!!

Now as for as sweeping them (victims) under the rug, no I think much counciling, rehabilitaion, whatever is needed and society should try and help these folks, but if your asking me to say....'OK this is normal behavior and we should just accept it'... so now lets accomodate and make a way for it to be presented in such a way that its an alternative life style which is equal to and just as fostering to children as 'one' DAD 'one' MOM then you have lost my support...as we say down south 'That Dog Won't Hunt'!!

BTW... Im just curious bears, how is it that you know Indigenous peoples accepted homosexual behavior as normal? Is there some written 'native' transcript somewhere that supports your hypothesis that it was widely accepted?
I asked everyone of my gay friends if given the opportunity to 'choose' to be gay would they chose it and every single one said no.

Thank you for confirming my hypothesis Gar, and that being in their own mind 'Homosexuality' is wrong! :up:
No, they do not believe it is wrong, they just feel it would be easier given societies prejudices, to be straight. Given the fact that they did not make the choice, the concept of it being right or wrong is not even a consideration. They are what they are due to nature, not nurture.

Again, I ask why would they chose the life style they are living given the difficulties that they encounter?
Great post UAL....... :up:

I haven't been here in a week or so, I decide to check back and boom here is our right-wing FOX noise watching limbaugh sucking favorite buddy. Dude do you ever give it a rest and get something going on?
Cgheck back in a couple of weeks I am sure you will have posted a hundred times by then...Now run along and see whats on FOX noise machine tonight.... :up:
Bears lets put the 'B - - - E' aside for a moment and not look at it in a Religious aspect shall we? Nature itself 'does not' conform to same sex attraction, it is not in and of its self a chosen behavior among the beast. sure you see the occasional goat, dog, sheep, etc...try and mount the same sex, but it is due to the need (instinct) to procreate and not because 'Billy the Goat' happens to fancy 'Bob the Goat' because he would prefer anal sex with someone who has a dong as opposed to vaginal sex, rather the beast is acting out what (it) is hard wired to do. be it because no female is around in heat, or it is simply an invoulutary habit. Have you never had a dog try and hump your leg?....do you really think that animal knows he's trying to have sex with your appendage?............Homosexuality is not normal, no matter what you say it goes totally against our nature!!!!!!

Now as for as sweeping them (victims) under the rug, no I think much counciling, rehabilitaion, whatever is needed and society should try and help these folks, but if your asking me to say....'OK this is normal behavior and we should just accept it'... so now lets accomodate and make a way for it to be presented in such a way that its an alternative life style which is equal to and just as fostering to children as 'one' DAD 'one' MOM then you have lost my support...as we say down south 'That Dog Won't Hunt'!!

BTW... Im just curious bears, how is it that you know Indigenous peoples accepted homosexual behavior as normal? Is there some written 'native' transcript somewhere that supports your hypothesis that it was widely accepted?


"12"..WOW !

I NEVER thought YOU'D made "this" ERROR !!!!!!

The ERROR I speak of, is that the Indigenous peoples of the Americas..NEVER used the written word, which is Exactly why they told the protestant and catholic CHRISTIAN missionarys...To TAKE a HIKE, as they(missionary's) were WAVING the bible constantly under their noses !!

As I've heard , in native music Sooooo many times, is the Indians sing the words..."WE KNOW HIM"(refering to the CREATOR/god) They(Indians) were even LESS interested in listening to the JESUS/saviour Bull Crap !!!

Did you realize "12", that Indian legend has a very STRONG reference to the earth being totally covered with water(The GREAT FLOOD) ? :shock: (Makes one "stop and think" for a moment, would'nt you agree "12") :shock:

Now to your direct question.."12".

I've many LAKOTA friends.
(you remember the LAKOTA.."12". Ta tanka Iyo Tanka/Tasunka Witko and Custer ???
OOOPs sorry "12".........SITTING BULL/CRAZY HORSE and Custer ???(but those can be discussions for another time).
I asked Lakota people about 2 specific area's that are HUGE problems for christians today, and that being Gays and Abortion.

To abortion they replied, ALL indian women knew which plants could be used for an unwanted pregnancy. It did'nt happen often they said, BUT when it did, there was NO scorn, NO guilt, because no other person was in a position to pass judgement on that woman !!!!(makes one "stop and think" for a moment, would'nt you agree..."12" :shock: )

To the Issues of Gays, they replied, virtually every camp had a PERSON like that. They were ACCEPTED in camp,and NEVER lay with children. Since the vast majority of Gay people(I'm told), don't bother children. There was NO scorn, or GUILT, because NO other living person, possessed the RIGHT, to pass Judgement, on another person...............................It "could" make you "stop and think" for a moment, would'nt you agree..."12" ? :shock:
One in ten people are gay. Sounds like it's a 'nature' situation to me. Born that way.

(I wonder why so many people spend their time worrying about whom is sleeping with whom. I'd think they'd only concern themselves with whom they themselves were sleeping with)
One in ten people are gay. Sounds like it's a 'nature' situation to me. Born that way.

(I wonder why so many people spend their time worrying about whom is sleeping with whom. I'd think they'd only concern themselves with whom they themselves were sleeping with)

The 10% or One in Ten

As with most common myths, the common belief that gay people compose 10% of society has some basis in fact. Before about 1950, most psychologists believed homosexuals made up less than 1% of the population. Alfred Kinsey, a biology professor who was the first to study widespread trends in human sexuality, released a study on male sexuality in 1948, which concluded that 13% of men are exclusively gay. A subsequent study on female sexuality released in 1953 concluded that 7% of women are exclusive lesbians. The media seized upon Kinsey's findings, averaging the two results and running numerous stories and editorials that shattered popular conceptions of sexuality. Studies undertaken after Kinsey's revelations failed to achieve the same results: statistics run as high as 27% gay and as low as 3%. The methodology and assumptions of each study appear to have remarkable sway over the eventual findings.
As a result, it is impossible for scientists to say with surety how many humans are gay, percentage wise or otherwise.

Funny thing about statistics...😛

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