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Another Republican and Lewd Bahavior in a Men's Restroom

If you want to compare the sex scandal with Iraq knock your self out. None cared back then and even less care about that now. Especially since all the other things like Folley, Craig, Ginrich and then there is Lott, Hasert ... and the list goes on.
If you want to compare the sex scandal with Iraq knock your self out. None cared back then and even less care about that now. Especially since all the other things like Folley, Craig, Ginrich and then there is Lott, Hasert ... and the list goes on.

I'm sorry...I wasn't trying to compare sexual trysts under certain administrations but when you made that statement....for some strange reason,I just assumed you were bringing up all those apologists hired by some other President a few years back..you should have made a better distinction.

They elected a man who has lied to this country and hired people to lie to this country.

They brought religion and family values into the political arena and now all their chickens are coming home to roost.

White House hopeful Barack Obama stood in front of a pulpit Sunday and told worshippers that his faith "plays every role" in his life.

"It's what keeps me grounded. It's what keeps my eyes set on the greatest of heights," Obama told members of the Redemption World Outreach Center, whose 4,200-seat sanctuary was mostly full.

Faith, he said, is "what propels me to do what I do and when I am down it's what lifts me up." The Democratic presidential candidate said God "is with us and he wants us to do the right thing," including breaking down the divisions between Democrats and Republicans and among religions.

Now you Lib's got your own Holy Roller
That is pretty good.

The black cop has white arms...whats with that?

Hidden message?

Sign from god?
Yet again? Hypocrisy again?

I don't care what you do in your bed -- or your wife's bed for that matter -- but I do care if you live your life in direct contradiction to what you support/reject in the public sphere (regardless of what side of the aisle you belong).

Since it is not substantiated, I will not use names, but the buzz is that a Southern Attorney General, who is publicly anti-gay, was caught in a homosexual relationship by his wife... in their bed.
Yet again? Hypocrisy again?

I don't care what you do in your bed -- or your wife's bed for that matter -- but I do care if you live your life in direct contradiction to what you support/reject in the public sphere (regardless of what side of the aisle you belong).

Since it is not substantiated, I will not use names, but the buzz is that a Southern Attorney General, who is publicly anti-gay, was caught in a homosexual relationship by his wife... in their bed.



An "ATTORNEY GENERAL" YOU SAY ? :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

If this is TRUE,..................RUSH BIMBO/SEAN HANNITY/JAMES DOBSON/PAT ROBERTSON/.....F O X-N E W S.....(Fair and Balanced :down: ) et al,....NEED to get the SPIN MACHINE goin' REAL SOON :unsure: :unsure:
Yet again? Hypocrisy again?

I don't care what you do in your bed -- or your wife's bed for that matter -- but I do care if you live your life in direct contradiction to what you support/reject in the public sphere (regardless of what side of the aisle you belong).

Since it is not substantiated, I will not use names, but the buzz is that a Southern Attorney General, who is publicly anti-gay, was caught in a homosexual relationship by his wife... in their bed.

Excuse me, but what post are you responding to here??
Excuse me, but what post are you responding to here??



If that wont work,..................google...................."atty general troy king"
(article)..Left in alabama..Troy King.................

It appears that (SOON TO BE FORMER) "BAMA Atty General Troy(boy) King, ............"Pushed HARD". 🙄 ..to OUTLAW..SEX TOYS..(the article doesn't specify if he went after.."BATTERIES", or NON.."BATTERIES")

Hey Tug McGroin,

What do you make of this .....clean cut..SOUTHERN......Christian...ALL American REPUGLICAN ??

I mean Isn't Mr. King being a bit' DISENGENUOUS with the good ol'..GOP ??

Ohhh,.....the Horror and Shame of it All./.Y'ALL :bleh:
You know...we all make big posts over either sides proclivities....but in the end(no pun intended)..... its God getting even.

Ahh...you need two Troy King's to make Spitzer go away :lol: :lol:
You know...we all make big posts over either sides proclivities....but in the end(no pun intended)..... its God getting even.

Ahh...you need two Troy King's to make Spitzer go away :lol: :lol:



This guy was the ULTIMATE hypocrite.

But don't take my word for it.

I called the 800 number of the Largest Newspaper in AL. , and asked the Supervisor in the Newsroom,(nice SOUTHERN TWANG), Why nothing was on their web site yet.

She graciously(and I'm being respectfully SERIOUS now, with regard to this friendly gal), told me, that they had "3" reporters out at that very moment, to wrap up all the "necessary loose ends", before they could go with the story.

She ALSO told me, she was a "DISGUSTED" REPUG., that her brother is GAY, and that the BIGGEST problem for a LOT of "fiscally conservative REPUGS", was the SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(You know...........................GOD/GUNS and GAYS)

I thanked her PROFOUNDLY, for her CANDOR !!!!!!!!!..(being SERIOUS again) !!!
Not suprisingly, the McCain campaign has removed all references to the subject "attorney general" from McCain's website.
You're right, Delldude. The sheep in high heels and garters is MUCH more truth than I can handle. :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


This guy was the ULTIMATE hypocrite.

But don't take my word for it.

I called the 800 number of the Largest Newspaper in AL. , and asked the Supervisor in the Newsroom,(nice SOUTHERN TWANG), Why nothing was on their web site yet.

She graciously(and I'm being respectfully SERIOUS now, with regard to this friendly gal), told me, that they had "3" reporters out at that very moment, to wrap up all the "necessary loose ends", before they could go with the story.

She ALSO told me, she was a "DISGUSTED" REPUG., that her brother is GAY, and that the BIGGEST problem for a LOT of "fiscally conservative REPUGS", was the SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(You know...........................GOD/GUNS and GAYS)

I thanked her PROFOUNDLY, for her CANDOR !!!!!!!!!..(being SERIOUS again) !!!

Believe me Black Bears, I want!

On 13 July 2008, I sent an e-mail to one of the Editors of the largest newspaper in Alabama, The Birmingham News. I asked the Editor if he could provide information regarding alleged sexual misconduct and the possible resignation of the state Attorney General, Troy King. I told the Editor that there were numerous reports from questionable internet new sources that the Attorney General had been caught having sex with a male assistant and these reports indicated that the Attorney General would announce his resignation within days.

I attached the text of your post (don’t worry, I didn’t identify the US Aviation Website or your user name) to the e-mail and asked the Editor to, if possible, address the various comments you made for accuracy. I also provided the link to the website www.leftinalabama.com that you had hyperlinked in your previous post.

Not hearing from the Editor in several days, I didn’t expect I would get a reply. This afternoon, and to my surprise, I received a reply to my e-mail. The Editor provided the following information.

He stated that approximately 8 days ago, The Birmingham News was made aware of a rumor of alleged “sexual improprieties†involving AG Troy King. The Editor stated that the origin of the rumor had not been established but stated the rumor had been widely circulated.

The Birmingham News has not been able to establish any credible evidence to suggest that State Attorney General Troy King was involved in any sexual misconduct. The State Attorney General’s Office has not made a public statement, but officials close to the Attorney General’s office continue to say that the rumor is unfounded and without merit.

The Birmingham News will continue to monitor this story but considers the matter closed.

As to your comments, the Editor stated that there are no “supervisors†in the newsroom. The newsroom has a staff of approximately 120 reporters, 8 Section Editors and 6 Executive Editors. He said that there wasn’t an “800†number that is used to contact newsroom staff.

He also stated that whereas he had not talked to all 120 reporters, he found it highly unlikely that any member of his Newsroom or Editor Staff would disclose sensitive personal or family information, personal religious or political views to an anonymous stranger. He concluded that your comments, as stated, appear to be fabricated.

It is also worthy to note that there hasn’t been one published report in ANY credible newspaper to substantiate the allegations of sexual misconduct of Alabama Attorney General Troy King.

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