On one hand pension costs aren't AMR's problem but on the other hand they're a very real liability and have to be balanced against other liabilities. Gotcha...
if you understood the difference between costs and liabilities, then things would make sense.
But either way, AA has ONE major network carrier that has both ongoing (current - this year) pension costs and also has liabilities on its books - both of which are at higher levels than AA.
Once again, it is apparent you made an incorrect comment with this comment in reply 126 "e DB pension plans are obviously a large cost that none of the competition has", found yourself corrected, and then try to turn it personal instead of being willing to admit you were wrong and gracefully walk away.
You danced around w/ some qualifications to back off your statement, I let you have them, but you decided you wanted to come back and go for another round... but your original statement was still wrong which was the only reason I responded in the first place.
How about demonstrating the integrity to admit you were wrong or gracefully moving on and just drop the subject.
I get that no one likes to be corrected on every mistake they make but this is also a public forum and I don't participate because I want people to like me.... if you want to make factually incorrect statements, then don't be surprised if you are called on your errors.
Perhaps what you are really arguing for is that AA employees should have their pension plans TERMINATED instead of frozen because then they would also be miserable.... but DL has shown that it is not necessary and that is exactly what the PBGC has argued to AMR.
Yes, Chris, AA did not adjust its fleet plan to reflect current realities - and much of that involved AE... it is true that other carriers used BK to adjust their regional carrier plans - and it is also clear that AA will have to do the same thing now.
Your statement about pushing back maintenance is true... and because AA will be replacing more than half of its fleet in a 5 year period, there will be enormous spikes in the level of AA's future capital spending as well.
Fleet is obviously a huge part of an airline's business plan that must be solved... using those aircraft profitability is a different matter and is dependent on the network strategy.