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AMT Teamsters Drive

We haven't seen any cards here at DFW Terminal.....could someone drop some by?
The guy who gave me a card works mids at the hangar and claims to have dropped off hundreds to the line. I know the kool-aide drinking shop stoolies have been throwing them out as fast as they see them. You can print your own with the link on the first page of this thread.

Be careful what u wish for. Our local is run by good ole' boys who look out for them selves.
This as opposed to good ole' boys who look after strickly the company's interest.

While we are on the subject, could you get your local to give us an update on the card count and drive progress, a lot of people are asking. Maybe have a meeting or put it on a website.
Here is the link that came with the e-mail and address:
Teamsters Airline Division
6242 Westchester Parkway, Suite 250
Los Angeles, CA 90045-9914

We haven't seen any cards here at DFW Terminal.....could someone drop some by?

Why can’t all you guys here print up a bunch of these and pass them out yourselves? Why aren’t the teamsters promoting this drive? What is the deal with the secrecy and this he said she said shet? AMFAMAN, why hasn’t there already been a website set-up for this drive to keep you guys updated? Is this the way unions handle their affairs, they just leave you hanging in the dark while you sit around waiting/hoping for something to happen?…What a JOKE.
Why aren’t the teamsters promoting this drive? What is the deal with the secrecy and this he said she said shet? AMFAMAN, why hasn’t there already been a website set-up for this drive to keep you guys updated? Is this the way unions handle their affairs, they just leave you hanging in the dark while you sit around waiting/hoping for something to happen?…What a JOKE.
Same questions I'm asking. I guess the twu beloved who are passing out the cards have gotten used to covert union operations. At least with the AMFA drive we had a website and an updated card count.
Is this the way unions handle their affairs, they just leave you hanging in the dark while you sit around waiting/hoping for something to happen?…What a JOKE.
wtf Is to you anyway SCAB?.. Now go sign (whip) some work cards off for those AMTs at your new hack shop home.
Same questions I'm asking. I guess the twu beloved who are passing out the cards have gotten used to covert union operations. At least with the AMFA drive we had a website and an updated card count.

How many cards have you passed out? Or do you have to be one of the cloak and dagger elite to pass out cards?

wtf Is to you anyway SCAB?.. Now go sign (whip) some work cards off for those AMTs at your new hack shop home.

Oh, come on local. Wtf?… What is that is that supposed to mean exactly? What concern is it of mine? Well the fact that I am an A&P, (NOTE: Not AMT), and you guys are voting in yet another useless union that will affect my chosen craft. Though it is a bit indirect I will feel the consequences of the decisions being made. Just as I am now feeling the consequences as all of these off the street AMT’s perform work that they have not trained for and keep my wags as an A&P below that of a shade tree mechanic.

Before Ken goes around promoting a worthless title I think he should have it redefined so that it would at least carry a bit of weight. Just curious Ken, was your Charles Taylor educated/trained any further than high school or did he also just magically go from being a fast food cook to the ranks of what would be todays AMT?
What concern is it of mine? Well the fact that I am an A&P, (NOTE: Not AMT), and you guys are voting in yet another useless union that will affect my chosen craft. Though it is a bit indirect I will feel the consequences of the decisions being made. Just as I am now feeling the consequences as all of these off the street AMT’s perform work that they have not trained for and keep my wags as an A&P below that of a shade tree mechanic.

You have to be kidding me! I don't know whether to laugh at or feel sorry for your mental illness.

You hired as a SCAB at NWA to help break a UNION Strike, essentially lowering wages and benefits for A&Ps and you have the audacity to come on these boards and claim that our choice of UNIONs will impact your wages in a negative way?

I will say this much, your living proof that a psyhcological/stability examination should be given along with the Oral & Practical when they pass out those A&Ps.
Why can’t all you guys here print up a bunch of these and pass them out yourselves? Why aren’t the teamsters promoting this drive? What is the deal with the secrecy and this he said she said shet? AMFAMAN, why hasn’t there already been a website set-up for this drive to keep you guys updated? Is this the way unions handle their affairs, they just leave you hanging in the dark while you sit around waiting/hoping for something to happen?…What a JOKE.
What a joke PlaytheCods? Your are a POS scab, and you were loving the union negotiated wages and benefits (of course at reduced scab rates) when you had your first and last taste of a "major". You were away from home in a city you disliked, yet, here you are again, running your ignorant scab mouth on what unions are doing wrong. So who's really the joke here scab??? You lasted at Scab Air for what about a year?? Pfffttt.... 🙄

You still haven't got a clue about what a union consists of, how one is run, or how to fix the problems labor faces today. I can tell you this, SCABBING for the crumbs you beg the man for isn't going to get the job done.

You have assisted the new age corporate Robber Barrons in lowering the standard of living for our profession a**hole. :angry: :angry:

YOU have no room what-so-ever scab boy to complain, ridicule, or judge about what unions are doing or not....for you are the lowest of the low. Crawl back to your scab hole.
You have to be kidding me! I don't know whether to laugh at or feel sorry for your mental illness.
You hired as a SCAB at NWA to help break a UNION Strike, essentially lowering wages and benefits for A&Ps and you have the audacity to come on these boards and claim that our choice of UNIONs will impact your wages in a negative way?
Though my actions and words do seem to be a bit hypocritical you must admit that the NWA fiasco had been a wake-up call for all unions and their members. The bitterness between unions and distrust between unions and their members is there but stagnant. A catalyst is needed to prompt you guys into action if there is to be any type of change for our craft. this rolling over from one worthless union to another is not the answer but it does show that you guys are waking up and there is some activity taking place. I myself am ready to see some type of national wildcat strike in aviation maintenance. I know that will never happen so I will pick at you guys till something better comes along. Till then GO AMT!

I will say this much, your living proof that a psyhcological/stability examination should be given along with the Oral & Practical when they pass out those A&Ps.
:lol: Now that is cute local. To elaborate on that note it probably wouldn't be a bad idea. Not that I would need one but I have indeed met a few A&P's out there that are a bit on the off side and should not hold and A&P ticket.
Though my actions and words do seem to be a bit hypocritical you must admit that the NWA fiasco had been a wake-up call for all unions and their members. The bitterness between unions and distrust between unions and their members is there but stagnant. A catalyst is needed to prompt you guys into action if there is to be any type of change for our craft. this rolling over from one worthless union to another is not the answer but it does show that you guys are waking up and there is some activity taking place. I myself am ready to see some type of national wildcat strike in aviation maintenance. I know that will never happen so I will pick at you guys till something better comes along. Till then GO AMT!

So basically you want somone else to do the leg work for you because you are unwilling to do it yourself. The only person you are fooling PTO is yourself. By choosing the course of action that you have taken all you have done is cut your own throat.

Since you are ignorant of the airline industry let me take you to school once again. By taking a postion at NWA you have made it that much easier for comapnies to put the screws to it's AMT's. Come negotiation time management can use the vieled threat of bringing in people such as yourself. Basically "Here's what we have to offer if you don't like it we have "replacement workers already linned up."

Here's another way you are cutting your own throat. By working for these various third party chop shops all you are doing is making it easier for comapnies to keep wages an beneits down. Like working for that outfit Aeroframe Services you complained about on the Fed Ex board.
How many cards have you passed out? Or do you have to be one of the cloak and dagger elite to pass out cards?
Oh, come on local. Wtf?… What is that is that supposed to mean exactly? What concern is it of mine? Well the fact that I am an A&P, (NOTE: Not AMT), and you guys are voting in yet another useless union that will affect my chosen craft. Though it is a bit indirect I will feel the consequences of the decisions being made. Just as I am now feeling the consequences as all of these off the street AMT’s perform work that they have not trained for and keep my wags as an A&P below that of a shade tree mechanic.

Before Ken goes around promoting a worthless title I think he should have it redefined so that it would at least carry a bit of weight. Just curious Ken, was your Charles Taylor educated/trained any further than high school or did he also just magically go from being a fast food cook to the ranks of what would be todays AMT?

Jeezus, this scab contrived sh*t is really over and beyond your normal idiocy level 'Cods. The infamous #1 Scab Air clown continues his clueless moronic rants. Note to PlaytheCods; You are not an a@p, an AMT, or any kind of craftsmen. YOU ARE POS ROTTEN DIRTY REVILED and DISGUSTING SCAB!!!!YOU HAVE LOWERED YOUR CAREER...BY BEING A POS SCAB!!!! DO YOU GET IT YET!!!??? You have set a new scab level of insane by having the gall to claim what union we choose somehow affects your sad scab wrench gypsy "career" at some armpit MRO. WTF???? Like I've have said before, you show us your "negotiation prowess" and secure a industry leading contract, :lol: 🙄 :lol: and then you can talk your smack.

You complain about low wages below that of a shade tree mechanic, yet when AMFA made a stand and struck against that very problem, you assisted rogue management in trying to thwart that fight. What a friggin' scab moron.

Just curious PlaytheCods, when you were hatched, did the doctor beat you in the head with a baseball bat instead of whacking you on the butt???

You have some serious brain damage boy, the more you open your scab mouth, the more we cringe at how dumb you really are. :blink: :down: :blink: :down:
Though my actions and words do seem to be a bit hypocritical you must admit that the NWA fiasco had been a wake-up call for all unions and their members. The bitterness between unions and distrust between unions and their members is there but stagnant. A catalyst is needed to prompt you guys into action if there is to be any type of change for our craft. this rolling over from one worthless union to another is not the answer but it does show that you guys are waking up and there is some activity taking place. I myself am ready to see some type of national wildcat strike in aviation maintenance. I know that will never happen so I will pick at you guys till something better comes along. Till then GO AMT!
:lol: Now that is cute local. To elaborate on that note it probably wouldn't be a bad idea. Not that I would need one but I have indeed met a few A&P's out there that are a bit on the off side and should not hold and A&P ticket.
No, your actions are not a bit hypocritical. They are those of a Judas, a Benedict Arnold, a traitor, and a coward. Except in your case you can add completely clueless in the mix. :blink: :down: :angry:

Why do you want a national wildcat strike you scab POS??? So you can go scab at any carrier you choose while we fight for our careers??? Of course, you would love that wouldn't you. We damn sure know you wouldn't back us, not that we would want your scab help. Why don't you go take your scab cowardice and take a long walk off a short pier, I'm sure I would love to throw you an anchor.
Why do you want a national wildcat strike you scab POS??? So you can go scab at any carrier you choose while we fight for our careers??? Of course, you would love that wouldn't you. We damn sure know you wouldn't back us, not that we would want your scab help.
To the contrary Hackman you would have my full support providing that this fight was for having this craft made into a skilled craft and the AMT title you guys savor so much met the same requirements as an A&P. A strike of that nature would have meaning with substantial rewards for all in the industry. If you think I give a rats arse about your little local skirmishes you are wrong. I assure you that me scabbing at NWA has very little impact on the industry as a whole. This AMT title that you guys are so fond of is going to be a thousand times more detrimental to the industry as a whole. The AMT will make the A&P obsolete. This will happen once the AMT title begins appearing in the FAR's and weeding out the A&P title if the AMT title is not redefined.
This AMT title that you guys are so fond of is going to be a thousand times more detrimental to the industry as a whole. The AMT will make the A&P obsolete. This will happen once the AMT title begins appearing in the FAR's and weeding out the A&P title if the AMT title is not redefined.
So what are you doing to fix this? Is there a website set up by you to explain this? Are you petitioning the government for these changes? Are you doing anything to fix these problems you point out, or are you just a whiner and a SCAB?

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