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AMT Teamsters Drive

Of that I have no doubt gramps. The Toilet Workers Union contract is gutted, and will remain so or worse until we dump them. It would most assuredly be better to be non-union than to have a company union that sells out even during the years with record profits. :down:

Does MCI have any OSM's there yet??? That's a concession from 1995 that has saved AA billions and cost AMT's about that much in jobs and wages. :down:
<_< ---- As far as dumping this Union, on that we do agree!--- As for OSM's? No we don't! But,--- than again, they're pulling what few AMT's that we have left, out of what few shops we have left, and putting them to work in the docks on the Interior mod aircraft. That way, at least for the time being, they don't have to recall anyone from the street!! Problem is, we have people here retiring faster than they can pull them out of the shops! Once ALCOA shows up, they'll want to work two 757's at a time. I've heard they may send some Saabs to TUL to free up some bodies, but than again, I've also heard we may get some 757 winglet mods from TUL, the ones they can't handle! So who knows!!? I sure know they don't!!! What I do know is that the word "recall" is no longer in their vocabulary! "If" they really have to, and shortly they will, they'll refur to it as "backfilling"!!!! 😉
<_< ----- We may have had our problems with the IAM, but let me tell you something sonny! As far as Contract language is concerned, it was head and shoulders above this thing we call a contract today!!!

How many line stations did TWA close under those iron-clad contracts?
I do not disagree that AMFA has resisted the Airline management who is putting the screws to the labor force.
We need to use all of our energy to get rid of the TWU and right now the IBT appears the best chance to accomplish this.
I think if the AMFA people would help with a Teamsters card drive it would bring some satifaction to see the TWU voted out of AA.
I agree, but we should try and get everyone to go, and pick up the gate agents as well! That would give the IBT a running start to go after the whole industry which is what should have been done 20 years ago when they deregulated the industry.
How many line stations did TWA close under those iron-clad contracts?
<_< ---- Fixer, before you get all wound-up, I did say we had our problems with the IAM, didn't I? I'm not here to promote the IAM!!! All I said was their "Contract language", though far from perfect, stood head and shoulders above what we have now! Sorry, that offends your sensibilities! But from someone that's lived under both, that's my opinion!!! By the way Fixxer, have you signed a card yet?

I agree, but we should try and get everyone to go, and pick up the gate agents as well! That would give the IBT a running start to go after the whole industry which is what should have been done 20 years ago when they deregulated the industry.
<_< ---- Good point Bob!
<_< ---- Fixer, before you get all wound-up, I did say we had our problems with the IAM, didn't I? I'm not here to promote the IAM!!! All I said was their "Contract language", though far from perfect, stood head and shoulders above what we have now! Sorry, that offends your sensibilities! But from someone that's lived under both, that's my opinion!!! By the way Fixxer, have you signed a card yet?

<_< ---- Good point Bob!

The fact is that most of the guys I work with would even vote for the IAM instead of the TWU. In the last election a TWA guy ran for President, the only reason he lost is because some of the opposing ticket went around claiming that he was going to try and get the TWA guys all their seniority back and get us all bumped out on to the street.

Ask 777 how many line stations were closed to mechanics with the TWU.
<_< ---- Fixer, before you get all wound-up, I did say we had our problems with the IAM, didn't I? I'm not here to promote the IAM!!! All I said was their "Contract language", though far from perfect, stood head and shoulders above what we have now! Sorry, that offends your sensibilities! But from someone that's lived under both, that's my opinion!!! By the way Fixxer, have you signed a card yet?

It appears you are the one who is "wound-up". Soory if my pointing out undeniable facts to you caused you any undue stress.

Ask 777 how many line stations were closed to mechanics with the TWU.

By that comment I take it that you are assuming that I'm a hard core TWU supporter. Hate to burst your bubble but I'm not.
The fact is that most of the guys I work with would even vote for the IAM instead of the TWU. In the last election a TWA guy ran for President, the only reason he lost is because some of the opposing ticket went around claiming that he was going to try and get the TWA guys all their seniority back and get us all bumped out on to the street.
Ask 777 how many line stations were closed to mechanics with the TWU.
😉 ---- You know Bob, that's strange! A nAAtive ran here also. Lost for about the same reason. Wouldn't take into concederation our "unique" position as exTWAers! And yes, we do have a "good ol' boy" club here also, and he was an "outsider"! I voted for him because I felt he at least know how to work the system! Hell! Most people arround here don't even know what the system is!!! :shock:
I've read all the threads on this alleged IBT card drive. I personally went to the address listed on Westchester Parkway. I spoke with a secretary there. She gave me the name of the rep (Don something) who oversees the maintenance personnel on the west coast. I spoke to this person, via cell phone, and asked him if there was any truth to the rumor going round that the IBT was organizing at AA. He said no. He mentioned he spoke to Gary Yingst and told him there was no organizing campaign going on at AA. Hopefully this will clear up any misinformation being circulated out there.
PTO do you really want to go over the list of lie's and inaccuacies that you have uttered on this message board?
Sure 777 fixer, why not.

Let's start out with your claim that most of the "original scabs" at MSP were ex-Eastern. When you were caught in this lie you actaully tired to say you never said it.
However it was there in black and white.

Here you go again 777 fixer, telling lies about me telling lies. How ironic is that? There were many ex-Eastern AMT's working the NWA/AMFA strike but I never said most. I would have to say the largest group of AMT's coming from a single airline would have to be from American. as far as your claim that all the ex-Eastern guys are retired now, well I find it strange that I met two more down here in LC.

Then you said how could guys who are still on strike cross a picket line. Yet another lie on your part. The Eastern stike ended in 1991. Guess you could claim ignorance on that little fact. However I'm not sure what's worse, ignorance or being a liar.

If I do recall correctly I conceded that little fact to you. I also asked that you inform your ex-Eastern buddies of that fact as well for many are blindly stumbling around honestly believing they are still on strike.

PTO, we all know the only reason you were able to get a job in the airline industry is because decades of bad blood at NWA led to a strike. NWA wanted to get as many people as they could in a short amount of time. I on the other hand did not go that route.

You’re almost right 777 fixer but in fact it is the only way I could get a temp position at an airline. I am not much for permanent employment. Permanent employment has a tendency of consuming too much of my time. I patiently await the next opportunity.

This is what I'm talking about when I say you either are a liar or just ignorant. Number one, A&P and AMT are the same thing. I have the title of Aircraft Maintenance Technician becasue I have an A&P.

:lol: I cannot believe you actually stated such silly riff-raff. For a flame-baiter who portrays such intelligence and integrity you really blew it all on this one. If you are indeed an A&P as you claim you are an A&P because you went to school or built up enough hours of OJT and took a written, oral and practical test to obtain you certificate.

You are an AMT by default, meaning you just happen to have a wrench in your hand and got lucky enough to turn it on an aircraft, engine or component. They are far from being the same thing.

Maybe our AMT advocate Ken can shed some light on this issue for us.

How about it Ken? Would you be so kind as to show us a side-by-side comparison of the requirements to be an AMT versus an A&P?

Your second statement is innacurate on two counts. One as I have already mentioned A&P and AMT are the same thing. Secaond the IAM does not represent the AMT's at AA.

Well your first count is totally wrong but you are correct on the second count. How could I be so ignorant to confuse the Scab IAM with the Princess’s beloved TWU who is being replaced by a NON-Existent Teamster Drive? :lol:

And you base this opinion on your vast expereince with unions? By your own admission you have never been in one.
As a matter-of-fact, Yes.
I spoke to this person, via cell phone, and asked him if there was any truth to the rumor going round that the IBT was organizing at AA. He said no. He mentioned he spoke to Gary Yingst and told him there was no organizing campaign going on at AA. Hopefully this will clear up any misinformation being circulated out there.
Doesn't clear anything up, as hundreds have been signed at DFW alone. I'm sure by now it's in the thousands that have signed systemwide, and to date I have yet to see anything saying the IBT is or isn't backing this drive at AA. There are even mechanics wearing Teamsters shirts here. My bet is that the raid is on, and you're getting smoked pumped up your you know what. :shock:

With that said, have you sent in your card yet, if not, why the hell not? <_<
Sure 777 fixer, why not.
Here you go again 777 fixer, telling lies about me telling lies. How ironic is that? There were many ex-Eastern AMT's working the NWA/AMFA strike but I never said most. I would have to say the largest group of AMT's coming from a single airline would have to be from American. as far as your claim that all the ex-Eastern guys are retired now, well I find it strange that I met two more down here in LC.

Wow, I amazed that you continue with this lie even though your own words show you to be liar. Here's what you said June 9 2006 on the NWA board, The Airline Problem vs The Union Solution "The majority of Original Scabs up there are X-Eastern Mechanics."
Please correct me if I'm wrong but I would say stating "majority" means "most". Since this is the case that means you are lying when you say you did not say "most".
Your claim that the largest group of AMT's coming from AA is also suspect. For the simple reason your habit of telling fibs makes it so.
Oh and you have been caught in yet another lie. You said that I claimed that all the ex-Eastern guys are retired. I never said such a thing Here's my origninal statement.

There are other reason to doubt your claim. One reason is that a lot of the ex-striking Eastern AMT's who went on strike in 1989 were already middleaged. Therefore a lot of your ex-striking Eastern AMT's are in their fifteies, sixites or even higher. Some I would imagine have passed away. The ones that are still around I would venture to guess have done things other than go to work for an airline like NWA. You will find some have left the field completly. Others went out and got jobs at other carriers. I know this from personal experience. In addition since the ex-striking Eastern AMT's know what it's like to work at an airline with the sort of problems NWA has I would say that most of them are smart enough to stay away.

PTO, you either have a very bad memory as to things you have said and what others have said. Or you are hoping that someone like me a has a bad memory.
If I do recall correctly I conceded that little fact to you. I also asked that you inform your ex-Eastern buddies of that fact as well for many are blindly stumbling around honestly believing they are still on strike.

Yes smart guy I know you conceded that "little fact." I was using it as an example of either your habit of lying or your ignorance about the industry. As for your second statement I guess we will have to take your "word" on it.
You’re almost right 777 fixer but in fact it is the only way I could get a temp position at an airline. I am not much for permanent employment. Permanent employment has a tendency of consuming too much of my time. I patiently await the next opportunity.

Jumping from one temp position to another, how sad. If being an A&P consumes to much of your "time" maybe you should find another career. I know this sounds like an odd question but do you rent or own a house?

:lol: I cannot believe you actually stated such silly riff-raff. For a flame-baiter who portrays such intelligence and integrity you really blew it all on this one. If you are indeed an A&P as you claim you are an A&P because you went to school or built up enough hours of OJT and took a written, oral and practical test to obtain you certificate.

You are an AMT by default, meaning you just happen to have a wrench in your hand and got lucky enough to turn it on an aircraft, engine or component. They are far from being the same thing.

Maybe our AMT advocate Ken can shed some light on this issue for us.

How about it Ken? Would you be so kind as to show us a side-by-side comparison of the requirements to be an AMT versus an A&P?

This coming from someone who has a habit of posting lies, has taken flame baiting to new levels and displays his ignorance of the airline industry at almost every turn.

Well PTO at the compnay I work for in order to have the title AMT you have to have an A&P. Must be different at the various fly by night outfits you have worked for.

Well your first count is totally wrong but you are correct on the second count. How could I be so ignorant to confuse the Scab IAM with the Princess’s beloved TWU who is being replaced by a NON-Existent Teamster Drive? :lol:

No I'm not, it just appears we have a differnt definition.
And thanks for proving my point on teh ignorance part. I would have figured by now you would know who represents those at AA. Guess not.

As a matter-of-fact, Yes.

Yes you have never been in a union or yes your vast experince with unions?
Jumping from one temp position to another, how sad. If being an A&P consumes to much of your "time" maybe you should find another career. I know this sounds like an odd question but do you rent or own a house?

I didn't say that being an A&P consumed too much of my time, I said that permanent employment consumes too much of my time. I enjoy working as an A&P but the fact is that I enjoy my time even more.

Without getting into a debate as to whether anyone actually owns their home I will go ahead and say that I own my home. Just curious, Why do you ask?

Well PTO at the compnay I work for in order to have the title AMT you have to have an A&P. Must be different at the various fly by night outfits you have worked for.
It was that way at NWA as well but before I left there was some discussion towards making some of the ramp guys mechanic helpers to service oils and tires. This would instantly make these guys AMT's. They would not be able to sign-off logbooks so an A&P would have to enter the oils in the logbook for them and any tires that were serviced. This didn't go over very well with the A&P's. I don't know if that went anywhere or not.

Even here at Aeroframe Fed-Ex has recently come out and said, "AMT's that do not hold an A&P can no longer sign-off on job-cards." So now only an A&P can sign-off their own paperwork. An AMT has to get a lead or supervisor to sign-off their work. You are required to have your A&P to be a lead or supervisor. So to say that an AMT and an A&P are one in the same is quiet foolish.

Where is our expert, Ken MacTiernan, with that list comparing the requirements to be an AMT versus an A&P?

Yes you have never been in a union or yes your vast experince with unions?
I have had a few...lets say "run-ins" with unions. Add that to the bitterness you guys spew here about unions then you have someone such as myself who just doesn't care to be associated with them. How is that Teamster drive going BTW?
We haven't seen any cards here at DFW Terminal.....could someone drop some by?

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