AMT Teamsters Drive

Are you doing anything to fix these problems you point out, or are you just a whiner and a SCAB?

No He's assisting in the devaluation of the craft by working at third party hack shops that only exacerbate the problem.

The SCAB has no real interest in helping the craft, He's a vulture who preys on the work of others. SCUM of the Earth is a more fitting discription for PTO!

PTO, You've done enough damage in this Industry. we don't need/want your kind of help like hackman alluded to, go take a hike!
So what are you doing to fix this?...
None of the above AMFAMAN. I'm just hanging out stating my humble opinions on these grand boards. You petitioned to have another union represent you, how is that going. A union currently represents you with thousands of members that think just like you, how is that going for you?

Just curious AMFAMAN do you agree at all with me on the AMT title issue? I thought it was a bit silly myself till I got down here and saw it on Fed-Ex's paperwork. Then I stumbled across an AMT magazine. After that i did a bit more checking into the title and did not like what I learned. I know you guys like the sound of the title but the problem is it is a very dangerous title for your craft. It has become an industry accepted title and it is just a matter of time before the title bleeds over into the FARS and the FAA begins to rewrite the book on who can and can't work on aircraft. Before you know it you want need a license to work on aircraft then you can forever forget about any chance in hell having this declared a skilled craft.
None of the above AMFAMAN. I'm just hanging out stating my humble opinions on these grand boards. You petitioned to have another union represent you, how is that going. A union currently represents you with thousands of members that think just like you, how is that going for you?

Just curious AMFAMAN do you agree at all with me on the AMT title issue? I thought it was a bit silly myself till I got down here and saw it on Fed-Ex's paperwork. Then I stumbled across an AMT magazine. After that i did a bit more checking into the title and did not like what I learned. I know you guys like the sound of the title but the problem is it is a very dangerous title for your craft. It has become an industry accepted title and it is just a matter of time before the title bleeds over into the FARS and the FAA begins to rewrite the book on who can and can't work on aircraft. Before you know it you want need a license to work on aircraft then you can forever forget about any chance in hell having this declared a skilled craft.

You haven't the first Damn clue!

The FAA CREATEDthe title "AMT".

How many times are you going to have your ignorance exposed??? How many times are you going to be directed to the NPRM for FAR Part 66???

The AMT, AMT-T, ARS-1, ARS-2, etc etc are all certificated positions under that proposal.

You keep blabbering away fool, and we'll keep laughing at you.
I will respond to your "AMT" issue if you will tell me exactly what your issue is? Keep it simple be accurate tell me the gripe as it equates with AA. Generic whats up with "AMT" will not suffice. Or Ken "explain it to me".(ps. i am not ken) Break it down to something specific and i will try to give you an answer. I will try to be nice but you need to keep in mind you are a union busting hunk of crap and have no right to #### about anything any honorable union man has done in the past that allowed you to scab at the high wages you made in your first "major". Nor do you have any right to "instruct" since you have no clue what sticking together with your fellow coworkers means. Free for all comes to mind here. Sorry you had to quit scab air under those terms you had to i thought you had a handle on things but i guess things happen and ass can overload mouth at times. Being the "company man" you are i cannot fathom your issue except "flaming" Or did the scab company do you wrong and you have seen the scab light? I doubt it..
I will respond to your "AMT" issue if you will tell me exactly what your issue is? Keep it simple be accurate tell me the gripe as it equates with AA.

The AMT Title and my gripes are not AA specific but it very much will eventually affect you guys at AA as it will affect the entire industry.

The reason that I call it a generic term is that it encompasses every person that has ever worked on an aircraft or not worked on an aircraft. Let me explain this. Lets say that Boeing hires a vendor to stamp out two inch L-brackets for fire-loop clips at some little sheet metal shop in BFE that doesn't even know what an aircraft looks like other than seeing contrails on occasion in the sky. The guy running the machine stamping out the parts has just joined the AMT ranks without even setting foot on an aircraft much less reading an SRM.

Right now every MRO is being flooded with people off the streets and given an AMT stamp to perform work on aircraft with no training at all. Any company that operates a 135 ticket can do this. Right now they have to have a percentage of A&P's to unlicensed people working but this is going un-enforced by the FAA. FAR Part 66 is simply the FAA making the companies happy by relaxing the number of A&P's they are going to have to keep onboard. It will be many years before the A&P disappears but it will not be long before the only reason to have an A&P is to work in General Aviation.

I am sure AA carries a 135 ticket thus the A&P'S in the hangars will be replaced with lesser paid off the street AMT's. AA has every legal right to do just that if they carry a 135 ticket. It will be longer for the A&P'S that work line to be replaced but the writing is on the wall.

Do you guys service you own oxygen bottles? Well if you guys out source your bottles to an outside vendor the 16 year old kid working his first job ever filling those bottles has just joined the AMT ranks. He probably couldn't point out the flight deck much less hook a bottle up in an aircraft. Now how the hell will you ever get aircraft maintenance listed as a skilled craft while operating under those conditions?

What is going to happen to the A&P Craft when an unlicensed AMT can sign off a logbook with the blessing of the FAA?
Well i am glad you got to the point.

Well if you look in the "FARs" this has been the case for a couple decades. So your point is?????Why do you think you hero scab air can fly its junk to a foreign country where Talaban can work on it?????????????????? "REPAIR STATION CERTIFICATE" (with no faa oversite)i am now scared i was under the impression you were a contract usa A&P mechanic and if you were you should know the fars.(if for nothing else to cya) So is this a "UNION ISSUE"????????????????
For you it is i guess????
Meanwhile keep voting for your local sell out politician and praise him i am "glad i can scab"

Let me know what you are doing to stop this and tell me your web page and i will sign up and petition my congressman which i have already done to stop this .

This is not a new issue and and if it is new to you then you really need to check yourself because you possibly do not have the experience you claim to have.....
....FAR Part 66 is simply the FAA making the companies happy by relaxing the number of A&P's they are going to have to keep onboard....

What is going to happen to the A&P Craft when an unlicensed AMT can sign off a logbook with the blessing of the FAA?

Two more splendid examples of your complete ignorance in this matter.

FAR Part 66 isn't making any companies happy because IT WAS NEVER IMPLEMENTED ! IT DIED IN THE NPRM PHASE!

Additionally, PART 66 has NOTHINGto do with mechanic staffing requirements. It covers AMT certification requirements.
FAR Part 66 isn't making any companies happy because IT WAS NEVER IMPLEMENTED ! IT DIED IN THE NPRM PHASE!
No it was never implemented but it does go to show you what is being planned for the future of the A&P Craft. A lot of time and resources was spent putting that together but the industry simply isn't ready for it. A time will come when it or something very much like it, possibly even worse will be brought up again.
No it was never implemented but it does go to show you what is being planned for the future of the A&P Craft. A lot of time and resources was spent putting that together but the industry simply isn't ready for it. A time will come when it or something very much like it, possibly even worse will be brought up again.

So in a previous post you claim the FAA is just making companies "happy" with PART 66, and now you admit it was never implemented, never mind the fact that you haven't the first damn clue as to what its about.

And again, more of your absolute ignorance!

It is now clear to even the most casual observer that you are a complete and utter fool. You posess no knowledge whatsoever about PART 66 or what its provisions entailed, if you had you'd realize what utter nonsense your drivel is.
So in a previous post you claim the FAA is just making companies "happy" with PART 66, and now you admit it was never implemented, never mind the fact that you haven't the first damn clue as to what its about.

And again, more of your absolute ignorance!

It is now clear to even the most casual observer that you are a complete and utter fool. You posess no knowledge whatsoever about PART 66 or what its provisions entailed, if you had you'd realize what utter nonsense your drivel is.

Winner....ThirdSeatHero!!!! :up: :lol: :up:

Jeez, I think PlaytheCods just suffered another double-leg takedown and a record pin.....again. :blink: :lol: :up:

Never have I witnessed a scab get pummeled continuously and wade back in for more. Have you ThirdSeatHero???

It continues to amaze. :huh:
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I just got word from a very reliable source that this Teamsters drive is a hoax, and coming from the higher levels of the twu atd up to and allegedly including Yingst, to see who is signing cards and to do a check on their loyalty from former team twuers. :down:

Now this is really pissing me off knowing that my card got in the hands of these greaseballs, but I guess I should have seen it coming. I'm not sure how the former believers who are running the cards are going to explain this, but oh well, that's their problem.

I had a feeling that something was up when my contact couldn't get a letter confirming that the IBT was behind the drive. Add on that the "Man of the People" has always been a very good source of information, and his post states that he talked with the higher ups of the IBT and they confirmed that their is no drive.
If true, this is a flagrent invasion of member privacy and the rights of individuals to seek alternative representation.

For starters, I'd be filing an ethics complaint with the NMB.

Next, since the intent of the deception was to identify "disloyal" TWU members, I'd file a harassment complaint with AA HR against the union as well as any union officials like Yingst who may still be on company payroll, since there is zero tolerance for harassment of fellow employees, right?