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AMT Teamsters Drive

Ok. Let me get this straight. A bunch of Amfa pushers
start playing up an alleged Teamster drive.

You better open your eye's RAINMAN, the biggest advocates for dumping the TWU for the IBT that Iv'e talked with refused to sign an AMFA card.

You Idiots are your own worst enemy, you have alienated the rank and file by crawling in bed with the compAAny and selling us out one contract after another, year after year, the gig is up!
I've noticed something PTO. When somone catches you in a lie you disapear. What's up with that?
I'm sorry 777 fixer but I haven't noticed. I guess I would first have to lie first to notice something of that nature. Do be a bit more specific.

I would like to ask you 777 fixer, are you an ex-McDonalds cook hired off the street to be called an AMT or do you actually carry an A&P?

Also what is the A&P to AMT ratio in Tulsa? Just how many AMT/IAM lapdogs are there in Tulsa riding the backs of A&P's?

Until you guys make changes in the system there is nothing any union can do for you but convince you to take on more and more concessions. Just ask the NWA flight attendants, what has changing unions done for them?
Also what is the A&P to AMT ratio in Tulsa? Just how many AMT/IAM lapdogs are there in Tulsa riding the backs of A&P's?

Until you guys make changes in the system there is nothing any union can do for you but convince you to take on more and more concessions. Just ask the NWA flight attendants, what has changing unions done for them?

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt"
I'm sorry 777 fixer but I haven't noticed. I guess I would first have to lie first to notice something of that nature. Do be a bit more specific.

I would like to ask you 777 fixer, are you an ex-McDonalds cook hired off the street to be called an AMT or do you actually carry an A&P?

Also what is the A&P to AMT ratio in Tulsa? Just how many AMT/IAM lapdogs are there in Tulsa riding the backs of A&P's?

Until you guys make changes in the system there is nothing any union can do for you but convince you to take on more and more concessions. Just ask the NWA flight attendants, what has changing unions done for them?

SCAB, how's nwa treating you these days?

Your thought provoking comment to 777 asking him if he is an ex-McDonalds cook is indicative of your lack of confidence and intelligence.

What would you know about AMTs? You are a SCAB and always will be a SCAB. You don't know when you lie? Here's a hint... when ever you claim to repair aircraft. THAT'S A LIE.
I'm sorry 777 fixer but I haven't noticed. I guess I would first have to lie first to notice something of that nature. Do be a bit more specific.

PTO do you really want to go over the list of lie's and inaccuacies that you have uttered on this message board?

Let's start out with your claim that most of the "original scabs" at MSP were ex-Eastern. When you were caught in this lie you actaully tired to say you never said it. However it was there in black and white. Then you said how could guys who are still on strike cross a picket line. Yet another lie on your part. The Eastern stike ended in 1991. Guess you could claim ignorance on that little fact. However I'm not sure what's worse, ignorance or being a liar.

I would like to ask you 777 fixer, are you an ex-McDonalds cook hired off the street to be called an AMT or do you actually carry an A&P?

PTO, we all know the only reason you were able to get a job in the airline industry is because decades of bad blood at NWA led to a strike. NWA wanted to get as many people as they could in a short amount of time. I on the other hand did not go that route.

Also what is the A&P to AMT ratio in Tulsa? Just how many AMT/IAM lapdogs are there in Tulsa riding the backs of A&P's?

This is what I'm talking about when I say you either are a liar or just ignorant. Number one, A&P and AMT are the same thing. I have the title of Aircraft Maintenance Technician becasue I have an A&P. Your second statement is innacurate on two counts. One as I have already mentioned A&P and AMT are the same thing. Secaond the IAM does not represent the AMT's at AA.

Until you guys make changes in the system there is nothing any union can do for you but convince you to take on more and more concessions. Just ask the NWA flight attendants, what has changing unions done for them?

And you base this opinion on your vast expereince with unions? By your own admission you have never been in one.
Hey Scabby PTO,

Don't you have some "SCAB" patches to install,I mean butcher, at your new MRO "chop shop"? What happened PTO? Did the FAA take your forged A&P from you? Is that why Northwest Scab Air fired you? Couldn't pencil whip those logbooks anymore could you? How much are those lawyers gonna cost you at your FAA hearing? I bet Northwest will back you up,NOT!
Thanks for the compliment, I never knew anyone took me seriously. 😛
<_< ----You know AMFAMAN, at least I don't!!!! 😛 If the Teamsters get in, are you going to change your handle to "IBTMAN"??? 😀 😀 😀
<_< ----You know AMFAMAN, at least I don't!!!! 😛 If the Teamsters get in, are you going to change your handle to "IBTMAN"??? 😀 😀 😀
I don't know, never thought about that. Maybe I'll be bored from the lack of twu/company sponsored unionism and just stop posting. 😛
<_< ----- Call the Exterminator! This line has been SCAB infested!!!! :shock: Easy Bear!---- It's just the start of the Football season!!! 😛 Anything can happen! Including the IBT!!!!


Hey you OLD FART, here's a prediction for you.

Superbowl.............KC + NY(Giants) 🙄


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