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AMR talks about training fill-in flight attendants

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Ok well what about Reno Air flight attendants we were stapled what you want above me also??? It happened to us also we just had better timming it could have been us but TWA saved my job. I would never cross the picket line but if i ever fly with a TWA F/a that does look out scabs thats what i know about you guys scabs :angry: :angry: .The fifference between my group and yours was we lost our lawsuit and we moved on try it youselfs

Reno was a fairly new Airline when bought out and the employees had Five years of Service.

How many AA f/as at the time of Reno's purchase had less then FIVE YEARS of service?
What's preventing working 'by the book' right now?

I didn't mention anything aout going by the book."
I was referring to the work attitude should the strikers be ordered back to work under a PEB.
More about attitude and work ethic!
TWA emps crossing picket lines! Hell yes! I'll buy a ticket.

Sundown on the union..
Gee if more people were like you we would be speaking german on the east coast and japanese on the west coast.


If it wasnt for unions you wouldnt have the labor laws and protection in the work place.
No, what is hypocritical is continuing to spout the same "we weren't the ones that screwed you," crap when the apfa's own attorney is on record stating that "what the apfa did to you was wrong and off the record I know that Laura feels the same way."
Just think,,, some of us were really close to giving the up the fight until we heard that.
It doesnt change the fact that as you poor poor me all the time and then drool at the chance to to the same. You are no different than the people you claim to be superior to.
What I don't think you understand is this, amr can train them on every a/c type in the fleet in a much shorter rime than ur initial training. The bulk of your training can be axed down to practically nothing. I requalify on all fleet types in less than one day every year. There are whords of people out of work due to the poor economy, and they will gladly take your job as opposed to working at wal-mart. Sorry bit the truth hurts. You go ahead and strike, they will have ur replacement waiting, already trained. Chaos is the way to go.
Really practically nothing. What is practically nothing? AA got the FAA to approve 10 day class for a single AC type. No exemption for multiple AC types. These people are not doing drills they are learning how open a door where the emergency EQ is and how it is used how to handle a decompression how to do a planned or unplanned emergency check list ditching etc.

When people realize they are not jetting to Paris for the day They are working to and laying over in CLE or SMF. During a strike the ones lucky enough to go to Paris will be staying at the airport hotel and not in the city. In fact every layover hotel will be changed and 99% will be secured airport hotels.

Sorry to be the one to tell you not everyone wants this job and it is not the end all for all people. Some people would rather sleep in their own bed and not spend days away from family. Something else to consider. Last time the scabs were told pack for a long trip because we dont know when you will be getting back.
I would love to see AA try to train and try to keep 16000 plus people. Buy uniforms and luggage and keep them on stand by. When they actually get to a plane and the pilot starts checking IDs and asking safety questions and checking manuals each flight. When they get in to the real world of scab flying and have special vans to take them to and from there short layover airport hotel. Working at the companies whim and pleasure. Working under an imposed contract that will be quickly amended to save more money adn cut the posts of silly things lie per diem long layovers in the city vacation and sick time. How many will quit the first day and how many more the first week?
It doesnt change the fact that as you poor poor me all the time and then drool at the chance to to the same. You are no different than the people you claim to be superior to.

Oh dear union brother, you would like to believe that we are as low as you...but given the opportunity to do the same thing to an acquired workforce. We didnt, how did the apfa lawyer put it? oh... commit a "wrong" against them. In my book that does make us superior to you.
You are all in LALA DREAMLAND.....

The government (namely the President) will nix any strike!
So all you potential strikers and scabs-in-waiting, move on.
I would love to see AA try to train and try to keep 16000 plus people. Buy uniforms and luggage and keep them on stand by. When they actually get to a plane and the pilot starts checking IDs and asking safety questions and checking manuals each flight. When they get in to the real world of scab flying and have special vans to take them to and from there short layover airport hotel. Working at the companies whim and pleasure. Working under an imposed contract that will be quickly amended to save more money adn cut the posts of silly things lie per diem long layovers in the city vacation and sick time. How many will quit the first day and how many more the first week?

TWA flew with scabs for 3 years, how long are AA F/As going to walk a picketline? You don't even see AA F/A more then twice on a 8 hour flight. Don't get me wrong I'm all behind AA F/As, but you need to be realistic. Like I keep saying NWA replaced ALL the mechanics.
I think executives can be even more ruthless. APFA knows AA well and will use that knowledge as they have in the past. They will play there adversary very carefully. In 93 with a limited threat of replacements they limited the strike duration to under the time it would take to train and replace anyone. There are other ways to play this. Add in the possibility that the pilots or the mechanics/ fleet service do even as little as work to rule there is another big wrench for AA to deal with. Both of those other unions were very helpful in the past and I now if and when the tables are turned the FA's will do what they can for them.

The greatest weapon APFA has is the arrogance of AA management. It has served us very well in the past and hasnt changed much over the years.

Don't kid yourself, the TWU and APA did nothing for you, the pilots flew the planes and the mechs fixed them more worried if there was going to be a layoff, the Teamsters did more for you guys, and that was in 1993 when times weren't as bad as now. I agree with you that AA mgt is arrogent, but you're being arrogent thinking that AA hasn't learned anything from your strike.
Don't kid yourself, the TWU and APA did nothing for you, the pilots flew the planes and the mechs fixed them more worried if there was going to be a layoff, the Teamsters did more for you guys, ............

APA did alot for the APFA during their strike.

Don't get me wrong, the FA's did all that really counts for the strike with courage and conviction, but APA was there in a support function.
More likely, they'd be scheduled for 150 hours or more per month and might fly 140 of those on average, drastically reducing the number required.
At the end of the 30 day cooling off period the company is free to implement the final proposal on the table. I doubt very seriously it will contain provisions for 140 to 150 hrs per month.

In 1986 Icahn implemented several things that were not part of the final proposal. They were all overturned in court and put back as they were.

Just think...When you do get replaced, and then by a miracle recalled, think about all the money you will owe your great Union for back dues. :blink: You reap what you sew!
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