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AMR talks about training fill-in flight attendants

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These the same scabs from the IFFA strike? Maybe the old AA scabs will issue a press release as well.

Actually...the Coalition is made up of some of the staunchest unionists and full term (as in years)strikers from the 86 strike...
.the Coalition is made up of some of the staunchest unionists and full term
So it is a case of do as i say not as I do. They scream and run to the courts they stole from me but first chance they get they are willing to do exactly that. Could they be any more hypocritical?
Actually...the Coalition is made up of some of the staunchest unionists and full term (as in years)strikers from the 86 strike...
A staunch unionist would not even consider crossing a picket line and becoming a replacement worker.

I call BS on your post.
LOL they declared success last time flying empty planes.

Just that it would be a logistical nightmare. Depending on the scenario either a full on strike and or lock out as you point out. The trips would have to be built as the day progressed and it would require trying to contact people individually.Garfield could likely tell you what a nightmare it was the last time even with the few people they had and trying to get a crew together and they were all qualified on most if not all of our AC.

Even if they managed a build a schedule in anticipation of a work action they than have to implement it and then adjust the pilots flying as well. As it is most lines are built with multiple AC assignments. mixing 737 S80 and 757 and wide body mixing 767 and 777 to be able to fully utilize people up to there max hours per month. With flying with minimum crews as well the work load being more and now with just one person missing the flight is off.

What I don't think you understand is this, amr can train them on every a/c type in the fleet in a much shorter rime than ur initial training. The bulk of your training can be axed down to practically nothing. I requalify on all fleet types in less than one day every year. There are whords of people out of work due to the poor economy, and they will gladly take your job as opposed to working at wal-mart. Sorry bit the truth hurts. You go ahead and strike, they will have ur replacement waiting, already trained. Chaos is the way to go.
So it is a case of do as i say not as I do. They scream and run to the courts they stole from me but first chance they get they are willing to do exactly that. Could they be any more hypocritical?

No, what is hypocritical is continuing to spout the same "we weren't the ones that screwed you," crap when the apfa's own attorney is on record stating that "what the apfa did to you was wrong and off the record I know that Laura feels the same way."
Just think,,, some of us were really close to giving the up the fight until we heard that.
The government will not allow a strike given the fragile nature of the economy.
You're probably correct, but this administration could also use the situation to pander to some of the now somewhat alianted radical left wing base. Never let a good crisis go to waste.

Just remember the President can order strikers back to work, but how they work once they return is something no one has any control over.
What's preventing working 'by the book' right now?
What I don't think you understand is this, amr can train them on every a/c type in the fleet in a much shorter rime than ur initial training. The bulk of your training can be axed down to practically nothing. I requalify on all fleet types in less than one day every year. There are whords of people out of work due to the poor economy, and they will gladly take your job as opposed to working at wal-mart. Sorry bit the truth hurts. You go ahead and strike, they will have ur replacement waiting, already trained. Chaos is the way to go.

I agree there are alot of waitress's, office workers, teachers out there who would rather work to Paris, Tokyo, London, China, Japan, etc.......... with a 24hour layover. Who like the benefits of being a F/A, flight privledges, flexable work schedule $45 an hour and I'm sure that's a low estimate. Look how many F/As have college educations but would rather be a flight att. I suggest the CHAOS route, work to rules, because F/As are to easy to replace. There are to many people who want your jobs.
So it is a case of do as i say not as I do. They scream and run to the courts they stole from me but first chance they get they are willing to do exactly that. Could they be any more hypocritical?
<_< ----- Milkey, I wouldn't be talking hypocrisy to these people!!!! :down: These people deserved to be treated "better"!----- You know it, and so does everyone else in the Industry!
These the same scabs from the IFFA strike? Maybe the old AA scabs will issue a press release as well. A coalition makes it sound like a huge number of people. Yet they neglect to state how many members of this coalition actually subscribe. It leave me to believe it is a few rather than many.

LMAO. I would not be surprise if the spoke person of the old AA scabs will
come out with a press release soon. Their leader is well known at JFK.
Ex APFA president now doing all the special assignment management
gives her at JFK............LOL
No, what is hypocritical is continuing to spout the same "we weren't the ones that screwed you," crap when the apfa's own attorney is on record stating that "what the apfa did to you was wrong and off the record I know that Laura feels the same way."
Just think,,, some of us were really close to giving the up the fight until we heard that.
Here's some food for thought about senority with the aquisition of TWA...
Agents... Stappled to the bottom by American... no senority and thank management for that, no union to blame.
Mechanics..... Got some bidding senority but 4/10/01 for company senority so if a furlough happens they go first. Basically stappled to the bottom.
Pilots.... Top 1/3 got a bit of senority if they stay in SLT. The remaining got stappled and furloughed.
F/As.... Stappled to the bottom and all but 20 are furloughed.
So really most of all TWA employees were stappled. Now do you think big brother AA had something to do with this??? I do.... It wasn't all APFAs doing.... hmmmmmm....
Oh, I dont think AA will rely on bringing the furloughed TWA F/As to back to work. It seems as though they moved mountains to get them off the property with all the crazy furloughs and overage leaves that resulted in only 20 or so still here.
What I don't think you understand is this, amr can train them on every a/c type in the fleet in a much shorter rime than ur initial training. The bulk of your training can be axed down to practically nothing. I requalify on all fleet types in less than one day every year. There are whords of people out of work due to the poor economy, and they will gladly take your job as opposed to working at wal-mart. Sorry bit the truth hurts. You go ahead and strike, they will have ur replacement waiting, already trained. Chaos is the way to go.
Sure get on a full 777 with 10 day trained F/As in a POST 911 world...... Where they wont even know what a can of coke looks like and you expect them to keep the A/C safe..... Yeah ok.....
And the AA f/as will receive what is deemed fair and equitable from the former TWA members!

The TWA f/as were NEVER offered an arbitrator so they never received any fair treatment!

Yes, it is time to move on.....STRIKE......let the games begin!

The former TWA f/as will offer the same support that APFA has shown them!
Ok well what about Reno Air flight attendants we were stapled what you want above me also??? It happened to us also we just had better timming it could have been us but TWA saved my job. I would never cross the picket line but if i ever fly with a TWA F/a that does look out scabs thats what i know about you guys scabs :angry: :angry: .The fifference between my group and yours was we lost our lawsuit and we moved on try it youselfs
Another waste of precious free cash. There will be no strike, the government will not allow it. Delay delay delay......in the airline business we all should be used to that.
while the TWA people were able to get it through congress on an appropriations bill through the MO senators. It is not the first ever union stapling of seniority. In the future you might see more companies use the SWA model for integration to avoid the new law.
That model only works if 1 - there's a union or someone else empowered to negotiate on the acquired side to represent those employees and 2 - the union or representative on the other side agrees. As was the case with WN's offer for F9, that model doesn't necessarily work.

Plus once the new law is triggered you can't escape it - one side cannot arbitrarily decide how the seniority will be integrated since the other side must agree.

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