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AMR talks about training fill-in flight attendants

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Don't kid yourself, the TWU and APA did nothing for you, the pilots flew the planes and the mechs fixed them more worried if there was going to be a layoff, the Teamsters did more for you guys, and that was in 1993 when times weren't as bad as now. I agree with you that AA mgt is arrogent, but you're being arrogent thinking that AA hasn't learned anything from your strike.
I disagree. I can clearly remember APFA President Denise Hedges on television saying she WANTED the pilots to fly those empty planes in order to waste fuel (money). Also not only was fuel being wasted but pilots, mechanics, agents, rampers, and all the other employees were still drawing a paycheck. Very little revenue coming in but a lot of operating expenses.
APFA "did it because they had to". You still can't seem to grasp the concept of APFA following their contract and constitution and by laws. All YOU know is that YOU wanted YOUR seniority from a FAILED AIRLINE so YOU could be at the TOP of ANOTHER AIRLINES' seniority list-DFR laws, contract laws, and nAAtive F/As be damned. You are telling the AA F/As that you would have been their "strongest and most loyal ally" if they had only bent over, grabbed their ankles and given you your TWA seniority. If that had happened and you had gotten everything (TWA seniority to bid the best trips, have all the nAAtive F/As as your furlough cushion, highest legacy pay, pension) you would have had every reason to enthusiastically support APFA. On the other hand, the nAAtive F/As would have had justifiable anger and sued the living crap out of the APFA for not following the contract and C@B laws. A person who attempts to take something that they are not legally entitled to is called a THIEF.

APFA "did it because they had to".

TWA f/as will cross for the very same reason!

If they (AA fa/s) had only bent over, grabbed their ankles and given you your TWA seniority.

So the AA f/as are now asking the TWA f/as to once again grab their ankles and show their support?

Good Luck getting a RESTORE and MORE contract!!!

Enjoy those extended duty hours (85 + hrs. per month) and short layovers!

But perhaps you might be lucky enough to get one additional PVD per year....GOT GUTS?


The only question is this, WHAT YEAR?

The red disk really represents how many flights that the former TWA f/as will be working!

Many an airline employee has been screwed over since deregulation. PanAm, Eastern, Braniff, National, just to name a few. Everyone in this industry has been a victim of circumstance.
You can't change the past.....Move on!

We at the TWU are getting screwed by our own spineless union....You don't have the lock on getting screwed.
Many an airline employee has been screwed over since deregulation. PanAm, Eastern, Braniff, National, just to name a few. Everyone in this industry has been a victim of circumstance.
You can't change the past.....Move on!

We at the TWU are getting screwed by our own spineless union....You don't have the lock on getting screwed.

AA f/as CBA offers no language where if recalled a f/a has the option of bypassing that recall notice. If a TWA f/a refuses recall, they give up their rights and will be terminated from AA.

So I don't believe that the TWA f/as will allow themselves to be screwed once agian!
AA f/as CBA offers no language where if recalled a f/a has the option of bypassing that recall notice. If a TWA f/a refuses recall, they give up their rights and will be terminated from AA.

So I don't believe that the TWA f/as will allow themselves to be screwed once agian!

Excellent, AA needs more F/As in their 60's...
APA did alot for the APFA during their strike.

Don't get me wrong, the FA's did all that really counts for the strike with courage and conviction, but APA was there in a support function.
Very true. APA did cross the picket line but were contractually obliged to. They individually provided money food and support. They waled the line with us and got the names and employee numbers of every scab on their flights. They didnt let anyone wor with out being able to show they could answer safety related questions about procedures and locations of emergency EQ.

In the end it was not a APA strke or a TWU strike. It was a APFA strike and was up to the union to put up or shut up. In the end they can be proud they stood strong and united and won it on their own sweat and merits. Not just because airplanes didnt fly they flew but flew empty.

For those who say otherwise how many would not cross an APA picket line? I dont mean call in sick I mean call in to the company and refuse to work in violation of your contract and a very likely court order.
Excellent, AA needs more F/As in their 60's...

So you're an ageist too? Just an all around prince of a guy. Lets just hope one day someone doesn't decide that you aren't "hot" enough to do the job that you're qualified for.
AA f/as CBA offers no language where if recalled a f/a has the option of bypassing that recall notice. If a TWA f/a refuses recall, they give up their rights and will be terminated from AA.

So I don't believe that the TWA f/as will allow themselves to be screwed once agian!
Not true you can accept a recall then notify the company you are exercising your legal contractual rights and are now on strike.
Very true, but what if AA were to lock out the FAs at the expiration of the cooling off period? Isn't AA free to replace the workers on whatever terms AA and the replacements agree? I wasn't aware that the company had to abide by the final proposal if it attempted to permanently replace workers.
AA cannot lock out any employee group. They all have a no stre no lockout clause in their contracts. If there was a strike they then could lock them out. At the end of the 30 day cooling off period the company is free at their choice to implement their final agreement.
The Apfas "we did it cause we could" shortsighted arrogance and mentality is what has gotten you/us into this little quandry...
We could have been your strongest and most loyal ally instead of your most tenacious irritant.
Thank you.... go bark at AA management that required the IAM to DROP the senority clause in the TWA F/A contract. APFA did not ask for this AA managemnet did..... The IAM did so and then the process of aquiring TWA continued. Now how do u respond to that???
APFA "did it because they had to".

TWA f/as will cross for the very same reason!

If they (AA fa/s) had only bent over, grabbed their ankles and given you your TWA seniority.

So the AA f/as are now asking the TWA f/as to once again grab their ankles and show their support?

Good Luck getting a RESTORE and MORE contract!!!

Enjoy those extended duty hours (85 + hrs. per month) and short layovers!

But perhaps you might be lucky enough to get one additional PVD per year....GOT GUTS?


The only question is this, WHAT YEAR?

The red disk really represents how many flights that the former TWA f/as will be working!

Two things that will NEVER happen...
#1 TWA will get their senority
#2 TWA will be back to work for AA.
With that being said.... Lay down your arms and retreat. The war is OVER, accept it !!!!
Two things that will NEVER happen...
#1 TWA will get their senority
#2 TWA will be back to work for AA.
With that being said.... Lay down your arms and retreat. The war is OVER, accept it !!!!

You may be right about your top 2 list

Here are a few other items to add to your list

TWO things that will also NEVER HAPPEN


Am sorry but you are 100% wrong the pilots did nothing for us. Every single one of them cross our
picket line just like the mechanics....As far as I am concern every single pilot and mechanic in the
property on 1993 is a SCAB.

The APA and TWU were legally obligated to show for work, otherwise it would have been an illegal work action. Neither union did anything to help out the F/As, and that is a fact.

It's the internet, so I don't know if they come from actual AA FA's, but they do match the attitude of many very uninformed FA's I've flown with in the 16 years since that strike. I wish you guys luck, but you're going to do it this time without guys like me and I will strongly communicate to APA that our membership not spend one dime of our dues money to support a APFA strike.

As a group, the AA FA's are totally clueless as to the help APA provided. I would go as far as to quote Rahm Emanuel regarding the lack of knowledge, but I'd get banned and really can't stand him in the first place.

As I mentioned, APFA did the hard work themselves as should every union on the property. If you need another employee group for your success, you're dead in the first place. During the FA strike, APA was like the Gatorade guys you will see getting the players drinks during the Super Bowl. That as well as providing valuable intel pretty much covers our contribution.
I have spoken to Bill O'Driscoll many times, as we were at US together during negotiations, he explained the AA deal was a last resort to try and save as much of TWA as possible, AA at the last minute balked at the deal unless the IAM and removed the LPPs from the CBAs otherwise the deal was off, so AA put a gun to the IAM's head and they had no choice but to agree and try to save as many jobs as possible.

Its time to move on all ready, look around the whole industry is screwed.
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