APFA "did it because they had to". You still can't seem to grasp the concept of APFA following their contract and constitution and by laws. All YOU know is that YOU wanted YOUR seniority from a FAILED AIRLINE so YOU could be at the TOP of ANOTHER AIRLINES' seniority list-DFR laws, contract laws, and nAAtive F/As be damned. You are telling the AA F/As that you would have been their "strongest and most loyal ally" if they had only bent over, grabbed their ankles and given you your TWA seniority. If that had happened and you had gotten everything (TWA seniority to bid the best trips, have all the nAAtive F/As as your furlough cushion, highest legacy pay, pension) you would have had every reason to enthusiastically support APFA. On the other hand, the nAAtive F/As would have had justifiable anger and sued the living crap out of the APFA for not following the contract and C@B laws. A person who attempts to take something that they are not legally entitled to is called a THIEF.