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AMR talks about training fill-in flight attendants

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AA has about 16,000 active who fly an average of 59 hours a month. At 100 hours a month, fewer than 10,000 would be necessary for full replacement. At FAA minimums, it would take even fewer.

You keep believing this 59 hour figure. Please use your brain. If the schedules are built at between 72-82 hours each month then who is flying the hours between 59 and 72? The flying fairy? Don't you understand that for every flight attendant that flies 40 hours there is another one that picked up those hours and is flying 120. There is no way that they build schedules at 75 hours but the average flight attendant only works 59 of those hours. The 59 hour average takes in vacation AND sick time.

Then why did you ex-TWA F/As lose all your lawsuits?
I'm sure that there is video somewhere out there from the union roadshow in St. Louis. I guess my "source" is me...and several hundred other people...there was a nice turnout, much more of the membership showed up than the apfa was expecting. They were nice enough to bring in extra chairs for us though.
And as far as lawsuits there are several reasons one might lose a lawsuit....and those reasons don't always have anything to do with justice or what's right or wrong...ever hear of the civil rights movement...prop 8?
I'm sure that there is video somewhere out there from the union roadshow in St. Louis. I guess my "source" is me...and several hundred other people...there was a nice turnout, much more of the membership showed up than the apfa was expecting. They were nice enough to bring in extra chairs for us though.
And as far as lawsuits there are several reasons one might lose a lawsuit....and those reasons don't always have anything to do with justice or what's right or wrong...ever hear of the civil rights movement...prop 8?
BTW... Any idea when the F/As that were granted extended recall rights will fall off the senority list??? I think it's this October.
While that is true. A shortened training period need to get that many people also means they will have a very limited qualifications. For example being qualified on a single AC type. That would greatly multiply the number of people needed to run the operation.

At AA we have a lot of F/As who are qaulified on just 1 or 2 types of a/c. We also have alot of F/As who don't fly at all.

Remember NWA replaced all there mechanics and the PAX still bought tickets for NWA flights. Full out
of Detroit, a big union town.
At AA we have a lot of F/As who are qaulified on just 1 or 2 types of a/c. We also have alot of F/As who don't fly at all.

Remember NWA replaced all there mechanics and the PAX still bought tickets for NWA flights. Full out
of Detroit, a big union town.
F/As and mechanics.... Apples and Oranges...
We did it in 1993 and we can do it again..... There's a difference between the IAM and the APFA.

In 1993 AA didn't prepare for a strike, and also the union called for a set amount day strike. This time it seems like AA is getting ready. Don't forget the TWA F/As said if they don't get their full seniority they will
tell AA all the unions strategys and will cross the picketline. If I remember correctly NWA trained the their
replacement mechanics in a couple differant locations. Also there is alot of unemployed flight attendants out there who miss the F/A life style ($45 an hour). AA also has an older work force that might not want to go look for a job that will pay them half as much and work them twice as many days.
F/As and mechanics.... Apples and Oranges...

I'm pretty sure mechanics qaulifications to work and stay current are just as much as a F/As. NWA replaced their mechs and didn't look back. Things weren't as bad then as they are now, and someone off the street needs less qaulifications to become a F/A then to become an aircraft mechanic. Please don't think you can't be replaced. Last I heard there was 10,000 pilot applications at AA, I can only imagine how many mechanic and F/A applications AA has on file.
BTW... Any idea when the F/As that were granted extended recall rights will fall off the senority list??? I think it's this October.

Next Nov 2011.

APFA's Attorney stated on video that the stapling was WRONG!

APFA blocked the TWA f/a's from reviewing this tape at APFA Headquarters!
BTW... Any idea when the F/As that were granted extended recall rights will fall off the senority list??? I think it's this October.
ah..."BTW"..I think you're off....off topic and off by a year...disappointed much?
In 1993 AA didn't prepare for a strike, and also the union called for a set amount day strike. This time it seems like AA is getting ready. Don't forget the TWA F/As said if they don't get their full seniority they will
tell AA all the unions strategys and will cross the picketline. If I remember correctly NWA trained the their
replacement mechanics in a couple differant locations. Also there is alot of unemployed flight attendants out there who miss the F/A life style ($45 an hour). AA also has an older work force that might not want to go look for a job that will pay them half as much and work them twice as many days.
To say AA didnt prepare for a strike is wrong. What they did was under estimate the unity of the work force. Just because someone from the company put out they are looking to train replacements you believe the end is near and the union is out of options. Thats similar to APFA announcing its strike vote and results.

A former TWA FA who crosses and I dont feel many would. In an effort to try to screw the union and the AA fas' would be no better then the people they claimed wronged them. If that is the case its nothing more than petty revenge.

You make a lot of assumptions. That the strike will ultimatly happen that it can only fail and anyone who walks will be out of a job.

I am sure there are a lot of former FA's who might want to go back. Dont think for a min they will be working under the current contract or work rules of pay scales. That they will enjoy permanent status. Just check with the last group of strike breakers AA brought in. Not a single one was allowed to stay or was subsequently hired later. How many unemployed people are looking for a possibly very short term employment that may lower their benefits after the end of a strike or who want to wear the badge of being a scab.
To say AA didnt prepare for a strike is wrong. What they did was under estimate the unity of the work force. Just because someone from the company put out they are looking to train replacements you believe the end is near and the union is out of options. Thats similar to APFA announcing its strike vote and results.

A former TWA FA who crosses and I dont feel many would. In an effort to try to screw the union and the AA fas' would be no better then the people they claimed wronged them. If that is the case its nothing more than petty revenge.

You make a lot of assumptions. That the strike will ultimatly happen that it can only fail and anyone who walks will be out of a job.

I am sure there are a lot of former FA's who might want to go back. Dont think for a min they will be working under the current contract or work rules of pay scales. That they will enjoy permanent status. Just check with the last group of strike breakers AA brought in. Not a single one was allowed to stay or was subsequently hired later. How many unemployed people are looking for a possibly very short term employment that may lower their benefits after the end of a strike or who want to wear the badge of being a scab.

The NWA mechanics strike was over, they were either placed on the bottom of the seniority list or out on the street. I use to think the same way you do, until the NWA mechanics were replaced. I don't think that AA executives have a bigger heart then NWA executives.

This is a qoute from the Dallasnews


Posted by stlbetty @ 5:17 PM Wed, Feb 03, 2010
AA should broaden the scope of their replacement plan - don't just train your management team, train the F/As who are on furlough - we would love to come back and help out.

You can say all the mean things you want about scabs, but they are getting paid while you are looking for work. Be honest with yourself, how many people are making what you make, doing what you do, working as little as you want or as much as you want.
There is no way the government is going to let us strike.So quit wasting your time with this topic.
There is no way the government is going to let us strike.So quit wasting your time with this topic.

Hold on to that thought!

This time around there is a village in place....Guess who will be left holding the signs?

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