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AMR talks about training fill-in flight attendants

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This isn't anything like APFA's 93 (three day) strike. The odds are stacked up against APFA this time around. Let's review

550 recently furloughed former TWA f/as
1,400 + furloughed former TWA f/as awaiting recall
4,000 + that have already fallen off the recall list
2,000 + that have already retired
Add the % of AA f/as that crossed in 93
Include the bottom 600 + that might be furloughed by August 2010 (they would be locked out if they strike) for many years.
Add the 1,500 + Managers that would fly
Include the additional AA f/as that would be afraid of a lock out.

It looks like AA would be real close to a full staffing for operational needs.

APFA hasn't made a statement regarding AA's training plan.

APFA needs to give the former TWA f/as a reason not to cross their picket line!
It was a 5 day strike in 1993 not 3........ And I cant believe all of our brothers and sisters from TWA would cross the picket line. Either you are a scab or you are not.. I dont think they would cross an APFA picket line.
My point was that things are different today than they were in 1993 from a security stand point..
You need a truly trained professional to be observant these days.... Lots of bAAd guys out there..
It was a 5 day strike in 1993 not 3........ And I cant believe all of our brothers and sisters from TWA would cross the picket line. Either you are a scab or you are not.. I dont think they would cross an APFA picket line.
My point was that things are different today than they were in 1993 from a security stand point..
You need a truly trained professional to be observant these days.... Lots of bAAd guys out there..

Ohhhhhhh, I'm so glad to hear that we're now: "brothers and sisters from TWA". Whew! THAT takes a load off my mind.
I echo that sentiment - if that's what comes down, good luck to them.

AMR will do what they damned well please anyway and are probably positioning for another "look how bad off we are" session. The TWU (Totally Worthless Union) is beginning to put out that info.

Make 'em file.

Unfortunately APFA has back themselves into a corner by their very own actions.

That is why it is extremely important for a Union to treat each and every member as equals.

Since APFA and the majority of their members decided to staple a group to the bottom (6,000 + members) this Union and the members who agreed to such stapling must now accept the consequences of their decision to stapling a group to the bottom.

APFA claims to RESTORE and MORE (30%) pay increase. APFA's union president Laura Glading must now try to reclaim the money that she had given away back in 2003.

KARMA....it always seems to find a way of coming back "full circle"!

Like they always say "Find a way to make amends to the ones' you've harmed or suffer the consequences from your own actions"!

United We Stand
Divided We Fall
Ohhhhhhh, I'm so glad to hear that we're now: "brothers and sisters from TWA". Whew! THAT takes a load off my mind.


TWA f/as had their NY & STL Based taken over by their very own (AA) brothers and sisters. The same brothers and sisters that agreed to take away the furloughed TWA voting rights unless they pay for that right while out on the steets again with no pay!

Now all of the sudden the AA f/as need the former twa f/as to pretend that they are all included, treated as equals, one big happy family?

It would be in the majority of APFA's members best interest to make peace with their extended family before a strike/chaos begins or accept the contract for the next 6 + years by not striking!

KARMA, it's only a matter of time before it begins!
It was a 5 day strike in 1993 not 3........ And I cant believe all of our brothers and sisters from TWA would cross the picket line. Either you are a scab or you are not.. I dont think they would cross an APFA picket line.
My point was that things are different today than they were in 1993 from a security stand point..
You need a truly trained professional to be observant these days.... Lots of bAAd guys out there..

That's the first time I've ever heard us referred to as brothers and sisters....sounds really odd....and really insincere.
Just exactly when did we become part of the big ole "unified" Apfa family? How many years and ways has this organization disenfranchised "us?" Where do I start? Go ahead and strike, make my decade.
I have no loyalty to this associaton WHAT SO EVER.
Unfortunately APFA has back themselves into a corner by their very own actions.

That is why it is extremely important for a Union to treat each and every member as equals.

Since APFA and the majority of their members decided to staple a group to the bottom (6,000 + members) this Union and the members who agreed to such stapling must now accept the consequences of their decision to stapling a group to the bottom.

APFA claims to RESTORE and MORE (30%) pay increase. APFA's union president Laura Glading must now try to reclaim the money that she had given away back in 2003.

KARMA....it always seems to find a way of coming back "full circle"!

Like they always say "Find a way to make amends to the ones' you've harmed or suffer the consequences from your own actions"!

United We Stand
Divided We Fall
Wait one minute.... The fat lady has not sung yet....
You have this all played out....
Nothing is going to happen for atleast a year...
Just how did the AA flight attendants "take over" the TWAers New York base when the AA flight attendants had their own much larger base there for decades? There were two operating certificates at the time, AA and TWAllc, thus two separate bases. AMR management simply decided to cut what few TWAllc flights were there resulting in the closure of the small TWAllc base. Or did you expect management to act totally irrational and dismantle AA's much larger and successful New York operations resulting in the AA F/A base closure simply for the benefit of the TWA F/As? This is a prime example of the TWA entitlement mentality.As for STL. I don't see why they keep it open; SJU had almost twice as many flights as STL when they closed that F/A base.

Regarding AA replacing AA flight attendants, how many do they currently have? Around 21,000? Assuming all former TWA F/As crossed, about 4400, and they were able to use 2,000 management personnel, they would still be short 14,600. Given the time it takes for the federal background checks, it would be near impossible for them to get so many replacements in such a short amount of time.
That's the first time I've ever heard us referred to as brothers and sisters....sounds really odd....and really insincere.
Just exactly when did we become part of the big ole "unified" Apfa family? How many years and ways has this organization disenfranchised "us?" Where do I start? Go ahead and strike, make my decade.
I have no loyalty to this associaton WHAT SO EVER.
Just as the APFA had no loyalty or duty to represent you (TWA seniority) while you were still an IAM member.
Just how did the AA flight attendants "take over" the TWAers New York base when the AA flight attendants had their own much larger base there for decades? There were two operating certificates at the time, AA and TWAllc, thus two separate bases. AMR management simply decided to cut what few TWAllc flights were there resulting in the closure of the small TWAllc base. Or did you expect management to act totally irrational and dismantle AA's much larger and successful New York operations resulting in the AA F/A base closure simply for the benefit of the TWA F/As? This is a prime example of the TWA entitlement mentality.As for STL. I don't see why they keep it open; SJU had almost twice as many flights as STL when they closed that F/A base.

Regarding AA replacing AA flight attendants, how many do they currently have? Around 21,000? Assuming all former TWA F/As crossed, about 4400, and they were able to use 2,000 management personnel, they would still be short 14,600. Given the time it takes for the federal background checks, it would be near impossible for them to get so many replacements in such a short amount of time.

Finger prints are on file...
That's the first time I've ever heard us referred to as brothers and sisters....sounds really odd....and really insincere.
Just exactly when did we become part of the big ole "unified" Apfa family? How many years and ways has this organization disenfranchised "us?" Where do I start? Go ahead and strike, make my decade.
I have no loyalty to this associaton WHAT SO EVER.
Sorry you feel that way but now you see our point , we did not have any loyalty either. Why should we??? Give our AA senority up to an airline ready to close it's doors.... It's very simple... You'd have done the same thing my friend !!!!
Sorry you feel that way but now you see our point , we did not have any loyalty either. Why should we??? Give our AA senority up to an airline ready to close it's doors.... It's very simple... You'd have done the same thing my friend !!!!

We didn't....and you are not my friend.

P.S. I certainly didn't want your seniority...i wanted MINE.
Because you couldn't. Ozark employees never signed away their protections. Talking to some TWAers at work, I have learned the TWA/Ozark merger was anything but wine and roses.
Just as the APFA had no loyalty or duty to represent you (TWA seniority) while you were still an IAM member.

You think stripping us of our seniority is the only wrong that the apfa has perpetuated on our workforce? That was only the beginning.
Just how did the AA flight attendants "take over" the TWAers New York base when the AA flight attendants had their own much larger base there for decades? There were two operating certificates at the time, AA and TWAllc, thus two separate bases. AMR management simply decided to cut what few TWAllc flights were there resulting in the closure of the small TWAllc base. Or did you expect management to act totally irrational and dismantle AA's much larger and successful New York operations resulting in the AA F/A base closure simply for the benefit of the TWA F/As? This is a prime example of the TWA entitlement mentality.As for STL. I don't see why they keep it open; SJU had almost twice as many flights as STL when they closed that F/A base.

Regarding AA replacing AA flight attendants, how many do they currently have? Around 21,000? Assuming all former TWA F/As crossed, about 4400, and they were able to use 2,000 management personnel, they would still be short 14,600. Given the time it takes for the federal background checks, it would be near impossible for them to get so many replacements in such a short amount of time.

AA has 16,500 flight attendants on payroll. Over 800 on leaves and additional 600 that will be subject to furlough by august, with additional furloughs to come with AA downsizing while expanding their AE side.

The AA f/a's will be replaced and once the strike is called off the remaining slots will be filled untill there are no more openings. This will affect the most Jr f/a's, and this time around the Jr ones will not be the TWA f/a's. The question remains, will the Jr AA f/as be willing to risk being locked out for years like the former TWA f/a's have been?

Keep in mind that the Company most likely will require cross utililzation which reduces the workforce even more.

Good Luck with your Strike/Chaos
"The company’s transparent attempts now to threaten our members’ job security—and the very idea that they could train enough workers to replace well over 16,000 active Flight Attendants—is nothing short of hubris. Clearly, the company is afraid of the growing and visible discontent in the workforce for which they are solely responsible. Our members are increasingly frustrated and angry with management's empty rhetoric and failed promises at every turn.
If the company thinks a 1993 abridged training manual will work in today’s post-9/11 world, they are sorely mistaken. Furthermore, if they think the airline can operate with a minimally-trained group, cobbled together for no other reason than management's stubbornness, its shortsightedness and its misguided attempt to break the will of our membership shows not just poor judgment, but incredible lack of hindsight.

This is a plan that literally just won't fly."
This is from a special hotline message from the APFA president dated 2/3/10.
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