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AMR/APA might be nearing a deal!

The codeshare is almost 20 years old, and technically, the partnership with Alaska goes back even further, to 1982. Braniff had an interchange with Alaska Airlines that AA took it over after BN1 imploded. AA metal would operate DCA-ORD-SEA-ANC-FAI RT (391/392), and AS metal would operate FAI-ANC-SEA-DFW-IAH RT (393/394), keeping the same flight number on both airlines, and a crew change at SEA (AS worked west of SEA, AA worked east of SEA).

That worked as long as both AS and AA were flying former BN 727-227 aircraft with the same cockpits, systems and engines. When AS retired their 727s in the early 90's, there were enough differences between AS's MD80s and AA's that a crew change wouldn't work anymore. That's when the codeshare came into being, and it slowly moved beyond just those routes into other ex-SEA routes where AA didn't operate.
And the difference between those cockpits and the EX-TWA MD 80's ?

I tried to keep it simple, thanks for clarifying. 😉

Flew on of the AS B727's once. Very wierd feeling doing a preflight and flying in the AS B727 with a 9 foot high Mary Frances Fagan on the tail.

AMR would find a willing partner with APA with proportional sharing of code share work like DAL has. APA asked, and guess what? AMR isn't willing to offer squat regarding protections.

Brand management? What's that? Senior management seems willing to destroy the brand name over the long term.
with a 9 foot high Mary Frances Fagan on the tail.

Now THAT is funny! Remember, just come on down to O'Hare, the operation is running like it's a snow day. HAHAHA. MFF, what a waste of space and money. Terrible spokesperson. Plus she does have a face only a mother could love. Bless her heart!
Now THAT is funny! Remember, just come on down to O'Hare, the operation is running like it's a snow day. HAHAHA. MFF, what a waste of space and money. Terrible spokesperson. Plus she does have a face only a mother could love. Bless her heart!
Yep I remember that..... and as the day went on, her hair was messier and messier. Her look by the end of the day was priceless.
Yep I remember that..... and as the day went on, her hair was messier and messier. Her look by the end of the day was priceless.

and a few years later did she not suffer from major heart disease and was featured on CNN profiling her treatment and details of her ordeal? I recall turning on CNN one layover years after the strike and watching a story featuring her health ...if it wasn't heart disease it was something.........

also..I flew the AS interchange DFW-IAH portion a few times...it was fun.
APA/Pilots will not continue Section 6 issues until an agreement with the company over Pilot bases. Closure and/or Realignment.
APA/Pilots will not continue Section 6 issues until an agreement with the company over Pilot bases. Closure and/or Realignment.
Pilots union wants base realignment agreement with American before continuing contract talks
Following the updates on Monday regarding the pilot retirements at American Airlines, there was an interesting development mentioned to members in the Allied Pilots Association hotline note.

The hotline said that the union's board approved the following motion:

“The APA Board directs the APA President and APA Negotiating Committee to concentrate the primary focus of APA’s negotiating efforts on reaching an expedited and acceptable agreement governing AMR’s prospective pilot crew-basing plans, and the APA Board further directs that APA shall not conclude any other Section 6 issue until a comprehensive agreement on pilot base closures/realignment has first been reached between the parties.”

Earlier this month, American announced it was closing its San Francisco pilot base, citing staffing shortages because of the unusually high number of pilot retirements. About 270 of American's 8,700 pilots are based in San Francisco.

The carrier has not set a date for closing the base but said it wants an agreement with the union to shorten the six-month notice requirement in the current pilot contract.

With this new motion approved by the APA board, it looks like the pace of contract talks could be slowing down as they address the base closure issue.

-Andrea Ahles

Posted at 10:27 AM in Allied Pilots Association, American Airlines | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

Read more: http://startelegram.typepad.com/sky_talk/#ixzz1cTeL5Rwi
That is a stupid motion and I am surprised it passed for a number of reasons. It is going to cause a lot of problems.
Interesting about taking a step back on the crew base issue.

And the difference between those cockpits and the EX-TWA MD 80's ?

No idea, Buck. This was such an isolated operation that it just didn't make sense to train the entire DFW or ORD crew bases on AS differences.

IIRC (it's been 20 years...), AS had different structural limits on their MD83's, one fleet had belly tanks and the other didn't (don't recall), one fleet had glass on the 83's and the other had round dials on the 83's, and AS had different radio equipment that AA didn't want to install on a small subfleet.

It all added up to a Charlie Foxtrot neither airline had the patience to overcome. I was part of the team dealing with it from a passenger handling perspective at the time, and made more than a couple trips up to SEA and ANC to try and work out the alternatives.

and a few years later did she not suffer from major heart disease and was featured on CNN profiling her treatment and details of her ordeal? I recall turning on CNN one layover years after the strike and watching a story featuring her health ...if it wasn't heart disease it was something.........

Heart disease. She walked into the ER not feeling well, and the doctor told her she was having a massive heart attack. She was only 39 or 40 at the time. IIRC, she was told to quit smoking and drop a lot of weight. Haven't seen her in years, but I will admit on a bad day she has a face made for radio.
Welcome to the club - what ever gave you the idea your union works for you, anyway?

Maybe you would be better off without a union. Name one good thing the TWU has done for you that AA management wouldn't anyway give you. Many here don't like the agreements TWU is producing. It's clear they are not your advocate.

Last time I saw MFF, it was4 years ago. She was still as tall as she was wide. She had the balls to cut to the front of the employee line at ORD. Like she was god or something. That lasted like 2 seconds. She was promptly told where the end of the line was.
Last time I saw MFF, it was4 years ago. She was still as tall as she was wide. She had the balls to cut to the front of the employee line at ORD. Like she was god or something. That lasted like 2 seconds. She was promptly told where the end of the line was.

Don't you love being patient and professional for years and when you don't expect it, along comes the opportunity to dispense some local justice? 😀

Maybe things are getting closer.

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