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AMFA......read on

bikeguy said:
Anyone know how close AMFA is to filing for an election at AA? 
I just posted a update sent to me and others from the AA/USAir AMFA organizing committee.
Here it is again.
[SIZE=11.5pt]AMFA Update[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]We have been getting a lot of questions about where we are with the drive at this point, and as most of you know the original plan was for us to collect enough cards to file for an election by the end of August.  This intent was to file against the TWU and leave US Airways out of it, to which we were on pace to have enough cards to do just that. Unfortunately in May 2014, the gate agents at AA and US Airways filed for and received a single carrier determination from the NMB.  At that point, we could no longer file simply against the TWU because all they would have to do is ask for a single carrier filing due to the determination in the gate agent case.  This would most likely result in a single carrier ruling, in which AMFA would not have enough cards to get a vote due to the lack of US Airways cards.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]Since the end of May, we have been collecting cards at US Airways, and I am happy to report that it is going well.  We recruited many of the former IBT organizers, and many others who simply support the idea of a craft union like AMFA.  In addition, we have met at least 8 former NWA mechanics that have joined our ranks and are currently pushing for Amfa at US Airways.  Our goal is to collect enough cards from the combined groups to file by the time the TWU/IAM Association attempts their vote, which we estimate to happen sometime towards the end of September to mid-October.  With your help we can reach this goal.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]It is important to understand where we are today, now that the TWU/IAM filed for a single carrier ruling on August 6.  It typically takes the NMB 4 to 6 weeks to make a single carrier determination, and on that day, a 30 day clock will start for the TWU/IAM association to get a ruling granting them the association without a vote, or for the NMB to set a date for a vote.  The interesting point here is how does the association get on the ballot?  As you know, the TWU will be on any ballot based on them being the largest union on the property, and the IAM would be given credit for their 4400 members.  This would mean that the IAM would need to sign additional TWU members to reach 35% requirement to be on the ballot.  AMFA would have to sign 50% plus one of the combined workforces to get on the ballot as an intervener. The TWU wants the NMB to simply place the TWU/IAM association on the ballot without being an incumbent or submitting cards for a show of interest.  We do not believe that this is fair and will oppose the association on this point.  If the association is not placed on the ballot, and the IAM does not have sufficient cards, the IAM would lose their right to represent their members at the end of the 30 days by a failure to show interest.  If they set a vote, we would have to submit our cards by the end of the 30 days to be on the ballot.  However if we are unable to reach sufficient cards by then, there will be a spot on any NMB sanctioned ballot for "other" and all one would have to do is check the box next to "other" and write AMFA and your vote will be counted for AMFA.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]We have well over 5500 email addresses on file and will keep you informed as to what needs to be done as the situation progresses.  We would ask that you share this info with fellow employees, and if you have a question you can contact us at our website [/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt]www.amfa-aa.com[/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt] or call Don Rodgers 918-906-7112 with any questions. I would end by reminding everyone that none of our cards expire until mid-January 2015.  We do not know what the NMB will rule, so the best thing to do is keep pushing for cards because every card puts us one step closer to removing the TWU from power.  With every signed card we also receive an email address, which allows us to speak directly to more people when we either run a "write-in," or "on the ballot," campaign for an election.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]As Always Thanks for your Support![/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.5pt]Your AMFA Organizing Committee US/AA[/SIZE]
bikeguy said:
Anyone know how close AMFA is to filing for an election at AA? 
Bike Guy
There are two guys in Dallas that would know the answer to that question.
The Top AMFA Organizer and the guy who keeps the data base of all the cards that have been collected.
The 1 yr bar ends this week but as you should know by now that we need at least
50% + 1 of the combined airlines, AA/US. The TWU/IAM association has filed with the NMB,  so there are many circumstances that can arise which we the organizers don't have control over. Bottom line is we, ( that means all of us )  just need to get as many of the cards signed as possible so IF the NMB gives us a chance to submit the cards we have enough.
Next question well how many cards do we have, again that is a question that only the Dallas guys can answer. Cards are coming in each day and so it is fluid, but the percentage of cards we have should and can only be answered by the TWO Dallas guys.
If the NMB rules and we end up with the 30 days to submit cards to get on the ballot are we close enough?
Is AMFA National ready this time to submit the papers to the NMB?
Are there any guys at your stations that have not submitted cards? If so are you willing to help get the information to them to have them see that this TWU/IAM association is not going to be in our best interest?
AMFA at AA 2014 
Do you know who represents you?  
The TWU Air Transport Division representatives are made up of Ramp workers, flight attendants, and 2 with very limited aircraft maintenance experience.
Here is the breakdown for the TWU Air Transport Division:
Gary Drummond - Air Transport Division, Director............Fleet service
Thom McDaniel- International Vice president.........SWA flight attendant
Gary Shultz-International VP.......Fleet service
Jose Garlaza- International Vice President......some American Eagle experience
Richard Boehm- International Rep......Pan am mechanic-TWU rep for 30+ years
Sean Doyle- International Vice President....Fleet service
Dave Virella- International Vice President-AA system coordinator......Fleet service
Now lets look at AMFA representatives:
Louie Key- AMFA national Director.......Mechanic Alaska Airlines
Aaron Hansen- Assistant National director....Mechanic Southwest Airlines
Justin Madden- National Secretary/Treasurer...Mechanic Southwest Airlines
David Brooks- National Safety and Standard Director.....Mechanic Southwest Airlines
Earl Clark- Region 1 Director...Mechanic Alaska Airlines
Michael Nelson- Region 2 Director-  Mechanic Southwest Airlines
AMFA represents the class and craft of Mechanics and Related and they have only have people from their class and craft to represent them in their best interest. It does not make any sense to have other work groups try to represent your class and craft when they do not know it or live with the consequences.
Dave Virella, a TWU lifetime representative and fleet service worker is the newly appointed AA system Coordinator and will be in charge of negotiations and our future. 
 If this is not the representation you would prefer then your only response is to sign an AMFA card for an election and support in protecting your future
Your AMFA  US Air-AA organizing Committee
1AA said:
Do you know who represents you?  
The TWU Air Transport Division representatives are made up of Ramp workers, flight attendants, and 2 with very limited aircraft maintenance experience.
Here is the breakdown for the TWU Air Transport Division:
Gary Drummond - Air Transport Division, Director............Fleet service
Thom McDaniel- International Vice president.........SWA flight attendant
Gary Shultz-International VP.......Fleet service
Jose Garlaza- International Vice President......some American Eagle experience
Richard Boehm- International Rep......Pan am mechanic-TWU rep for 30+ years
Sean Doyle- International Vice President....Fleet service
Dave Virella- International Vice President-AA system coordinator......Fleet service
Now lets look at AMFA representatives:
Louie Key- AMFA national Director.......Mechanic Alaska Airlines
Aaron Hansen- Assistant National director....Mechanic Southwest Airlines
Justin Madden- National Secretary/Treasurer...Mechanic Southwest Airlines
David Brooks- National Safety and Standard Director.....Mechanic Southwest Airlines
Earl Clark- Region 1 Director...Mechanic Alaska Airlines
Michael Nelson- Region 2 Director-  Mechanic Southwest Airlines
AMFA represents the class and craft of Mechanics and Related and they have only have people from their class and craft to represent them in their best interest. It does not make any sense to have other work groups try to represent your class and craft when they do not know it or live with the consequences.
Dave Virella, a TWU lifetime representative and fleet service worker is the newly appointed AA system Coordinator and will be in charge of negotiations and our future. 
 If this is not the representation you would prefer then your only response is to sign an AMFA card for an election and support in protecting your future
Your AMFA  US Air-AA organizing Committee
That TWU list reads like a Who's Who of people that really don't have the AA AMTs best interests as a priority.
1AA said:
Do you know who represents you?  
The TWU Air Transport Division representatives are made up of Ramp workers, flight attendants, and 2 with very limited aircraft maintenance experience.
Here is the breakdown for the TWU Air Transport Division:
Gary Drummond - Air Transport Division, Director............Fleet service
Thom McDaniel- International Vice president.........SWA flight attendant
Gary Shultz-International VP.......Fleet service
Jose Garlaza- International Vice President......some American Eagle experience
Richard Boehm- International Rep......Pan am mechanic-TWU rep for 30+ years
Sean Doyle- International Vice President....Fleet service
Dave Virella- International Vice President-AA system coordinator......Fleet service
Now lets look at AMFA representatives:
Louie Key- AMFA national Director.......Mechanic Alaska Airlines
Aaron Hansen- Assistant National director....Mechanic Southwest Airlines
Justin Madden- National Secretary/Treasurer...Mechanic Southwest Airlines
David Brooks- National Safety and Standard Director.....Mechanic Southwest Airlines
Earl Clark- Region 1 Director...Mechanic Alaska Airlines
Michael Nelson- Region 2 Director-  Mechanic Southwest Airlines
AMFA represents the class and craft of Mechanics and Related and they have only have people from their class and craft to represent them in their best interest. It does not make any sense to have other work groups try to represent your class and craft when they do not know it or live with the consequences.
Dave Virella, a TWU lifetime representative and fleet service worker is the newly appointed AA system Coordinator and will be in charge of negotiations and our future. 
 If this is not the representation you would prefer then your only response is to sign an AMFA card for an election and support in protecting your future
Your AMFA  US Air-AA organizing Committee
WOW WEEEEEE! One mechanic in the TWU to represent us....wowweeeee. I wonder how much he is making because I never had a say in what his salary is, let alone a say in his appointment.
Get a clue people, get a freakin clue.  I am tired of trying and trying to explain this crap...
swamt said:
Get a clue people, get a freakin clue.  I am tired of trying and trying to explain this crap...
By your last post there is a bit of frustration there, how do you think the organizers here feel at work every day when the subject of AMFA comes up. They (the mechanics) here at AA just don't care. If you think about it it's the same bunch on here as well. either for/against.
Having the same discussions at work as well. You and wnmech post the positive at SWA but it just is not enough. Both of you are just two guys from SW. AA mechanics are looking at what happened in the past here with the drives and what went on at NWA/UAL.
The TWU has most here in the nothing is going to change, I don't care mode.
I say this because I don't understand why it has taken so long again to collect enough cards to give to the NMB. The same at USAirways. "YES" cards are coming in but this should of been done months ago.
If you think it’s bad where you work, at my station they take the IAM Kool-Aid and inject it directly into their vein. Drinking it just won’t do. Suck down those hot dogs two at a time.
It is pathetic that a bunch of grown men cannot form their own opinion about anything.  They only know what they are being told by a few guys with IAM tattooed on their behind.  I do not dislike the IAM they do an OK job. A lot of things I would like to see changed but for the most part they are ok.
 I am for AMFA because they are all about the Mechanic.  In this Industry we are not getting the full benefit out of our union. Pilots have their own union as well as the flight Attendants.
If the company in negotiations told the pilots “what about the ramp and other work groups” the APA would say “not our concern”  Next time you see a pilot walking ask him if he would like Maintenance or the Ramp in his union and see what he says after he stops laughing.
We need our own union for the sole purpose of looking after us and doing what is best for us. As well as our craft.
If the association gets voted in we are going to have to learn to deal with the dual union and that will not be in our favor. Two wrongs do not make a right. I don’t care what any stock clerk on this or any other board says. I care about the people with an A&P period. If they like the IAM so much let them stay with them then, they should have the right to choose as well.  Maintenance and related is a crock of S**T anyway.
 Let them group the ticket counter and gate agent with the Dispatchers. (yeah it sounds stupid does it not?)  
I say this because I don't understand why it has taken so long again to collect enough cards to give to the NMB. The same at USAirways. "YES" cards are coming in but this should of been done months ago.
AMFA, the problem is the TWU and IAM Kool Aid drinkers who will defend their beloved unions til the end. They are still falling for the same old tired  lies that AMFA will outsource OH (as if this is not happening already), that AMFA does not have enough money to fight grievances. operate locals, etc etc etc..Add these to the threat that if they vote for AMFA, the IAM pension will be gone..
It truly amazes me how they can continue to support these two loser unions. 
By your last post there is a bit of frustration there, how do you think the organizers here feel at work every day when the subject of AMFA comes up. They (the mechanics) here at AA just don't care. If you think about it it's the same bunch on here as well. either for/against.
Having the same discussions at work as well. You and wnmech post the positive at SWA but it just is not enough. Both of you are just two guys from SW. AA mechanics are looking at what happened in the past here with the drives and what went on at NWA/UAL.
The TWU has most here in the nothing is going to change, I don't care mode.
I say this because I don't understand why it has taken so long again to collect enough cards to give to the NMB. The same at USAirways. "YES" cards are coming in but this should of been done months ago.
Yes a little frustration, but completely out of my control.   It's just one of those things.  People are scared of change.  We had the very same thing here.  Once we pulled the trigger, even the people against AMFA coming in, are now glad we did it, and all are saying "we should have done this along time ago".   X-teamster stewards and X-teamster local officers even say it's way better than having the teamsters represent us.   2-things happened at SWA that I think drew up some card traffic at AA, 1-SWA mechanics replaced every single National officer (all except ND, Louie Key), and 2- SWA mechanics fired our local airline rep, and replaced him for some wrong doing.   Then the teamster, TWU and IAM numerous fiascoes and working in cohoots with the company drew in even more and more card traffic.  I honestly feel if you guys do not get it done this time around it will never get done and you guys will be stuck with the TWU/IAM for ever at the new AA.  I would truely hate to see this happen.  Trust me I do know how frustrating the organizers get.  I was very strongly promoting AMFA during our drive here.  And the majority of mechs are just plain lazy and will not get info for themselves, they want EVERYTHING spoon fed to them.  They believe what the industrial unions tell them no matter what, then the AMFA organizers and supporters have to constantly and constantly show written proof and documentation for every single lie the industrial unions put out there about AMFA.   Here it was fairly easy as the dumb a$$ teamsters, by the end of 2 weeks, got themselves fired by all their very own actions.  Just like the TWU and IAM is doing at AA and US.  But by just shear numbers, that you guys have to deal with is a huge stepping stone.    We had maybe 1000 mechs to get 50% sigs from,  you guys had 5,000 sigs to get at AA, and now you guys even need more by adding the US mechs to the total, at about 3500, so there's another 1750-2000 sigs required, and all that needs to be done in a very short time period.   I hope you guys can do it.   All the fence sitters as well as the ones totally against AMFA will see once they are AMFA just how much better it really is.  And some will be amazed and how much involvement will happen and how much stuff they will have to vote on.   Don't give up guys, keep up the good work. Hope to see AMFA in at AA soon...
By your last post there is a bit of frustration there, how do you think the organizers here feel at work every day when the subject of AMFA comes up. They (the mechanics) here at AA just don't care. If you think about it it's the same bunch on here as well. either for/against.
If you think it's bad there, try being an activist at DL...

Look, this is just my (unsolicited) .02 here, but this has been the same discussion since I joined this board.

Clearly, things aren't bad enough yet to get people to act. That's a maddening reality, but as soon as you guys recognize that, you can figure out how to tailor your individual face-to-face conversations accordingly.

As noted by another poster, maybe there are somethings people like about the IAM (or even TWU?). Be ready to demonstrate how moving to AMFA will improve those things.

Maybe stop focusing on the whole "mechanics for mechanics" theme, and instead how the leaner structure of AMFA, is not only beneficial, but also fosters membership engagement.

I'd also talk about how larger concepts like fairness & respect in the workplace tie into that. Can't speak about DL141, but I can damn sure show how Little & co. did the direct opposite. If I can do that from the sidelines, I know you guy on the field can.

Lastly, seek out the "yeses." Stop wasting time with those dead set against change. Once they see the train leaving without them, maybe they'll jump on. Or not.
MetalMover said:
AMFA, the problem is the TWU and IAM Kool Aid drinkers who will defend their beloved unions til the end. They are still falling for the same old tired  lies that AMFA will outsource OH (as if this is not happening already), that AMFA does not have enough money to fight grievances. operate locals, etc etc etc..Add these to the threat that if they vote for AMFA, the IAM pension will be gone..
It truly amazes me how they can continue to support these two loser unions. 
You are soooooo correct MM.  Everything you listed above happened here too.  Especially the rumors that AMFA doesn't have any money to fight.   When we had the teamsters here I remember going to union meetings (driving all the way to Grapevine) and they would constantly report a neg number each and every month.  It was local 19 at the time.  With AMFA we are Local 11 and we are the richest local at AMFA with millions upon millions in various and numerous different accounts.  But AMFA has no money to fight, AMFA is broke blah, blah, blah.  They will say anything to prevent AMFA from getting in at AA, they know what will happen after AMFA does get in, and this is why the other two unions joined this BS alliance to save their own a$$es.  Even the company helped the TWU when the teamsters tried to come in just to block AMFA from getting in.   To sit here and watch how hard the company, TWU, teamsters, and the IAM will work at keeping AMFA out, speaks volumes about AMFA, however it is simply PATHETIC to sit here and watch the industrial unions to work so closely with the company to do the same thing.  There is a reason the company stepped in and worked with the union so closely, and here is the answer,  so the company can continue to work so closely with the union as they have been doing for decades and squeezing concessions after concessions, and the union will go sell it to the members for a yes vote, PATHETIC representation.  Reminds me of the you tube video of a member getting swats and saying "thank you sir, may I have another?"  Over and over and over again...
Cards from US side are coming in since the NEW contract. I think some wanted to give the IAM one more shot, But what can they use as a Excuse this time as the Company is showing Record PROFITS??? What will they blame this SUB-STANDARD CONTRACT on now?? Some here just gave up on the IAM and don't want nothing to do with the TWU so they have put in AMFA cards. My station 95% but in IBT cards  just to wake up the IAM and only around 70% even voted for the IBT. Now that the IBT has no dog in this fight the only thing to do is vote down the IAM/TWU and put New Blood in place AMFA. I know 95% PUT AMFA cards in my station and the other 5% just eat and breathe IAM.
Some Do Want Change. 
Lyrics from The Smashing Pumpkins "1979". Pretty appropriate to the TWU philosophy if you ask me.
  Double cross the vacant and the bored​
They're not sure just what we have in store​
TRAVIS said:
Cards from US side are coming in since the NEW contract. I think some wanted to give the IAM one more shot, But what can they use as a Excuse this time as the Company is showing Record PROFITS??? What will they blame this SUB-STANDARD CONTRACT on now?? Some here just gave up on the IAM and don't want nothing to do with the TWU so they have put in AMFA cards. My station 95% but in IBT cards  just to wake up the IAM and only around 70% even voted for the IBT. Now that the IBT has no dog in this fight the only thing to do is vote down the IAM/TWU and put New Blood in place AMFA. I know 95% PUT AMFA cards in my station and the other 5% just eat and breathe IAM.
Some Do Want Change. 
From what I understand, I believe they have enough cards on the AA side.  Pretty sure they are working diligently with the US guys.  Also pretty sure it will come down to the US guys to get this done now.  The guys that were holding out for one more chance from the IAM and they get them the bottom contract of the industry.   Hopefully enough from US really do want change.  It would be very exciting to sit back and watch an election at the new AA with AMFA on the ballot.  You guys think the TWU/IAM kool-aid drinkers are out, just wait if and when the announcement comes that AMFA is on the ballot, like little termites, they will then come out of the wood works.  Still also hoping that the NMB will in fact bring a vote to the membership for this alliance rather AMFA is on it or not, at least it will be the memberships decision if they want the alliance or not.  At least this way there should also be an option to "write-in" AMFA on the ballot, and this is why the TWU/IAM is trying it's hardest to get it thru the NMB without a vote----700 has indicated this (in so many words) in the past then he clammed up and would not speak about it any longer.  And although he will deny the new Alliance has had closed door meetings with the NMB over this vote issue, he also admitted this in one of his postings awhile back.  They are vigorously trying to push this alliance thru without any vote from the membership as they are scared to death of one or 2 things happening;  1-  Afraid of the "write-in" option that should be available if the NMB conducts the election, and may still be an option if the union conducts the election.  2-  Afraid if AMFA gets enough cards in to be put on the ballot after the time frame that will offered by the NMB if they are conducting this election for the alliance.
    Forgive me for forgetting, but when was it that the alliance filed for the SCS?  What date was it?  Didn't it take 6 weeks to get back to the other unions after they filed?   Hopefully all this can be done before the holidays start rolling up, we all know how votes go when during a time period that alot of members will be off.  Good luck to you and all Travis.  Rather AMFA is on the ballot or not I will still hope you guys at least get to vote on it. If not, however, it will make the card drive pick up even stronger.  Put it this way, let's say alliance is allowed to go thru with out a vote, as long as AMFA gets the correct amount of sigs from the US side then they can still file for a representational election at AA between the alliance and AMFA thru the NMB processes.  Any time after Aug 20th AMFA can refile with the NMB, with no interference from the ibt this time around...

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