So you're glad that AA is contributing a lot more to its frozen pensions than AA's competitors? Even though those contributions don't change your benefit? Wow.
What the hell do I care about what AA is contributing compared to it's competitors? Make sure my Pension is 100% funded and they can move on and skip merrily down the road from it.
Sounds to me like you would have been ecstatic if AA had been allowed to throw my pension on an already stressed and way underfunded insurer.
Here are the numbers: In 2012, AA contributed $277 million to the pensions (once it became clear that PBGC would fight termination). In 2013, AA contributed $500 million. In 2014, AA is planning to put $720 million into the pensions. None of that cash caused your benefits to increase. They're frozen at what you had already accrued.
Nothing is frozen if it isn't fully funded to have all the money necessary to cover the payouts. What is the magical Pension fairy just going to put my retirement money under my pillow?
That's money that AA can't use to pay you and your fellow employees. $720 million this year is more than the profit sharing that DL will pay out to its employees.
That 720 million is money that should have been in there in the first place. The old AA WAS NOT keeping up to it's obligation to give me what was negotiated. And the laws are what gave them the ability to do so.