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AMFA Organizing Drive to Replace Association

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My reliable source has mentioned that AA has submitted a list and or a total number of eligible voters to the NMB. Based on those nunbers we have plenty of cards filed. I don't have those numbers because I didn't ask for them. They are or will be available in due time as the NMB will conduct their investigation on the filing. I'm sure the Association will have their numbers much higher than what the company and or the in house organizers at AA have filed.
So in the meantime sit back and enjoy the Christmas season with your family and friends.
Fantastic to hear. Yea we will see how badly padded the Asso. list looks like I guess. Don't need nor want any of the numbers yet, that can all wait until after the vote, no need in tipping off info towards the asso or the company. It does finally sound like a legit vote with AMFA on the ticket is coming to AA mechanics and related.
Sort of glad this will take place after Christmas Holiday.
I am telling you because you told me to get my union to get a snapback clause if concessions would get considered. I answered you back by telling you that my union is already smart enough to do just that. It was and has been the TWU/IAM and now this combined asso that has been doing concession agreements WITHOUT any kind of snapback clauses attached.
I would not encourage your wife to vote for AMFA, but I would encourage her to simply vote and have a say so.
Not selling nothing to you, you have no say so in the representation at AA, so why would I?
This is an AMERICAN AIRLINES forum and that is who those remarks were directed to, the employees of American Airlines. You are a sharp guy you had to have known that.
This is an AMERICAN AIRLINES forum and that is who those remarks were directed to, the employees of American Airlines. You are a sharp guy you had to have known that.
Then next time don't quote my statement if you are directing it towards the entire group at American Airlines. Once you select quote, you are directing your statement to that individual, you too should be sharp enough to know that. just like we are quoting each other now, as i am not directing these post to them only to you. 🙂
Then next time don't quote my statement if you are directing it towards the entire group at American Airlines. Once you select quote, you are directing your statement to that individual, you too should be sharp enough to know that. just like we are quoting each other now, as i am not directing these post to them only to you. 🙂
You and I should discuss the concept of a "kick off".

That is using the context of someone else's post to "kick off" your post.

Happens all the time.
My reliable source has mentioned that AA has submitted a list and or a total number of eligible voters to the NMB. Based on those nunbers we have plenty of cards filed. I don't have those numbers because I didn't ask for them. They are or will be available in due time as the NMB will conduct their investigation on the filing. I'm sure the Association will have their numbers much higher than what the company and or the in house organizers at AA have filed.
So in the meantime sit back and enjoy the Christmas season with your family and friends.
I’m hearing we have around 60% signed cards for the numbers AA submitted
I’m hearing we have around 60% signed cards for the numbers AA submitted
Not disagreeing with ya, but, what will that % go to after the challenges are completed and the "padded" list are narrowed down even further? Just going by past list that were turned in and proven to have management, dead, retired, non AA employees and employees outside the mechanic and related. This is why my guess of approx 65% to possibly as high as 72% is looking more and more like reality in the end.
I have heard some very good news coming out of Tulsa, but let's leave the true numbers out of public until the organizers release them. They deserve to have the credit for getting all this done finally at AA and with all kinds of obstacles staring them down in the past and present. JMO.
Not disagreeing with ya, but, what will that % go to after the challenges are completed and the "padded" list are narrowed down even further? Just going by past list that were turned in and proven to have management, dead, retired, non AA employees and employees outside the mechanic and related. This is why my guess of approx 65% to possibly as high as 72% is looking more and more like reality in the end.
I have heard some very good news coming out of Tulsa, but let's leave the true numbers out of public until the organizers release them. They deserve to have the credit for getting all this done finally at AA and with all kinds of obstacles staring them down in the past and present. JMO.


I get your excitement of the possibility of AA getting to VOTE, the requirement is 50% +1 to trigger that, so AA turned in its numbers. After arguments the companies numbers will only go down. So NO MATTER how many cards we turned in that +1 is still good. Now it will the job of the Organizers and the National Officers to answer all the ridiculous questions & well thought out questions. Show the benefits of switching to AMFA, and to get the membership NOT to believe the lies and half truths that will be put out to persuade the members NOT to VOTE OUT the ASSociation.

Dues, strength in numbers, bargaining power in Congress, money to fight the all powerful AA, Non Affiliation with the AFL-CIO, What happened in the Past, and just so much more. We all have witnessed this before but now it will be the TWU/IAM combining efforts to save the last of the M&R group within our class and craft in the industry they represent. It has been a long time coming But it IS time for a change. How that happens is by the membership VOTING. Then putting the right guys in place to help change the culture of back door deals and keeping members in the dark as to the workings of the Union.

I get your excitement of the possibility of AA getting to VOTE, the requirement is 50% +1 to trigger that, so AA turned in its numbers. After arguments the companies numbers will only go down. So NO MATTER how many cards we turned in that +1 is still good. Now it will the job of the Organizers and the National Officers to answer all the ridiculous questions & well thought out questions. Show the benefits of switching to AMFA, and to get the membership NOT to believe the lies and half truths that will be put out to persuade the members NOT to VOTE OUT the ASSociation.

Dues, strength in numbers, bargaining power in Congress, money to fight the all powerful AA, Non Affiliation with the AFL-CIO, What happened in the Past, and just so much more. We all have witnessed this before but now it will be the TWU/IAM combining efforts to save the last of the M&R group within our class and craft in the industry they represent. It has been a long time coming But it IS time for a change. How that happens is by the membership VOTING. Then putting the right guys in place to help change the culture of back door deals and keeping members in the dark as to the workings of the Union.

Sweeeet! Job well done guys and gals. What a Christmas present for the mechanic and related at AA. Great way to start out the new year. Can't wait to hear that long coming announcement from the NMB.
Yes, I too think the fight from the TWU/IAM will be even more intense since this is the last mechanic and related representation by them in our industry.
They can no longer use that "strength in numbers" as AMFA will prevail the largest mechanic and related union in the industry should the AA'ers vote in AMFA. The dues are there now and will grow 10 fold should AMFA prevail. Using the power in DC no longer works for them as AMFA is the #1 requested mechanic and related union called upon by congressional leaders to attend and communicate as well as nego new laws and regulations pertaining to outsourcing, safety, drug testing, foreign outsourcing regulations and rules ect... And I really think going to a Class and Craft pacific representation will get so much better mechanic and related representation just like the Pilots do and F/A's at most airlines now, a world of a difference.
I know you know all this, just worth repeating until vote is done IMO...
The dues are there now and will grow 10 fold should AMFA prevail.
You might clarify you meant overall dues collected by AMFA would increase 10 fold due to the swell in numbers from American Airlines membership.

Otherwise some idiot is going to think you meant dues would go up for the individual 10 fold. Or worse an AMFA critic will spread that lie and someone will believe it.
You might clarify you meant overall dues collected by AMFA would increase 10 fold due to the swell in numbers from American Airlines membership.

Otherwise some idiot is going to think you meant dues would go up for the individual 10 fold. Or worse an AMFA critic will spread that lie and someone will believe it.
Exactly what I meant, but I see what ya mean, thx for the correction of wording.

I get your excitement of the possibility of AA getting to VOTE, the requirement is 50% +1 to trigger that, so AA turned in its numbers. After arguments the companies numbers will only go down. So NO MATTER how many cards we turned in that +1 is still good. Now it will the job of the Organizers and the National Officers to answer all the ridiculous questions & well thought out questions. Show the benefits of switching to AMFA, and to get the membership NOT to believe the lies and half truths that will be put out to persuade the members NOT to VOTE OUT the ASSociation.

Dues, strength in numbers, bargaining power in Congress, money to fight the all powerful AA, Non Affiliation with the AFL-CIO, What happened in the Past, and just so much more. We all have witnessed this before but now it will be the TWU/IAM combining efforts to save the last of the M&R group within our class and craft in the industry they represent. It has been a long time coming But it IS time for a change. How that happens is by the membership VOTING. Then putting the right guys in place to help change the culture of back door deals and keeping members in the dark as to the workings of the Union.

I must ask what did the asso. say or do when the WARN letters were sent out to the employees at AA? I don't know what type of language you all have concerning furloughs and layoffs so thought I would ask first. I am leaving you all with the latest update in our fight over the WARN letters and possible furloughs and layoffs for the mechanic and related. This is some new revamped language that AMFA just redid in our contract for issues just like we are facing now so wanted to share with you and the Mechanic and Related at AA while waiting to hear from the NMB. More examples you could share with your fellow workers when trying to make a decision on representation if given the opportunity.

December 2, 2020

To All AMFA Members at Southwest Airlines:

The expedited arbitrations for protections from furlough have been scheduled.

As a reminder, we placed the Company on notice by letter dated October 23, 2020, that if WARN Act Notices were sent to our members, we intended to utilize the expedited arbitration provisions of our CBAs in order to enforce language, among other provisions, which restricts any reduction in force so long as the Company continues to outsource our work.

Those Arbitrations have now been scheduled. The first of three arbitrations will begin on December 14, 2020, and all three will conclude by December 18, 2020. After the conclusion of those arbitrations’ briefs will be submitted and rulings will be handed out on or about January 25, 2021.

We, as your ALRs, are grateful for the overwhelming support. We will continue to communicate additional information with you in the days and weeks ahead.

In Solidarity,
Your AMFA–SWA Airline Representatives
I must ask what did the asso. say or do when the WARN letters were sent out to the employees at AA? I don't know what type of language you all have concerning furloughs and layoffs so thought I would ask first. I am leaving you all with the latest update in our fight over the WARN letters and possible furloughs and layoffs for the mechanic and related. This is some new revamped language that AMFA just redid in our contract for issues just like we are facing now so wanted to share with you and the Mechanic and Related at AA while waiting to hear from the NMB. More examples you could share with your fellow workers when trying to make a decision on representation if given the opportunity.

December 2, 2020

To All AMFA Members at Southwest Airlines:

The expedited arbitrations for protections from furlough have been scheduled.

As a reminder, we placed the Company on notice by letter dated October 23, 2020, that if WARN Act Notices were sent to our members, we intended to utilize the expedited arbitration provisions of our CBAs in order to enforce language, among other provisions, which restricts any reduction in force so long as the Company continues to outsource our work.

Those Arbitrations have now been scheduled. The first of three arbitrations will begin on December 14, 2020, and all three will conclude by December 18, 2020. After the conclusion of those arbitrations’ briefs will be submitted and rulings will be handed out on or about January 25, 2021.

We, as your ALRs, are grateful for the overwhelming support. We will continue to communicate additional information with you in the days and weeks ahead.

In Solidarity,
Your AMFA–SWA Airline Representatives
YOU have to be a complete idiot if you think Arbitration is going to stop the company for laying people off during this pandemic .
If you goal is to try to make is seem like AMFA is fighting more than the Ass, All AMFA is doing is spending its member money on a Lose Lose case. Stop it with the BS. TWU/IAM SUCKS we all know. But AMFA is no different when it comes to stoping a layoff during something like this. IF we get a chance to vote. Which I hope we do. We will. I think most of the Mechanics here just signed a card to get the TWU/IAM ASS. to get us a damn contract. All we care about it the MONEY. We got it and most of the guys are Happy. I doubt if this guys will vote for AMFA. Most the the guys in Miami say they will vote for the TWU just to get rid of the IAM. I dont agree. I say Vote AMFA and TAKE over since we will be providing ALL of the Money. Hell maybe I will run for President. **** I could use a 200,000 bump is salary. LMFAO
A question for the organizers at AA. Just wondering if anyone has heard any news from the NMB on the Request by AMFA on stopping the benefits from being taken? I will leave the filing below from Seham, but has anyone heard anything so far? I would hope that this gets cleared or fixed prior to any voting taking place...

YOU have to be a complete idiot if you think Arbitration is going to stop the company for laying people off during this pandemic .
If you goal is to try to make is seem like AMFA is fighting more than the Ass, All AMFA is doing is spending its member money on a Lose Lose case. Stop it with the BS. TWU/IAM SUCKS we all know. But AMFA is no different when it comes to stoping a layoff during something like this. IF we get a chance to vote. Which I hope we do. We will. I think most of the Mechanics here just signed a card to get the TWU/IAM ASS. to get us a damn contract. All we care about it the MONEY. We got it and most of the guys are Happy. I doubt if this guys will vote for AMFA. Most the the guys in Miami say they will vote for the TWU just to get rid of the IAM. I dont agree. I say Vote AMFA and TAKE over since we will be providing ALL of the Money. Hell maybe I will run for President. **** I could use a 200,000 bump is salary. LMFAO
The Association comprises of both the IAM and TWU. If we should vote a majority for TWU or IAM and the Association already is in place for other title groups care to guess what we will end up with again? I'll guess and say the Association again. Which means the card drive and vote was a mute point in the first place.
Nothing has been said to anyone from the NMB as of yet, since AA just sent the signatures and list of employees they consider part of the class and craft.
Like every other work place there is a reduced work staff due to CV19, and with the Holidays coming it will take time.
The cards will NOT Expire now that they have been filed it's just a waiting game as to when things move forward.

Since the TWU No longer exists here at AA they were decertified by their own actions along with the IAM to create this ASSociation it is NOT LIKELY that there will be a selection for the TWU or IAM. This process will take time and end up happening some time in Early 2021. Cards, list, arguments on eligibility all have to happen before a Vote can be accomplished.

What happens with the section of the contract with the medical disruption on the iAM side will be addressed by the NMB as well in due time. What legal action will be taken by the NMB or AMFA we will all have to wait and see.
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