This not about the IAM and TWU, these two entities no longer exist except under the umbrella of the Association.
Correct Buck, however, the TWU and IAM are the two unions that make up this new employee asso. with the IAM leading the asso. mostly their way (imagine that) It is also well known that the infighting between these two unions will never stop which will always and constantly hold up contract nego's, LOA's, or anything where thay have to agree on as both sides will continue to fight over who is in control and who is running the asso.
So the fact that the IAM mechanics will go 4 years without their current pension contribution and no way to get AA to up the match to the TWU side of the 401k is a good reason for them to sign an AMFA card? Isn't part of the reason for this raid to screw the IAM guys because they got more than the TWU?
First and foremost this is not a raid and YOU know it Jimmy. AMFA has no organizing cmte, nor do they have anyone from AMFA doing this card drive at AA for a class and craft representational organization to represent the mechanics and related. These are in fact AA employees, asso. members from both the TWU and IAM doing a "GRASS ROOTS" card drive to get a much better representational organization to replace this pathetic asso. that has done nothing for this membership in the over 3 decades of them representing the mechanics and related at AA.
As far as your question about replacing the pension contributions, I can assure you if AMFA wins this election that that will be one of their top priorities as long as the majority of the membership makes it a top priority. A 401 K would be much, much more better suited with a nice high matching contribution, say like, somewhere between 5-10% and of course would hope for a dollar for dollar match, but I am sure AA will balk at a dollar for dollar and will ask for more like a 1/2 of it dollar for dollar or at least a %. You see Jimmy, with a 401K and Roth's you the member has full control of your account and transactions, not some third party guy who has no experience in retirement accounts, trading, and moving $$$ around for a favorable outcome for the clients/members. Look at how many times pensions have been cit, frozen and sme lost in BK's only to handed over to the gov. and the employees paying the biggest price of having their payouts reduced to 1/2 or even in the teamsters cases where some lost 2/3's of payouts. Pensions are no longer a good investment like they were back in the days. Even the IBM'ers of yesteryears (that's International Business Machines, IBM) almost lost their pensions way back 20 years ago and since then they no longer offer pensions, they have been replaced with other retirement programs as well as 401K's.
And pls don't forget, it wouldn't be a replacement just for the IAM'ers, it would be a 401k retirement package for all members not just one sided group, you see that's the difference with AMFA they will be one representational organization and the division will go to the waste side, all under "ONE" umbrella, where all will be treated equally. Have a great day, pls remember to vote by this Tues and also pls vote when you guys get a chance to replace this pathetic asso.