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AMFA Organizing Drive to Replace Association

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To SWAMT, 1AA and all the AMFA Supporters here and around the system, Aviation Junkie will be starting a NEW AMFA Organizing Committee to remove the TWU. So be sure to look for the announcement and his contact info, since he feels the current AMFA Committee is not smart enough to get it done. Let's all support his efforts with both groups we should have a filing with the NMB any time soon.
I'll be on the lookout.
To SWAMT, 1AA and all the AMFA Supporters here and around the system, Aviation Junkie will be starting a NEW AMFA Organizing Committee to remove the TWU. So be sure to look for the announcement and his contact info, since he feels the current AMFA Committee is not smart enough to get it done. Let's all support his efforts with both groups we should have a filing with the NMB any time soon.

I'll be on the lookout.
Yea me too. Can't wait for the announcement. Maybe a filing with the NMB by end of this month with Avi-Jun getting involved, that will do it in a heartbeat.
I would like to point something out. I went on the amfa-aa web site and found something very, very interesting and even troublesome.
How in the world can you have two unions merge into an asso. and the asso. constitution is ONLY 10 pages?? In comparison, AMFA's constitution is 132 pages. I find it very odd and maybe even scary. One part in particular is there is no mention of an Exec. Cmte. taking over nego's from the elected nego cmte. Not one word. So since this IS the asso. constitution, are they in fact in direct violation of the "Asso. Constitution?" I am sure there are other violations if we were to spend some time with it. Here are the two constitutions; first one ONLY 10 pages is the asso. constitution. the second one is AMFA's constitution at a whopping 132 pages. Much, much more detailed and informational...

Association Consitution - Consititution of the TWU-IAM Association



Discussions anyone???

You guys need to watch out for the next move by "these" industrial unions to pull their BS again. I could actually see a move by them to do as you suggest and get the mechanics and related moved over to the TWU side, as well as the fleet boys and other groups moved over to the IAM representational side "TO SAVE THEIR FREAKING AS$ES! Get a clue guys, pull that trigger before it gets too late and you are once again forced into something you never wanted in the first place. What more does it take? Had enough yet guys?? Let's get this done and over with, my Lord!!!
I'm more worried about the corruption between the Unions and the NMB. You can't rule out a representational change in title groups to inflate the numbers.
We know who's in title 1 and 2 today. Who will be added later on or the day a filing is made? The association is not rattling the pots and pans over the drive. Someone is up to something.
I'm more worried about the corruption between the Unions and the NMB. You can't rule out a representational change in title groups to inflate the numbers.
We know who's in title 1 and 2 today. Who will be added later on or the day a filing is made? The association is not rattling the pots and pans over the drive. Someone is up to something.
I think you are correct. Too quiet IMO too. Although I will say, they do have their hands full currently trying to sell a contract offer that very well could have the possibility of being voted down, once all the details are released.
Remember this as some are still thinking rather to sign a card or not.
Still listed very proudly on the asso. update board. They still proudly list the Q&A sheet that they blatantly disregarded. Especially #5. Remember these famous question???

The question and answer section below was designed to answer members’ questions regarding the TWU/IAM Association agreements. The Q&A section will be added to as questions are submitted by the membership.

All members are encouraged to submit questions through on the "Ask a Question" form below.

Please make sure to return to this website/section as the Q&A section will be updated often as members' questions are received and answered.

Questions 1-8 deal with the TWU-IAM representation alliance itself.
Questions 9-12 deal with representation issues.
Questions 13-19 address issues relating to combined negotiations.
Questions 20-22 discuss dues related issues.

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Q1: Why did the TWU and IAM form a representation alliance?

Q2: Who will administer the Associations?

Q3: How much authority will the Associations have over each respective union?

Q4: Who will be the first Director of the Association, TWU or IAM?

Q5: Will I have the opportunity to vote on whether or not I am represented by the Association?

Q6: Will I still be a member of my Union, or will I become a member of the Association?

Q7: Will the structure of either Union change at any level?

Q8: Is the AA TWU Presidents Council being dissolved?

Q9: What methodology was used to allocate station representation to each Union?

Q10: When were the station assignments determined and where did the employee information come from?

Q11: Were employees on leave of absence or recall at a particular station considered when determining the assignment of a station to a particular union.

Q12: If a current TWU station within a one station set is being reassigned to the IAM, how does that impact the one-station agreement?

Q13: What impact will the formation of a Joint Council have on collective bargaining with the new merged carrier?

Q14: Will the formation of the Association change my current contract?

Q15: Will the forming of the Association impact the current IAM-US Airways negotiations?

Q16: When will the Association begin bargaining a combined/joint contract?

Q17: How will the Association negotiate a joint contract for each of the different classes and crafts at American Airlines and US Airways?

Q18: Will the “Association” have separate negotiating committees for each class and craft?

Q19: Will the formation of the Alliance affect the seniority integration agreement reached between the TWU, IAM, American Airlines and US Airways?

Q20: Will my dues remain the same even if responsibility for my location shifts to a different Alliance member?

Q21: Will our dues structure be different at each station depending on which Union is servicing the members there?

Q22: Will TWU Local assets be assigned over to the IAM if a Local is disbanded?

Ask a Question
Please submit your questions here.

Also note the AMFA lies sheet that is untrue especially these lowlights they pointed out:-
Some other contract lowlights:
Eight year pay progression and two different pay scales.
--- Lies. It's a 5 year top out with an added thereafter clause. There is not 2 different pay scales.
No license premium for Avionics Technicians unless they possess an A&P license.
--- Wrong, there is a prem for FCC lic, but just like all airlines only 2 lic will be paid.
Leads are selected by the company, not by seniority. "The most qualified employee as determined solely by the company, shall be selected for the position.
--- More lies. Mechanics bid for lead positions and is awarded by seniority, and IS NOT selected by the company-period.
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To be honest, I’m totally okay with Lead spots being awarded on more than just seniority. Maybe a peer review or other interview? Having it be an even semi- competitive process would benefit everyone in the long run. Just my .02.
The TWU thug is back! Samuleson's is bringing the paid picketers back to block the AA HQ building at 4pm as people try to leave work. Funny the goon is picketing AA and not Sky Chefs the actual employer and funny how AA's contract with them calls for a higher wage for anyone working our aircraft but I guess he is going where he will get more media coverage. Someone should tell him his NYC Mafia tactics don't play well in Texas! And shouldn't he be working on the Bernie Sanders campaign anyway???? LMAO at what a great leader he is!
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To be honest, I’m totally okay with Lead spots being awarded on more than just seniority. Maybe a peer review or other interview? Having it be an even semi- competitive process would benefit everyone in the long run. Just my .02.
Maybe the mechanics should get a pair and make their leads and CC work for them. If any mechanic doesn't know how to do that, then too bad. If you have a lazy lead or CC get him off his a$$ and produce for you. I do it every day. Give you a hint, asked him to order your parts, get you your paperwork, or do any other lead or CC job, if he does not, you sit on your a$$ until he does his job. Therefore, not your problem. Get it?
That speaks to my point; someone that wants to be there, and landed the spot on more than just a seniority date won’t have to be told that sort of stuff.
I know you do Kev. that was just a jab at all the lazy leads and CC's that do think they can just bid in to do nothing at all. We have them too. And they will bich and moan about a slow their day is going. Too dumb to figure out that the more they stay busy the faster the day goes--funny huh?
I know you do Kev. that was just a jab at all the lazy leads and CC's that do think they can just bid in to do nothing at all. We have them too. And they will bich and moan about a slow their day is going. Too dumb to figure out that the more they stay busy the faster the day goes--funny huh?

It is good that Avionics is not lazy...
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