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Amfa Continues Downward Spiral

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Bottom line: The amfa has demonstrated time and time again that it.....

1. Can not protect the work.

2. Can not protect your job.

3. Can not negotiate a contract.

The amfa is basically a POS excuse for a union.

Oh btw, have any of you amfa english majors out there bothered to inform Mr. Harvey about his little screw up in the mailing he sent to the empoyees of AA?
You know the one (the last word of the second sentence of the fourth paragraph). You amfa guys are so anal about the use of the english language here in this very informal venue one would guess a letter addressed to so many would have at least been proof read. :shock:
Name: Hillary J. Francois III
Email: HJFrancois@aol.com
Employer: Alaska Airlines
Station: Unknowned for now
Date: Saturday October 09, 2004
Time: 12:46:10 PM

October 9th, 2004

On September 1, 1998 AMFA Local 37 Oakland, Ca. was charted. At that time the responsibilities of Local 37 were for the Airlines of Alaska Airlines and Northwest Airlines in the cities of OAK, SFO, LAX, PHX, SAN, LAS, and DEN. Close to 600 members strong.

October 6th, 2004 was the last official day for Local 37, it was placed into trusteeship by AMFA National because of the closing of the Alaska Airlines Hangar in Oakland, CA. in September of this year. The Locals responsiblities at closeing were Alaska Airlines Hangar in Oakland, Alsaka Airlines Line in Oakland and Southwest Airlines line in Oakland. Just over 370 members

The Downward Spiral Continues!
Checking it Out said:
Name: Hillary J. Francois III
Email: HJFrancois@aol.com
Employer: Alaska Airlines
Station: Unknowned for now
Date: Saturday October 09, 2004
Time: 12:46:10 PM


"Unknowned for now"

The grammar of this post reeks of the Kremlin on Pine doesnt it? The only thing it's missing is the "than's" where the "then's" should be.
I have the feeling the member (Hillary) is no longer employed?

Whats the matter Bob? Dont even know much about the local leaders?

I just wish to recognize all the people who served as Officers of Local 37 for the last 6 years and hope that the rest of AMFA will join me in saying thanks to them for their work.

Local 37 Officers (the * denotes the last serving officers of the Local)

Rick Agbayani- * Vice President / Safety & Standards (Alaska Airlines)

Teisha Blackman- Safety & Standards (Alaska Airlines)

Larry Burton- Treasurer (Alaska Airlines)

Ulysses Barton- * Treasurer (Alaska Airlines)

Joe Cassanello- * Safety & Standards (Alaska Airlines)

Earl Clark- * Alaska Airlines Representative

Sal Cachia- LAS Northwest Airlines Area Rep

Reggie Candler- Northwest Airlines Member at Large

Robert Carrillo- PHX Northwest Airlines Area Rep

Phil Carney- * Secretary (Alaska Airlines)

Gregory Faust- Treasurer (Northwest Airlines)

Jaime Gonzales- LAX Alaska Airlines Area Rep

Mark Jackson- SAN Northwest Airlines Area Rep

George Korade- Treasurer (Alaska Airlines)

Joe Klemowicz- Northwest Airlines Representative

John Liotine-President (Alaska Airlines)

Steve Miller- SFO Northwest Airlines Area Rep

Bob Mulligan- Northwest Airlines Representative / SFO Area Rep

Chris Mchale- Northwest Airlines Representative / SFO Area Rep

Satya Naidu- * Southwest Airlines Representative

Joe Ragusa- PHX Northwest Airlines Area Rep

Matt Schmidt- Safety & Standards (Alaska Airlines)

Eva Taylor- Treasurer (Northwest Airlines)

Dan Urban-Vice President / President (Alaska Airlines)

Stephen Vallentyne- Safety & Standards (Alaska Airlines)

Thank you all.

Hillary J. Francois III- * President / Secretary (Alaska Airlines)
Checking it Out said:
Whats the matter Bob? Dont even know much about the local leaders?


Maybe that explains why there were no thans where thens should be.

Do I know all the Local leaders of AMFA? No, I dont. Do I need to? Do you know all the TWU local leaders?

Other things are more important to know.

Do you know what an Industrial Union is? If so, maybe you should call the International and tell them.
Do you know what unionism is? If so you lost it long ago through your actions.
Email: amfasux@gmail.com
Employer: NWA
Station: MSP
Date: Saturday October 09, 2004
Time: 03:25:36 AM

Dear Quarter Nut:
Thank you for clearing that up. As I said I was in no way trying to be smart nor disrespectful to you. However, I would cherish the opportunity to be rude, vulgar, disrespectful, arrogant, angry and just down right pissed off to the mental midget we call our "national president", Mr.. Delle Femine. I have been in 5 different unions in my working career and I must say that out of all the leaders I've had, he is the most worthless, useless, do-nothing excuse of a union leader I have ever had the misfortune to work under. I thought we had hit rock bottom when we were in the IAM and the CSA Keith Foster was our PDGC. I honestly thought that he was the most spineless, nut less excuse of a leader, but I must say he was miles ahead of Delle. Delle is a great organizer and ####-stirrer, but once he gets what he wants and has people to represent, he suddenly becomes as scarce as hens teeth (no pun intended...lol) and we are left swaying in the wind. I have been more than willing to give them a shot to see if they could possibly do better. THEY HAVEN'T. I'm still waiting for all the hell raising smart-ass know-it-all's that pushed AMFA in the door, and pissed and moaned about how bad the IAM was doing, to start raising the same hell they were raising when they wanted the IAM replaced. I cannot believe they could actually be happy with what and who we have now. Either they have all lost their balls, are in shock, or are mostly on the street, looking for a new lively-hood. If the latter is the case, I hope they someday return, so I'll have a chance to explain to each and every one of them, why I would love nothing better than to whip each of their sorry asses, for giving us this pile of crap, and ruining what was once a good profession and career.
Thanks again Quarter Nut, I enjoy your insights.
Nightwatch said:
Do you know what unionism is? If so you lost it long ago through your actions.

How come you can only answer a question with a question? Is it merely a pathetic attempt to hide your ignorance? If so its not working.
Bob Owens said:
How come you can only answer a question with a question? Is it merely a pathetic attempt to hide your ignorance? If so its not working.

Did you just answer my question with a question?
Nightwatch said:
Did you just answer my question with a question?

Sure did!

After answering so many of your questions and your refusal to do likewise with those I present to you I decided to give you a dose of your own. So why is it that even though I have consistantly answered, or at the very least addressed your questions you refuse to answer or address mine?
Here is one that you guys missed thats just as credible as the ones you have posted;

Received: 10/12/04 10:36:26 EDT
Name: Harold Hall
Location: NYC
To all the airline workers out there I would like to extend my sincere gratitude for all you have given me. I have now entered retirement, but unlike you I will continue to draw six figures and my pension is not at risk.

Thank you for allowing me to achieve a lifestyle that I had never dreamed of way back when I started cleaning Busses for the MTA. Not only was I able to earn hundreds of thousands of dollars off your dues annually, but my family enjoyed the proceeds of thousands of insurance policies that I sold you after negotiating away your benifits. Recently we have seen a huge surge in the sale of STD since eliminating the 80 day IOD bank. Once again, I thank you, my two granddaughters college futures are now secure thanks to your sacrifice.

Listen guys, you may feel that you have lost a lot, but, back when I started cleaning busses I only made $40 a week, and was damn glad to get it. Your wages still surpass that of the average TWU member by nearly a factor of three. Quit your complaining, there is opportunity with the TWU. All you have to do is get involved with the TWU. Starting pay for an International appointee starts at $120,000 per year, plus we can arrange for you to continue to draw your check from the company (but keep that on the QT).Welcome to the future of unionism- forget all that rhetorical BS about solidarity and fighting. That was all commie stuff anyway. This is all about maximizing the individual self by stepping all over your coworkers and todays business unionism allows you to do just that. We stand to earn a lot more by cooperating with management than by fighting for members that dont even bother to get involved. Why beat your head against the wall? Opportunity and business unionism go hand in hand.Sure we sell a myth to the members, whats wrong with that? Disney and Hollywood have been doing that for years, and making a lot of money doing it! Its good for society to believe in fairy tales especially if we can earn a buck doing it!

All I can tell you as I go and enjoy the spoils of business unionism is this. You can stand up for what is right, for a bunch of thankless rabble or you can make a lot of money and kick back on the Peconic Bay in beutiful Sag Harbor like me. Business unionism provides people like me the opportunity that Industrial Unioninism or Craft Unionism never could.

Thanks for the monies!

Sincerely ;

Harold (Sonny) Hall

TWU Inc Retired and living VERY well.
Bob Owens said:
Sure did!

After answering so many of your questions and your refusal to do likewise with those I present to you I decided to give you a dose of your own. So why is it that even though I have consistantly answered, or at the very least addressed your questions you refuse to answer or address mine?

Actually my act of response to your questions would be giving credibility to your rhetoric. I see no reason to respond to your questions for you already have your answers and whatever I would state would neither change nor sway your rationale. Pretty simple, even for you.
Bob I suspect you wrote the article, deception, lies and fraud continues under Amfa!

The Amfa Downward Spiral Continues!!!
Email: amfasux@gmail.com
Employer: NWA
Station: MSP
Date: Wednesday October 13, 2004
Time: 11:00:46 PM

Some PLEASE Explain this. It is no secret that Jeff (the ACAC) Mathews is the worst person we could possibly have in this position, and yet, he gets re-elected. Am I the only one to realize he was worthless when he was on the IAM Shop Committee, and has continued to prove his worthlessness as our airline coordinator? There are many good union men that would be much better than Jeff, and yet he is re-elected by the majority! Maybe I'm biased in my opinion since I am a refugee from ATL, but we had at least 3 guys that would have made a much better ACAC. I saw one of you make a post touting BigDog for "president", but I can't find or remember who it was. I say we contact him and see if he is physically able to help us and lets get rid of the bum we now have. I've known and worked with BigDog for many years, going back to our EAL days, and while I didn't always agree with all of his decisions, I have to say he was at least willing to explain his position and to the best of this posters knowledge, every single decision he made or position he took on any issue, always had the best interest of the membership at heart. He was even man enough to admit I, when he made a mistake or misjudgment, which is far more than can ever be said about Jeff. At least BigDog would take the time to come out on the floor and offer his comments and took the heat just as well. How many times have ANY of you seen Jeff on the floor in MSP? I can honestly say not one single time as of today. Not even during the election would he come out and ask for my vote! It's either time to get people in place that know WTF they are doing, or we must change unions immediately. If you don't want BigDog or he isn't physically able take a look at Mark Lane, he at least tried, he just didn't have enough balls for my liking. At least he had a good memory and was willing to try. Just about anyone would be better than Jeff Mathews (except for the worthless sob's on the MSPB and MSPC shop committees, they are spineless). AMFA-SUX
Name: El Presidente
Email: ElPresidente@truelogic.or
Employer: UAL
Station: Seattle
Date: Wednesday October 13, 2004
Time: 12:23:20 PM

I have read these comments for years. We have tried and tried to tell our brothers and sisters of the evil and shortcomings of the AMFA. And now we see that the real enemy is ourselves. In this the most decisive political campaign in over 100 years our “unionâ€￾ the AMFA has gone silent. Could this silence be because McCormick isn’t willing to spend any of the profits he makes form us in helping to elect a president who would treat the industry favorable? McCormick controls this union so tightly he has kept Delle in power, there has never been a representative at any of the UAL bankruptcy hearings, allowed UAL, NWA and ASA to out source our work with out a lawsuit or challenge and now the only testimony that was given (in person or written) to the recent hearings on Pensions and the airline industry was a bill board. IN SEATTLE NO LESS. On the opposite coast from the hearings and nowhere near the entrance to the airport but at ASA headquarters. There is more to being a union than the name on the door and making deals for your buddies. The AMFA shop rep. from ASA came over last night looking for a card to sign, gave it to me and I mailed it, seems that even the loyal are now jumping ship. It’s time guys, as for AMFA; the train has already left the station and AMFA never made it to the platform. Sign a card and we can get real representation back. And they are already up to speed in the bankruptcy. We have everything to lose by staying with this group of l*****. Send in your card today.
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