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Amfa Continues Downward Spiral

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One thing we know for sure! The TWU has the majority of support at AA and will continue! The AFL-CIO represents over 13 million members.

cio, uhm, coward, where is this power with 13 million members protecting our profession?
Buck said:
Since we know that you are referring to Delle, he is representing eight airlines. You on the other hand are about to hit the street for another furlough. Of course as old as you are, this will most likely be your last.

Now can you answer the question? Where is the mighty AFL-CIO that the members pay dues to?

My guess is that you will not answer the question!

You really do not have a real answer. AMFA has never furloughed you, that is what you are angry about, you only wish AMFA had represented you during your many furloughs. Then your complaints about AMFA might be legitimate.

I'm not due out of here just yet Buck, but thanks for your concern.
Nightwatch said:
I'm not due out of here just yet Buck, but thanks for your concern.

I guessed correctly, you again failed to answer any questions.
Buck said:
I guessed correctly, you again failed to answer any questions.

I'm sorry Buck, currently your AMFA campaign is not my focus. Seeing my friends here get their furlough notices will rank just a bit higher than you ousting a union in favor for an association.

I will promise you this though, to sign an AMFA card on my way out the door, you see, I truly believe you non-union maggots deserve what you wish for. In fact, I've already received many more commitments from my friends to do the same.
Nightwatch said:
I'm sorry Buck, currently your AMFA campaign is not my focus. Seeing my friends here get their furlough notices will rank just a bit higher than you ousting a union in favor for an association.

I will promise you this though, to sign an AMFA card on my way out the door, you see, I truly believe you non-union maggots deserve what you wish for. In fact, I've already received many more commitments from my friends to do the same.

A union? You call the TWU a union?

The TWU is the best thing that ever happened to Aircon and the airlines. If you want to see our future look here;

This link is to the DOL site for the Local 504 LM2, the local that represents Triangle, Worldwide and Ogden.

They reported 4490 membersand an annual dues revenue of $855,497. Articl XVII SEction 1a states : "Effective January 1, 1978 the minimum monthly dues for membership in the TWU shall be two times the hourly rate on the first day of the dues month, or $10.50, whichever is greater".Now if anything the actual average is lower due to the high initiation fee and high turnover at those places but even without considering that the average wage of a Local 504 member is just $7.92!

$855497/4490members= $190.53 a year in dues per member
$190.53/12 months= $15.87 per month per member
$15.87/2 hours pay per month= $7.93



I recently read an article in the paper that said that the average American worker earns $15/hr. Only 13% of the workforce is unionized, meaning that the vast majority dont belong to unions and make double what the average TWU Local 504 member earns. So where is "the union advantage" for Local 504 members? They belong to a union that is run by ex-Pan Am workers who have no place to return to and they have no way to run an opposition candidate because the Local is so spread out and diverse. Members dont even have any means to find out where all the other members work. These guys just do as the International tells them to do, and that means lower wages in order to get more members. More members in a sitation where they are powerless, and they give up an initiation fee and two hours pay per month to earn half of what the average non-union worker earns. Who needs Walmart when you have the TWU?
Nightwatch said:
I'm sorry Buck, currently your AMFA campaign is not my focus. Seeing my friends here get their furlough notices will rank just a bit higher than you ousting a union in favor for an association.

I will promise you this though, to sign an AMFA card on my way out the door, you see, I truly believe you non-union maggots deserve what you wish for. In fact, I've already received many more commitments from my friends to do the same.

This is not only about a drive to replace a Representative who has failed to perform.

It is about the structure of the AFL-CIO and how we as members pay them to represent us, which they have failed to do as referenced in the Preamble of their Constitution. You have a job today because others gave concessions in pay and benefits.

It has been those unions and associations affiliated with the AFL-CIO that have granted concession after concession, year after year that have devastated the union worker in the airline industry.

As for those you are leaving behind getting what they deserve, it cannot be any worse than twenty years of concessions.

As for your friends, Good Luck to them. You however..........
Now Buck, that hurts deeply! But I'll be here to turn lights. So you have voted for concessions for 20 years Buck? Or has it just been your fellow workers voting instead of striking? I'd say you're as spoiled as Stewart, ever been furloughed with AA Buck? My guess would be uh "NO". You preach from your Dock quite well, come to the floor sometime and see how much pity you receive.
Nightwatch said:
Now Buck, that hurts deeply! But I'll be here to turn lights. So you have voted for concessions for 20 years Buck? Or has it just been your fellow workers voting instead of striking? I'd say you're as spoiled as Stewart, ever been furloughed with AA Buck? My guess would be uh "NO". You preach from your Dock quite well, come to the floor sometime and see how much pity you receive.

No I have not voted for concessions, unlike you.

You are beginning to understand the TWU, the promote fear and the members vote for concessions. It should sound familiar to you.

No, no furloughs here, why would there be furloughs when the TWU concedes to every company issue?

Thanks for the compliment, but what is the difference between a Aircraft Dock and the Floor?

Are you a janitor?
Nightwatch proves again what I thought, another self-serving crybaby that has never had to hit the streets, thanks to his union.

So Buck, it would have been better for you then to have say been furloughed for 6.5 years, losing that time towards retirement, than to stay employed, as you did, and benefit from the wages and medical you have enjoyed for how long?

You guys are truly amazing, do you wipe each others' noses?...HAHAHA!!!

NW...call the dock tonight.
Greetings All,
I have removed the 'Enter Comments Page' and associated files, but I will leave this page on the site for three or four days so that it may be read by visitors who may come here only occassionally. When I decide whether to continue the site, or remove it from the 'Net, I will post a message on this page. For those of you with whom I communicate by email from time to time, both dennis@the-mechanic.com and mechanic@the-mechanic.com will be active at least until the end of this month.

To those who have helped support the site over the previous several years, please accept my deepest appreciation for all that you have done. Were it not for your assistance during the days of subpoenas by UAL and AA lawyers, the site would have permanently shut down 4½ years ago. I will never forget your friendship and generosity during that time.

In the event that do not continue to maintain the site, my sincerest wishes to all of you during the coming holiday seasons, and for the remainder of your lives. If I do decide to keep the web site active, then TTYL... - TM

The Downward Spiral Continues!
Name: Rover 1
Employer: NWA
Date: Thursday November 11, 2004
Time: 03:38:14 PM

Nightline.......you wanna know where AMFA is........I'll tell you where they've been all along, right where they've always been in the first place since the industry's taken such a nose dive.......hiding. You see, AMFA was always there and it was easy to bad mouth everything when times were "IAM" and industry good. Their big mouths have always been just that, big mouths. No, the real test on what they're worth doesn't come when times are good, that's too easy. And again no, the real test on what an organization is really worth comes but when times are bad. Like you, I feel AMFA has failed that test miserably. And I mean m-i-s-e-r-a-b-l-y. Strike up the band Delle, you got allot to be proud of.......
Name: Now
Date: Friday December 10, 2004
Time: 10:49:42 PM

Delle is a genius he is going to bankrupt us with are own money then hand us over to big business. and some will thank him
Checking it Out said:
Well it seems Amfa members are refusing to pay dues in record numbers. Amfa is having to post a letter specifically addressing the issue!


The Downward Spiral Continues!

You know, part of negotiations is knowing how during the Bad times!
Refusing to pay dues in record numbers? No, thats the twu stupid. If NWA AMFA members are so disgrunted with their union, why isn't a card drive being conducted to oust them? Its been 7 years that AMFA dumped the iam in the trash at NWA.
Again cio, the iam card drive, its not happening. Same with a twu drive....not happening.

What is happening is your twu has another AA/AMFA card drive to try and stop. So polish up your twu coffin, dig in the twu coffers for the next $2 million. Get all your retirees, stock clerks, dead people, felons, punks, drunks, cowards, Teamsters, farm animals, management friends, and whoever else you need, pay them well for their support.......AMFA card drive 2 is well under way. :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:
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