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Amfa Continues Downward Spiral

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Are you under the impression that the AFL-CIO should call the shots for our union? What are WE doing, answer=nothing. Except for Stewart, who lays blame to the TWAers for the cost of fuel rising. I'd love to be the one to bump his a$$ to the curb.
Nightwatch said:
Are you under the impression that the AFL-CIO should call the shots for our union? What are WE doing, answer=nothing. Except for Stewart, who lays blame to the TWAers for the cost of fuel rising. I'd love to be the one to bump his a$$ to the curb.

No I am under the impression that the AFL-CIO should provide some unity and leadership. After all the members pay dues to this organization. Should the AFL-CIO earn their income? This is not about your fixation of Stewart. You are by far the most anti-union individual that claims to be a union man.
Well then Buck you do not know me, to call me anti-union. I do find it a bit peculiar that after bashing the AFL-CIO, and after stating the AFL-CIO was not a necessary instrument in union development, that now you AMFA supporters are crying for their aid.

Where's your midget? Doesn't he control 8 major airlines?
Nightwatch said:
Well then Buck you do not know me, to call me anti-union. I do find it a bit peculiar that after bashing the AFL-CIO, and after stating the AFL-CIO was not a necessary instrument in union development, that now you AMFA supporters are crying for their aid.

Where's your midget? Doesn't he control 8 major airlines?


No one is calling for the 'aid' (aids - do we need protection?) of the afl/cio.
What is the point?
The #### afl/cio (of today) has as much force as a piss ant.

There is your #### IAM mantra...........
'I will roll over if provoked'............

UT, keep your chin up man. I have read the pressure you, at UAL , are under, it's OK, you are AMFA, all will be fine. Try to calm down a bit, and pick your next profession a bit more carefully. Now go out and have a wonderful day!
Nightwatch said:
Well then Buck you do not know me, to call me anti-union. I do find it a bit peculiar that after bashing the AFL-CIO, and after stating the AFL-CIO was not a necessary instrument in union development, that now you AMFA supporters are crying for their aid.

Where's your midget? Doesn't he control 8 major airlines?

I still want to know where that all-powerful AFL-CIO is at?

Since all the way back in 1989 the TWU has used the AFL-CIO Affiliation as the main reason NOT to change unions to AMFA, now when the going gets about as tough as it can get, where is the AFL-CIO advantage? I don't see it. They use your dues to support liberals, and refuse to stand and fight for the working man unless it through worthless Politicians.

While I agree that ALL unions are suffering, the TWU claimed AFL-CIO was the way to go, AMFA claimed ALL Mechanics in ONE UNION. Well here we are, ALL MECHANCIS are not in one UNION because AA/NMB sided with the TWU with an inflated list, yet the AFL-CIO Affiliation is there, and NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING.

AFL-CIO is nothing more than another weak dues collection agency without a backbone.
Whoa. Wasn't it you that was bragging the AMFA represented the majority of all aircraft mechanics in commercial aviation? My question remains...."WHERE"S YOUR MIDGET NOW?"
I still want to know where that all-powerful AFL-CIO is at?

Since all the way back in 1989 the TWU has used the AFL-CIO Affiliation as the main reason NOT to change unions to AMFA, now when the going gets about as tough as it can get, where is the AFL-CIO advantage? I don't see it. They use your dues to support liberals, and refuse to stand and fight for the working man unless it through worthless Politicians.

While I agree that ALL unions are suffering, the TWU claimed AFL-CIO was the way to go, AMFA claimed ALL Mechanics in ONE UNION. Well here we are, ALL MECHANCIS are not in one UNION because AA/NMB sided with the TWU with an inflated list, yet the AFL-CIO Affiliation is there, and NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING.

AFL-CIO is nothing more than another weak dues collection agency without a backbone.
Whoa. Wasn't it you that was bragging the AMFA represented the majority of all aircraft mechanics in commercial aviation? My question remains...."WHERE"S YOUR MIDGET NOW?"
Nightwatch said:
Whoa. Wasn't it you that was bragging the AMFA represented the majority of all aircraft mechanics in commercial aviation? My question remains...."WHERE"S YOUR MIDGET NOW?"

Since we know that you are referring to Delle, he is representing eight airlines. You on the other hand are about to hit the street for another furlough. Of course as old as you are, this will most likely be your last.

Now can you answer the question? Where is the mighty AFL-CIO that the members pay dues to?

My guess is that you will not answer the question!

You really do not have a real answer. AMFA has never furloughed you, that is what you are angry about, you only wish AMFA had represented you during your many furloughs. Then your complaints about AMFA might be legitimate.
Here are some direct quotes from "team twu" and the first flyer they sent to my house October 1, 2003.

"We're part of team twu, and here's the #1 reason we're stickin' with our union: twu is an afl-cio UNION. but AMFA stands alone

"But we believe the way to protect our interests is to stay in the afl-cio with the twu and work to improve our union from within, rather than transfer to an outside, unknown, unproven organization- we'd rather fight than switch."


"The afl-cio and its affiliated unions have more than 100 staff lobbists working full time in Washington."

"The twu is also a member of the Transportation Trades Department, afl-cio, which maintains its own lobbying staff and works specifically on behalf of the 35 transportation unions of the afl-cio and their members."

"The afl-cio has 65 unions with more than 13 million members and the voices of those members are heard in EVERY public debate."

With all this afl-cio clout, why couldn't they stop NWA from farming out the DC-10's to China when the iam was in power?

Where were they?

Why didn't the afl-cio stop UAL from farming out all their heavy maintenance and shutting the doors of two maintenance bases when the iam was in power?

Where were they?

How about TWA. Where was the afl-cio when Carl Icahn raped the employees for years and caused the airline to ultimately fail?

You would think they would finally do something by now, but they have not. In fact with all the afl-cio internal strife, afl-cio member unions are leaving the organization. Simply because they are corrupt dinosaur that is no longer respected and has failed to change with the times. Much like the twu, iam, ibt.
One thing we know for sure! The TWU has the majority of support at AA and will continue! The AFL-CIO represents over 13 million members.

McCormick group represents just over 17,000 thousand. It seems to me it's a no brainier on who is doing a better job in Representation. You complain about the TWU while preaching for a defunct group like Amfa!

Who are the Smart Ones? Give you a hint! Not the Amfa wannabees! They are just a bunch of whiners and complainers that a willing to sell their carrier down the tubes for a midget who has made a carrier collecting money for nothing in return!

The Downward Spiral Continues!
I hate to tell you guys but I am pretty sure that the afl-cio will carry no weight with George Busch so if there was any advantage with that it is gone now, there is a new sherrif / President in town and he does not like the afl-cio, I am pretty sure they are in his gun sights and if there not they should be 😉 as I think the afl-cio is completly worthless also, I don't think that in these hard times it is going to matter what Union we are in as both are helpless right now but the afl-cio is just completly worthless and they allways have been. :down:

and that's the way I see it. 😀
Checking it Out said:
One thing we know for sure! The TWU has the majority of support at AA and will continue! The AFL-CIO represents over 13 million members.

McCormick group represents just over 17,000 thousand. It seems to me it's a no brainier on who is doing a better job in Representation. You complain about the TWU while preaching for a defunct group like Amfa!

Who are the Smart Ones? Give you a hint! Not the Amfa wannabees! They are just a bunch of whiners and complainers that a willing to sell their carrier down the tubes for a midget who has made a carrier collecting money for nothing in return!
The Downward Spiral Continues!

And what do you base that statement on? Your desperate antics to prevent a vote?

The fact is most TWU members do not voluntarily support the TWU. I base this on the fact that an overwhelming majority of members do not attend meetings or contribute to COPE. Dues are mandatory, those two things are not.

So under your definition protecting pay rates and working conditions is "Selling their carrier down the tubes"? Shouldnt the union focus on what is good for the member instead of what the Carrier wants?
Bob Owens said:
And what do you base that statement on? Your desperate antics to prevent a vote?

The fact is most TWU members do not voluntarily support the TWU. I base this on the fact that an overwhelming majority of members do not attend meetings or contribute to COPE. Dues are mandatory, those two things are not.

So under your definition protecting pay rates and working conditions is "Selling their carrier down the tubes"? Shouldnt the union focus on what is good for the member instead of what the Carrier wants?

Most members of any Union don't attend meetings including AMFA, most of us are too busy to deal with Union crap all of the time, we squeaze it in when we get a chance, that is also why most members have NO interest in becoming officers even with the rather generous pay that comes with it.

We just want to go to work do what little we have to then leave and forget about our job. 😀
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