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"I have no problem with you guys trying to go amfa. I have never said that. That is your choice. The ethical thing to do would have been for Bob and Chuck to resign their positions if their convictions for amfa are that strong. But all your ranting and raving is proof that ethics plays no role in all of this. Like I have said before, this type of behavior would not be tolerated anywhere, including amfa. Justify it all you want but you know that is right."

Bob & Chuck did what they thought WAS ethical. They supported the twu because the twu said, "Change from within." Are you comprehending the facts that Bob brought the problems of the twu to the twu leadership? Do you understand that Bob was turned away? Do you know that Bob suggested that AMTs should unite under ONE union to the afl-cio whereby the afl-cio should create another union that would encompass ALL AMTs under the strength of the afl-cio? But Bob was told that would NEVER happen! Bob fought with what he believed was right and best for OUR profession. Bob simply stated what the twu's short comings were in order to CHANGE FROM WITHIN! But that goes against the very nature of the twu.

As for Chuck Schalk I never heard him say he was sponsoring AMFA while he was President. He simply did what he was elected to do. Inform/fight/protect his membership and our profession. Just like Bob. As is such a staple of proof simply post your facts of Bob & Chuck's support for AMFA while in office. Chuck was removed in large part because he would not sign a letter not written in his own words. He was also removed in part because he was in a photo with O.V. Delle-Femine at an event at San Diego's Aerospace Museum last May 24th which the AMTA sponsored and organized. But Don Videtich (?) and Mark Rasco were also in the same photo. Why were they not removed from office too?

The twu will simply remove from office those individuals they fear will try to bring accountability and democracy to the twu.
j7915 said:
So when did Heydrich violate his oath to Adolf?
Are you dense or what, j ?? Heydrich was upholding his oath like a good lackey!...geez...must everything be broken down to a 3rd grade level for you TWU bums???!!!
And Bob got pissed off because his ideas were not made gospel at that very moment and turned on the TWU !!!! That is one heck of a sob story though!!!!


I think maybe I and a few others will sign up to be an associate member of amfa then support the TWU publicly as well as privately. How will Delle like that??? His own members publicy defacing amfa???? I might be on to something here!!! Amfa sure doesn't need ANYMORE bad publicity do they???? HMMMMM??

How much are those associate member dues again????
twuer said:
And Bob got pissed off because his ideas were not made gospel at that very moment and turned on the TWU !!!! That is one heck of a sob story though!!!!


I think maybe I and a few others will sign up to be an associate member of amfa then support the TWU publicly as well as privately. How will Delle like that??? His own members publicy defacing amfa???? I might be on to something here!!! Amfa sure doesn't need ANYMORE bad publicity do they???? HMMMMM??

How much are those associate member dues again????
Ok, why should I have resigned? Because I did not agree with Jim Little and all the other International reps, who were not taking pay cuts?

You still have not put forth anything that proves that I was advocating replacing the TWU here at AA while I was an officer.

See with you clowns if I would have resigned you would call me a quitter, and if I dont agree you call me a traitor. You guys are as disingenous as they come. You're just pissed that I did not resign and forced you to expose how undemocratic the TWU really is. Resigning would have made it easy for you. The fact is that I did not resign, but kept the pressure on for change because of a promise I made to a good friend of mine Pete Holowczyck that I would not cast the stores guys aside. I had also formed a relationship with Local 100 and was looking to work with them in reforming the TWU. My hope was that with a reformed TWU we could pursue uniting all airline workers into one union. Plus my members did not want me to resign but that I continue the fight.

You can say what you like but I gave it my best shot. I did what I thought was best for our members, all of them, including Stores, and I dont regret it. From day one I let the International know how I felt. I never felt that it was right for airline workers to be split up in all these diffrent unions. Others agreed. When I spoke to Sonny Hall, he agreed, but it was the guys below him that would never allow it. When I spoke to Bakala and Little, they agreed but it was the guys at the top that would not allow it. When I spoke to my fellow workers and workers at other airlines they too said that they would welcome it but the unions would not allow it because they could never agree which unions would give up the members (dues) to make it happen. I consulted with the AFL-CIO, they too welcomed the idea and said I should pursue it, by the way this was not yesterday it was four years ago. If you like I'll post some of the letters. After all this happened I spoke to someone from the AFL-CIO who told me that he felt that the incumbant unions, the TWU,IAM and IBT would never agree to let their members go to another union even though everyone it seemed agreed the members would be better off united. He said the only way that it ever going to happen is if all the airline workers left their AFL-CIO unions, united into one union outside the AFL-CIO and then petitioned to join.

I tried change from within. Now I will try the other way.

AMFA and the AGW!
twuer said:
And Bob got pissed off because his ideas were not made gospel at that very moment and turned on the TWU !!!! That is one heck of a sob story though!!!!


I think maybe I and a few others will sign up to be an associate member of amfa then support the TWU publicly as well as privately. How will Delle like that??? His own members publicy defacing amfa???? I might be on to something here!!! Amfa sure doesn't need ANYMORE bad publicity do they???? HMMMMM??

How much are those associate member dues again????
I might be on to something here!!!

More like "ON" something. I'd like nothing more than for you to become an associate member. Come on down to the hall and get signed up. When you find something wrong with the AMFA, we will be able to fix it unlike the twu!!!!! I love it when someone points out something wrong with the structure of AMFA. It gets fixed and makes the AMFA even more of an alternative to any industrial union!!

Keep the Faith........AMFA NOW!!!!!!!!!
Radman said:
They do put up with it!! You have iam international officers on aa payroll in the mechanic class and craft. Of course it is only OK if it is another aflcio union.

Another thing is that they are not AMFA members yet. All of us will be sooner or later.
If you read the minutes of the 2001 Convention it was brought up that the TWU had members of MANAGEMENT on the International staff.

So with the TWU its better to have someone from management in the International than a local officer who refuses to criticize another union?

The TWU also gave a Labor Award and threw a facy catered affair for a member of Management who called the cops and refused to let Local 100 officers talk to their own members! Since Sonny and Rojer dont get along Sonny gets management to help him do his intra-union fighting. Nice.

And lets not forget Koziateks retirement party where there was more members of management there than Rank & File members. In fact Ed sat with Carty and other Company officials instead of with his fellow unionists.