Ken MacTiernan
"I have no problem with you guys trying to go amfa. I have never said that. That is your choice. The ethical thing to do would have been for Bob and Chuck to resign their positions if their convictions for amfa are that strong. But all your ranting and raving is proof that ethics plays no role in all of this. Like I have said before, this type of behavior would not be tolerated anywhere, including amfa. Justify it all you want but you know that is right."
Bob & Chuck did what they thought WAS ethical. They supported the twu because the twu said, "Change from within." Are you comprehending the facts that Bob brought the problems of the twu to the twu leadership? Do you understand that Bob was turned away? Do you know that Bob suggested that AMTs should unite under ONE union to the afl-cio whereby the afl-cio should create another union that would encompass ALL AMTs under the strength of the afl-cio? But Bob was told that would NEVER happen! Bob fought with what he believed was right and best for OUR profession. Bob simply stated what the twu's short comings were in order to CHANGE FROM WITHIN! But that goes against the very nature of the twu.
As for Chuck Schalk I never heard him say he was sponsoring AMFA while he was President. He simply did what he was elected to do. Inform/fight/protect his membership and our profession. Just like Bob. As is such a staple of proof simply post your facts of Bob & Chuck's support for AMFA while in office. Chuck was removed in large part because he would not sign a letter not written in his own words. He was also removed in part because he was in a photo with O.V. Delle-Femine at an event at San Diego's Aerospace Museum last May 24th which the AMTA sponsored and organized. But Don Videtich (?) and Mark Rasco were also in the same photo. Why were they not removed from office too?
The twu will simply remove from office those individuals they fear will try to bring accountability and democracy to the twu.
"I have no problem with you guys trying to go amfa. I have never said that. That is your choice. The ethical thing to do would have been for Bob and Chuck to resign their positions if their convictions for amfa are that strong. But all your ranting and raving is proof that ethics plays no role in all of this. Like I have said before, this type of behavior would not be tolerated anywhere, including amfa. Justify it all you want but you know that is right."
Bob & Chuck did what they thought WAS ethical. They supported the twu because the twu said, "Change from within." Are you comprehending the facts that Bob brought the problems of the twu to the twu leadership? Do you understand that Bob was turned away? Do you know that Bob suggested that AMTs should unite under ONE union to the afl-cio whereby the afl-cio should create another union that would encompass ALL AMTs under the strength of the afl-cio? But Bob was told that would NEVER happen! Bob fought with what he believed was right and best for OUR profession. Bob simply stated what the twu's short comings were in order to CHANGE FROM WITHIN! But that goes against the very nature of the twu.
As for Chuck Schalk I never heard him say he was sponsoring AMFA while he was President. He simply did what he was elected to do. Inform/fight/protect his membership and our profession. Just like Bob. As is such a staple of proof simply post your facts of Bob & Chuck's support for AMFA while in office. Chuck was removed in large part because he would not sign a letter not written in his own words. He was also removed in part because he was in a photo with O.V. Delle-Femine at an event at San Diego's Aerospace Museum last May 24th which the AMTA sponsored and organized. But Don Videtich (?) and Mark Rasco were also in the same photo. Why were they not removed from office too?
The twu will simply remove from office those individuals they fear will try to bring accountability and democracy to the twu.