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On 6/13/2003 3:21:32 AM UAL_TECH wrote:


On 6/7/2003 8:50:20 PM diogenes wrote:

For those not in the know, AGW, which largely exists on paper, is a junior partner of AMFA. Interesting that for years, AMFA has stated it will only represent mechanics. Now, AMFA is seeking to represent fleet service, whom it previously scorned, as well as flight attendants. Who will be riding on who''s coattails? All of the subsidiaries, AMFA, AGW and PFA are represented by the law firm Seham and McCormick.

Let us take up the discontent with the IAM. As readers know, I have my differences with IAM operations. A little too top down, and way too hard to vote out current office holders - the infamous ''slate''. I have been upfront with my dissent on these matters, and currently reside atop the ''list''. That''s ok, I knew what I was doing.

On the other hand, I do not advocate decertifying or replacing the IAM.

You know, I have had differences with my wife for 20 years. We understand we''re a work in progress, not perfect. Part of the deal is staying and doing the hard work, rather than the easier course of running away.

I am unaware of any church out there that has a dogma or creed I 100% adhere to. Some days, the pews are full of hypocrites, or the preacher gets a little too political. Yet we attend, and God''s work gets done, despite all of our shortcomings.

I have major issues with where the Hoover/McCarthy Republicans are taking this country, yet I am not seeking asylum elsewhere.

Say your kid comes to you with a broken bike. After a quick look, you determine the perfect, compleat tool is the 1/2 inch, 12 point, brand new Craftsman box end wrench in your toolbox. Alas, your mooching brother-in-law has ''borrowed'' your toolbox yet again. You scrounge thru your junk drawer, and find a pair of rusted, guaranteed to slip and bust your knuckles, shoulda been thrown away, channel locks. Are you going to say, "kid, I don''t have the perfect tool, so fugitaboutit", OR, are you going to spray some WD40 on the POS locks, bust your knuckles, supress the urge to swear (kid''s nearby), and get the kid going again?

No human effort is perfect. If such an effort were achieved, they wouldn''t let me in, anyway! ''Dance with the gal what brung ya'' is pretty sage advice.

Battered Wife Syndrome?.




Ahhhh, the acme AMFA response - turn an honest attempt at dialogue into a personal attack.

Makes me want to run right out and join up!
On 6/16/2003 11:43:00 AM UAL_TECH wrote:

I apologize for the cheap shot.
You folks are going through a rough time (aren''t we all?).
Good luck on your future decisions.
Here is what the IAM is doing for us at UAL.

Machinists Seek to Reopen Indy Maintenance Base

Take Care,

Jobless overhaul rolls back benefits, cuts business costs

<<The business victory came after days of relentless pressure
from its top lobbyists, Boeing and its workers'' Machinists union. >>


Hello, UT,

Most gracious of you, and I accept and thank you.

I''ve posted plenty of times my dissatisfaction with how the IAM operates. I''ve heard plenty of my brothers and sisters, some in the upper echelons of the IAM, with the same concerns. I guess when enough of us have had enough, we''ll change things. Right now, most want to sit back and gripe.

At least AMFA actually exists, and has some members. AGW exists in an ''in'' basket right now, and I can''t see how they possibly can be an improvement.

It''s going to be very interesting over at UA from now until July 14 - sorta like working in a pressure cooker.

At the end of all of it, I hope UA comes out of BK in a big way. Good luck to you all.
Voted for AMFA last night and its going to feel good
to get rid of the IAM clowns as our representatives.
All the IAM ever did for me was:

1) take forever to negotiate a contract. While they fiddled around through the good years, I was pay frozen.

2) negotiated a pay raise that was effective July 1, 2002. (Then made retroactively reduced and some on July 15th). So, after almost four years in my position, I was making less than the day I walked through the door.

3) recinded the no-furlough clause, which put my on the street. Thankfully, I''m employed again, but it''s for even less money in a customer service job not in aviation.

A real union would have shut the doors on US Airways if they asked for give backs. I''m not a "union man" by any means, but the only way to deal with Siegel, Wolf, Bethune or any of the other cronies is to match thugs against thugs. A good old mafia infested union that isn''t afraid to use some muscle gets stuff done (only joking 😉 ).

But seriously, the IAM''s main concern is membership dues (didn''t they go up after the first of the year....negotiate a pay cut for you and make you pay them more to do it for you!!) and membership numbers. They thrive on closed door negotiations and lack of information (I guess the IAM and US Airways management have something in common!). They spend more on recruiting than they do in organizing strikes and other labor disruptions. The IAM should have been giving US Airways management ultimatums, not the other way around.

So, as an outsider now, who does have a chip on his shoulder, I think the IAM needs be shown the exit by all the carriers it represents. It has utterly failed to represent its members.

As a side note, any union that is seriously interested in representing mechanics needs to unionize the contract maintenance facilities. Mercinary Maintenance is THE biggest threat to your wages and job security, folks. As long as Davey S can fantazise at having his work done by the double-wide crowd in Hicksville for nickel and dime wages your job is in jeopardy.

On 6/16/2003 7:47:15 PM JonC wrote:

All the IAM ever did for me was:

1) take forever to negotiate a contract. While they fiddled around through the good years, I was pay frozen.

2) negotiated a pay raise that was effective July 1, 2002. (Then made retroactively reduced and some on July 15th). So, after almost four years in my position, I was making less than the day I walked through the door.

3) recinded the no-furlough clause, which put my on the street. Thankfully, I'm employed again, but it's for even less money in a customer service job not in aviation.

bA real union would have shut the doors on US Airways if they asked for give acks. I'm not a "union man" by any means, but the only way to deal with Siegel, Wolf, Bethune or any of the other cronies is to match thugs against thugs. A good old mafia infested union that isn't afraid to use some muscle gets stuff done (only joking 😉 ).
But seriously, the IAM's main concern is membership dues (didn't they go up after the first of the year....negotiate a pay cut for you and make you pay them more to do it for you!!) and membership numbers. They thrive on closed door negotiations and lack of information (I guess the IAM and US Airways management have something in common!). They spend more on recruiting than they do in organizing strikes and other labor disruptions. The IAM should have been giving US Airways management ultimatums, not the other way around.

So, as an outsider now, who does have a chip on his shoulder, I think the IAM needs be shown the exit by all the carriers it represents. It has utterly failed to represent its members.

As a side note, any union that is seriously interested in representing mechanics needs to unionize the contract maintenance facilities. Mercinary Maintenance is THE biggest threat to your wages and job security, folks. As long as Davey S can fantazise at having his work done by the double-wide crowd in Hicksville for nickel and dime wages your job is in jeopardy.


While in Bankruptcy, a union doesn't call the "shots". I understand your frustration , but this situation has been "brewing" since 1992. It's over and done, isn't it time to stop pointing the finger at each other..? Lets get on with it and see if we can make a profit and get you recalled to work..
Hello, UT,

Most gracious of you, and I accept and thank you.

I''ve posted plenty of times my dissatisfaction with how the IAM operates. I''ve heard plenty of my brothers and sisters, some in the upper echelons of the IAM, with the same concerns. I guess when enough of us have had enough, we''ll change things. Right now, most want to sit back and gripe.

At least AMFA actually exists, and has some members. AGW exists in an ''in'' basket right now, and I can''t see how they possibly can be an improvement.

It''s going to be very interesting over at UA from now until July 14 - sorta like working in a pressure cooker.

At the end of all of it, I hope UA comes out of BK in a big way. Good luck to you all.

Thank You!
And good luck to you and yours.
I have a good feeling that AMFA will make it this time.
Then sit back and watch what we can do.........

Take Care,