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Bill said:
These people will do whatever it takes to rid ourselves of the twu cancer, just like the company will do anything to protect its lap-dog union.

So, I guess you have just admitted to the thousands of folks who read these posts, that AMFA is just as bad as the company when it comes right down to it???!! We all know how the company "plays". You amfa pukes can't stop crying about them!!!! But guess what??? We at the TWU already knew that amfa was bad!!! Now we have proof from an AMFA supporter!!!



How can you confuse the AMFA and its structure to a few people at AA who were in twu positions who sought out "REAL" change for the members?? ARE you drunk?? You only reaffirm what we already know about the twu wannabes.......me,me,me,me!!!!!

Keep the Faith.........AMFA NOW!!!!!!!
Don't try to take it back now fella!!! Maybe you can blame it on you other personality or something when you get hit with this one!!!!
Bill said:
Oh Bobby, you can justify it all you want. . .it still comes out to be wrong!!!!

You say you weren't preaching amfa while holding a TWU position??? Now why would you lie like that when all I have to do is pull up some old posts written in your hand Bob? Isn't that some of what was used against you to oust your sorry butt???? Just ask and I'll dig some up. I checked a few yesterday, just didn't have time to cut and paste them all!! If you would like to look for yourself as a reminder, you can start with page 71, I believe, of your past posts. (you have 99 pages of posts Bob. . . amazing!!!!)

Anyway you look at it you are a Benedict Arnold!!!! You and Schaulk and those others who decided to to turn red-coat!!!
william, "Benedict Arnold" is something you have knowledge of? Show us all where Bob & Chuck were working for AMFA. Show me where these two fighters said ANYTHING untrue about the twu to their members. Remember, the truth as it is in this reality not the twu induced haze of conciousness.

Go ahead and copy/paste away. Show us where Bob & Chuck "turned coat". While you are copy/pasting go ahead an copy/paste the twu mantra of "Change from within." The twu is a dieing union. You like to point to these two men because they fought for their members and our profession and were removed. But the unelected in the international fight against our entire profession industry wide but stay in thier overpaid positions. Explain to us all how little saying we would get a FULL REVOTE and not delivering, and this is not a lie.

Your defense of the twu as a positive force for our profession is lame to say the least.
A simple yes or no answer. . .no justification needed (because that's all we seem to be hearing!!)

Is it right (or ethical) to take an oath to one union (and get paid by that union!) while "preaching" and advocating for another union?

Again, a simple yes or no answer will suffice.
Bill said:
Oh Bobby, you can justify it all you want. . .it still comes out to be wrong!!!!

You say you weren't preaching amfa while holding a TWU position??? Now why would you lie like that when all I have to do is pull up some old posts written in your hand Bob? Isn't that some of what was used against you to oust your sorry butt???? Just ask and I'll dig some up. I checked a few yesterday, just didn't have time to cut and paste them all!! If you would like to look for yourself as a reminder, you can start with page 71, I believe, of your past posts. (you have 99 pages of posts Bob. . . amazing!!!!)

Anyway you look at it you are a Benedict Arnold!!!! You and Schaulk and those others who decided to to turn red-coat!!!
Go ahead and pull them up.

Redcoat? Who is the one who negotiated away our pay, benifits and workrules? They are the ones who betrayed the labor movement.

Our concessionary contract, which surpassed all others in concessions, including those in bankruptcy will pressure all other workers in this industry to go for another round of cuts, just to get down to us. The TWU is the scab of the industry.
twuer said:
A simple yes or no answer. . .no justification needed (because that's all we seem to be hearing!!)

Is it right (or ethical) to take an oath to one union (and get paid by that union!) while "preaching" and advocating for another union?

Again, a simple yes or no answer will suffice.
I do not have a problem with that twuer. None what so ever. As a matter of fact if a president thought the moonies had a better structure, then I as a member would like to know about that. Especially if there is ample proof that you can not change the constitution/structure of the union I am in and I would like to know about that also. I will go a step futher and say that an officer has a duty to keep his members informed. It is not about protecting officers and their pay, it is about protecting and making gains for the membership. When will you get this through your head???

Now a simple question for you twuer, yes or no answer will do twuer. Is it right for a local president to get paid by the company and the twu, when that president does not ever work off of his box (ie: on full time UB)???
Bill said:
I don't believe dual unionism is a general statement Raptor.

Like I said, Delle (AMFA) would NEVER put up with that so why do you think the TWU should?
They do put up with it!! You have iam international officers on aa payroll in the mechanic class and craft. Of course it is only OK if it is another aflcio union.

Another thing is that they are not AMFA members yet. All of us will be sooner or later.
Who should any union member be ultimitely responsible to?? The union or the members?? Don't tell me the members are the union. j little dictates everything that goes on with the OK from sonny. If you don't see that you are drunk, blind or stoned!! If you feel like protecting the union is the right thing to do, your answer is yes. If you believe your fellow worker is the one you need to protect, your answer may not always be yes!!

Keep the Faith........AMFA NOW!!!!!!!!!

"Is it right (or ethical) to take an oath to one union (and get paid by that union!) while "preaching" and advocating for another union?"

Where has Bob or Chuck ever said to join AMFA while in office? Is there a secret letter floating around somewhere? All Bob & Chuck did was INFORM the membership. Is that a crime? In the twu international it seems as if it is.

Bob took problems he saw in the twu to the leaders of the twu and was turned away.

Bob suggested taking all the airline AMTs in the afl-cio unions and making ONE union for AMTs and was told that would NEVER happen. Why? What did the afl-cio have to fear?

As I have said, I have met Bob & Chuck. I have known them to be men of morale conviction and professional AMTs. Both want what is best for OUR profession. What is wrong with that?
twuer said:
A simple yes or no answer. . .no justification needed (because that's all we seem to be hearing!!)

Is it right (or ethical) to take an oath to one union (and get paid by that union!) while "preaching" and advocating for another union?

Again, a simple yes or no answer will suffice.

Just because there are simple people it does not mean there are always simple answers.

I kept the oath that I made to my members. The drive to remove me did not come from them.

You first must agree on the definition of who is the Union. According to you and the International its the International. According to me its the members.

Is is right for a union(your definition) to betray its members? To work for the interests of themselves at the expense of all? Would it be right for an elected leader to not represent his members and fight for what they want? Yes or No?

Last year, as our pay and benifits went down they took in more money and gave themselves raises. If elected leaders are bound by oath to support these International officers that the memnbers do not elect then who is there for the members?

Time and time again I hear you guys say "and being paid by the TWU". Well let me tell you what they (the TWU) told us in Treasury school, "Its not YOUR money", its the members money. Anyone accepting "the members" money should be working in the interests of the members. You claim that I must work in the interests of the International. So were you working in the interests of your members when to told half truths about the abrogation of contracts in bankruptcy, when you said the company might go straight into liquidation, when you slashed wages and stripped benifits until 2009?

I would rather have Bob Owens and Chuck Schalk refuse to kneel before the TWU the way they did. They could have simply "pledged" their allegiance to the mighty TWU and "keep" their TWU salary. They have never betrayed the membership the way Gless did. Gless did such a good job of leading the lambs to the slaughter, that he's well on his way to the top.

Unlike Gless, Schalk and Owens always went to the membership first to see what the they wanted. And that's what Schalk went into all the TWU get-togethers with, and eventually the Industry Leading Concession contract and president's councils.


Would you be satisfied if Owens and Schalk pledged their allegiance to the TWU while supporting AMFA in the underground?
twuer said:
A simple yes or no answer. . .no justification needed (because that's all we seem to be hearing!!)

Is it right (or ethical) to take an oath to one union (and get paid by that union!) while "preaching" and advocating for another union?

Again, a simple yes or no answer will suffice.
Wow twuer, you are such a man of honor...bound by your oath...your word is your bond...YEAH,RIGHT! The fact is that you and your lot are a bunch of punk cowards that are too afraid to make a stand and happy to bend over and take what ever the company gives you. You use the excuse of having taken some Mickey Mouse oath but the truth is that no oath is binding if it makes you an accomplice to lying, cheating, fraud and what ever other shenanigans the TWU is up to.


This man took an oath also...
I will respond to all of you wannabes at the same time. Regardless of which union you support, which is not the issue here, it is WRONG to advocate for another union when you have taken an oath to another. That is plain and ismple. You can bring in the membership is you want to but it does not change the fact that the practice of dual unionism is wrong.

I have no problem with you guys trying to go amfa. I have never said that. That is your choice. The ethical thing to do would have been for Bob and Chuck to resign their positions if their convictions for amfa are that strong. But all your ranting and raving is proof that ethics plays no role in all of this. Like I have said before, this type of behavior would not be tolerated anywhere, including amfa. Justify it all you want but you know that is right.
twuer said:
I have no problem with you guys trying to go amfa. I have never said that. That is your choice. The ethical thing to do would have been for Bob and Chuck to resign their positions if their convictions for amfa are that strong.
The first sentence from twuers quote is a lie. Twuer does have a problem with us chosing AMFA. AMFA goes against what the TWU represents (selling out to management, ratting out your own members,secret letters of agreement, unelected and unaccountable leadership, etc.) Then twuer talks about ethics.
Ethics coming from a TWU lackey??? The TWU is the antithesis of ethics.
The last part is the funniest. What ever happened to change from within?
You TWU bums are a laughing stock who need the company to help you try to stop AMFA
TonyB said:
Wow twuer, you are such a man of honor...bound by your oath...your word is your bond...YEAH,RIGHT! The fact is that you and your lot are a bunch of punk cowards that are too afraid to make a stand and happy to bend over and take what ever the company gives you. You use the excuse of having taken some Mickey Mouse oath but the truth is that no oath is binding if it makes you an accomplice to lying, cheating, fraud and what ever other shenanigans the TWU is up to.


This man took an oath also...
So when did Heydrich violate his oath to Adolf?

Besides AMFA's latest constitutional change would eliminate the oath for the rank and file membership. which would still leave Bob and Co. on the hook for being union officials working against their union without resigning their position first.