America's Shame....Outstanding!

You can also add to that list the trillions of dollars we spent in world wars 1 and 2 and the cold war to keep Europe free. Also, don't forget about the U.S. rebuilding Europe with the Marshall plan. The reason they have all those generous social programs is because they didn't have to pay for their own self defense, the U.S. defended them at the expense of the U.S. taxpayer. If we had let Hitler or the Soviets have them, we as a country would be trillions of dollars richer. I find it amusing that the Europeans consider us arrogant since they were the ones who wrote the book on it. Lets take a brief look at European history: Hitler, Stalin, Napoleon, Cesar,the French empire, the British empire, the Spanish empire, the Roman empire etc. You are correct about our charity to the world in the form of money, time, and skills; we are by far the most charitable country on Earth. But there are many who dislike us for a variety of reasons; our success for a relatively young country and our unwillingness to apologize for it, our concept of the freedom of the individual, our concept of allowing individuals to enjoy the fruits of their labor to the greatest extent possible, our freedom of speech, etc. I think it is time to stop international charity and defending other countries....yes, if they insist that we are bastard$ then let us indeed be bastard$, let us withhold ALL our generosity and see how well they fare. Let us be isolationists and say "to hell with the rest of the world". When the next dictator overruns Europe or another continent, let us just give them "the finger". The U.S should withdraw from NATO and every other alliance, this would save hundreds of billions of dollars. If we were to cease all foreign aid and private charity we could save hundreds of billions more; we could pay off the debt Bush and Obama have run up quite quickly. We only need to defend our own borders. Let everyone know that if the U.S. is attacked nuclear weapons will be used in retaliation, we used them before and we can use them again.
Protectionism/isolationism does not work.

Look to the past.
IMO we have not made any effort to change or address the way the rest of the world perceives us. I believe the aid that the US provides is a separate issue. I think the perception of arrogance comes from the fact that we do not seem to have any idea of the world around us. We call the French cowards not realizing their country was ravaged by war. We spend and spend, we consume far more than we produce. We invade a nation, expecting others to join but angry when they do not. When we travel abroad, we act s if we own the place rather tan respecting the local traditions.

I do not know if we intend to do it or not. I suspect that for some if not most it is due to ignorance. So may Americans know so little of world history much less what has gone on in our own history.
I find it hard to believe that we should be apologetic to an area of the world that brought us Naziism, Communism, and Facism (did I spell those correctly?).
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And another broken promise as Obama capitulates to the extremest muslim world yet again.
Armenians Blast Obama for Failure to State Genocide

During his presidential campaign, Obama pledged to recognize the deaths as genocide. He spoke in a January 2008 statement of his “firmly held conviction that the Armenian genocide is not an allegation, a personal opinion or a point of view, but rather a widely documented fact supported by an overwhelming body of historical evidence.â€￾

But at a Monday press conference with Turkish President Abdullah Gul and in a later address to the Turkish Parliament, Obama declined to recognize the Armenian deaths as genocide.
Now all he has to do is somehow fail to recognize the Holocaust out of deference to the Islamofacists....
And another broken promise as Obama capitulates to the extremest muslim world yet again.

Not sure this is a broken promise as he did not counter what he has previously stated. Pissing of the Turkish government does not seem like a wise idea if the idea is to get them to sit down and talk with the Armenians. I can understand what the Armenians want to hear but that just ain't going to happen especially with all the other crap going on. He said it in other venues and he stated that he had not changed his opinion on the events which is saying that it was genocide. If I called you an idiot yesterday and you ask me what I think of you today and I tell you my view has not changed, I think you are safe to assume I still think you are an idiot even though I did not call you an idiot today. Politics and politician are stupid as a box of rocks.

“Well, my views are on the record and I have not changed views,â€￾ Mr Obama said in response to a question about the genocide and his stance on it.

"I want to focus not on my views right now, but on the views of the Turkish and Armenian people. If they can move forward and deal with a difficult and tragic history, then I think the entire world should encourage that.â€￾

Also, aren't we using Turkey for troop/supply movement for Iraq and Afghanistan?
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Not sure this is a broken promise as he did not counter what he has previously stated.
What? He just did!

He said it in other venues and he stated that he had not changed his opinion on the events which is saying that it was genocide.
Other venues dont mean crap. His feet was put to the fire by the very people who he made a promise to and the spineless coward capitulated like a wounded fawn. Its a rather disgusting display of weakness and cowardliness. If you make an opinion then stand up to it and own it! Not try to befriend the whole world by not making a stand on anything.
Had he said it was not genocide, I would agree that he broke his promise. He said his previous view (it's genocide) stands so I dissagree with your assessment.

I think Trump is arrogant and I do not like him yet he still donates a considerable amount to charities. Get it?