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Union française Pneus Faits Quelqu'un ?

AH. Got it. I don't read his crap anymore so I guess I missed that connection.

I guess the same argument could be made about letting minorities into the work force. Not to mention letting non-land owners .... Oh hell. Anyone who was not a white land owner. That where it all went down hill.

Arguments like women screwing up the work force are why I ignore him. Just not worth the time.

Says the foreigner that has NO business discussing American affairs.

Glad you chose to ignore my wisdom because we wouldn't want to give you any more intelligence than your omnipotent know-it-all BS keeps flowing out of your holes! 😛

Somebody wanna respond to this so the foreign Eurotrash can see it!
I usually ignore him too. But I found the supply/demand thing interesting .

And yet I wasn't really saying anything but stating a fact.

And ignoring me won't make me go away, nor will the badges of honor that I call -(minuses)!

Piece of advice, sometimes you have to deviate from the norm and not blame everything on those who don't agree with your points of view. Unlike your friend, Cousin IT, or Ms. Tree or as it wants you to believe, Mystery!
I remember reading something quite a while ago (do not remember where or by whom) that in a nut shell suggested that the only reason currency (or anything else for that matter) has value is because at least two people have agreed that it has value. Gold, paper with pictures and numbers, food, labor or what ever it is has no intrinsic value. If I am on a desert island the person with the water machine is far richer than the person with a pot of gold.

So how is paper being valued my metal any more stable? As indicated, no one seems to have any idea how much gold anyone has. Were the US to find a huge gold supply the value of gold could plummet just as easy as the value of electronic currency could.

The one advantage I see to a gold standard is that the value of the metal is international. So we would all be tied to the same value system. Not sure if that is good or bad.
As far as the arguements about American currency, at one vtime it was the only currency recognized in the WORLD MARKET. US dollars bought oil and other goods worldwide. Nobody accepted the Italian Lira, Pesos, etc., but everyone knew US dollars. An article I read recently is that Iraq and Iran were our enemies(regardless of what your repub or dem gov says) because they would not accept dollars to buy their oil.

Now Euros and almost any currency is accepted and be prepared if China breaks lose. Their yuan is practically worthless but as they buy America, they can eventually collapse the worthless dollar. The Canadian was once almost half the US, look at it now.

Gold, silver and platinum are your best bets for monetary commodities, and since we removed these precious metals from our currency they are basically worthless. Piece of advice...drum roll...start collecting nickles before the gov puts them away. Last great pure mineral coin is the nickel and your gov will interfere soon. Currently $20 of nickels are actually worth $21-nickel, copper and zinc in some.
nobody said they wanted you to go away. Find some self esteem.

What you call badges of honor reminds me of lyrics from REO Speed wagon:" a second hand love is better than no love at all".

you shouldnt give advise until you learn to comprehend what you read. I found your point of view interesting and wanted to expore it further through discussion. I usually ignore you because you pop off and dont add much to the topic- not even humor. You obviously hate when people disagree with you.

No need to respond. you're back on ignore. C ya!
nobody said they wanted you to go away. Find some self esteem.

What you call badges of honor reminds me of lyrics from REO Speed wagon:" a second hand love is better than no love at all".

you shouldnt give advise until you learn to comprehend what you read. I found your point of view interesting and wanted to expore it further through discussion. I usually ignore you because you pop off and dont add much to the topic- not even humor. You obviously hate when people disagree with you.

No need to respond. you're back on ignore. C ya!


I actually love when people disagree with me. If you can teach me something, I'll have the uttmost respect for you.I don't THINK I AM ALWAYS RIGHT, but I've experienced life from both the books and the street and even in the Euro cold war where anti-Americanism came back and reared its ugly head in my face.

I'll remind you RDU, even though you choose to ignore me, that the only reason you can't tell youir wife that she is the cause of the problem is because she makes more than you. Post 85. Your words not mine!

So I say F-ya 😛
Spoken like a true Keynesian Jackass. A system of capitalism presumes sound money, not fiat money manipulated by a central bank. Capitalism cherishes voluntary contracts and interest rates that are determined by savings, not credit creation by a central bank. It's not capitalism when the system is plagued with incomprehensible rules regarding mergers, acquisitions, and stock sales, along with wage controls, price controls, protectionism, corporate subsidies, international management of trade, complex and punishing corporate taxes, privileged government contracts to the military-industrial complex, and a foreign policy controlled by corporate interests and overseas investments. Add to this centralized federal mismanagement of farming, education, medicine, insurance, banking and welfare. This is not capitalism!
​To condemn free-market capitalism because of anything going on today makes no sense. There is no evidence that capitalism exists today. We are deeply involved in an interventionist-planned economy that allows major benefits to accrue to the politically connected of both political spectrums. One may condemn the fraud and the current system, but it must be called by its proper names — Keynesian inflationism, interventionism, and corporatism.
actually, I am rather pragmatic.

True capitalism doesn't exist because governments can't resist the temptation to use economics to achieve political means.

I am all for capitalism.... but I'm also smart enough to know it isn't really going to exist as long as it is dependent on governments who really don't want markets to freely function - because if they did, government would be put out of a job.

you can label it whatever you want.

I call it real life.
actually, I am rather pragmatic.

True capitalism doesn't exist because governments can't resist the temptation to use economics to achieve political means.

I am all for capitalism.... but I'm also smart enough to know it isn't really going to exist as long as it is dependent on governments who really don't want markets to freely function - because if they did, government would be put out of a job.

you can label it whatever you want.

I call it real life.
Don't worry WT. Sparrow simply cut/pasted some gibberish from a Ron Paul rant blog somewhere.

He may come around and actually display some original thoughts. When he does he is quite entertaining.

Welcome to the jungle.
It's a dog-eat-dog world, and I'm wearing Alpo underwear!-Norm Peterson. Cheers.

You can't let the world define you. You have to define your world.

Post # 117 and 118 bring to mind...
...the enemy of my enemy.

Take care, WT!

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