i would never ever trust any mgmt as ours with number because we all know they fudge the numbers a bit here and a bit there. simple fact is that international and cargo both are more of money makers than just domestic alone. Remember Indepence Air failed leadership = failed company. Not to mention the RJs dont make money. very difficult to make money on a plane whereas it is 17 cents higher casm vs mainline around 10 casms. ever wonder why SWA makes money they r a prime example of employees taking care of the airline as mgmt takes care of them they make dough though they are domestic only but im willing to bet theyre cargo is very strong.
You folks out west sure made out like bandits with the contract but it wont last long as the company starts closing cities out west. the writing is on the wall with that. dp and gangsters running this airline are the laughing stock of the airline industry they have proven that they dont need experience folks dp said that himself
Hey fudging the numbers is ALL RIGHT with me

As long as they make us look good that's as far as my concern goes (come on ENRON II baby!)
I'm not so sure about interenational and cargo being money makers anymore ... with travel demand down we can't charge as high a fare as we used to in order to get across the pond ... face it ,demand is down everywhere and that includes europe ... how many americans are deciding that now's the time to take that european vaction of a life time ? People are trading down , instead of going to asia or europe they will go to san diego or las veags .. Cargo ? cargo is down all across the board in this country , freight , UPS , flyby night ... all of them down down down ... i don't think either of those two categories would be good for us ... i'm not even sure there's such a thing as a money MAKER in this economy , maybe the new thing is routes that LOSE THE LEAST amount of money ...
As for SWA , yeah i don't know how they do it ..... i'll be stright honest when i say that they overpay their workforce .... now if their workforce all work like superhumans then OK i can see where it comes from .... but eh , i don't know ...
As for the contract and the writing on the wall , there's nothing that we had in our old contract that could have stopped the company from doing what it wanted to do (CMH ) and at least we got rid of the sixty day rule
😱 ...
As for our managment , i trust that they can perform their duties realtivitly well .... As long as you put parker and his crew in the context of airline problems then i think he performs above average , case in point our earnings report that just came out

( that was like a left jab across the face to everyone who was predicting our demise ) now i don't agree with everything our managment has done 1. sick policy for fleet and here's the big one , layoffs .... but i can accpet that they are trying to do the best that they can as they see it ..