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DOT Denies PHL-PEK Extension

How do u know that international is where the money is and the cargo alone will pay for everything ? I'm sorry but I'll trust our number crunching managment to make that determininaton rather than your gut.

As for the old union leadership screwing things up all I have to say is that we have a new contract thank god because if we didn't we wouldn't get squat in this enviorment.

WOW! All I can say is WOW! After reading your posts! You sound like someone who actually might fit in with the current management at US Airways! If you did just a tiny bit of research you might find out where the money is and why people like MR.Bethune so much. If you want US Airways to be a domestic airline ONLY, be prepared for it to go out of business almost over night. There costs are much higher then any other domestic carrier and they will be eaten alive overnight. So there goes that idea of yours. Airlines make money flying over seas because they have less to compete with and can CHARGE MORE, that is where the making money part comes in. Actually most airlines make more money off of the premium cabins and cargo over seas, the coach cabin is just bonus money. So by all means go ahead and trust your management, but by no means is are these large facts a gut feeling... Sorry to burst your bubble, kid but you have to start learning how to google and process information.
Yes this is exactly what you do, START the flying and don't go daily like most airlines have done. You gain cargo contracts sometimes and those contracts alone make the route worth flying. To gain the access and then throw it away is basically closing a future access down to China. You think they will grant them anything else? They gained this route before the economy fully tanked, so sorry it's a bunch of bull. If they give up the route, you can surely kiss USAirways ever flying to Asia for a very long time.
Except the application was approved based on daily service with a set amount of seats and cargo space. Great to go after cargo contracts. In the poor economy here and in China, along with the fact that, ith out daily service you may not be able to service the contracts as needed. Just because they didnt get the service up and running doesnt mean there will be no further access.
Since there are so many of you that seem to know more about how to run an airline, may I make a recommendation.

1. Go back to school and start work on your MBA. Preferably in Marketing or Finance.
2. Start building your networking skills and get to know people in the airline biz who will mentor you and your future ladder climbing campaign.
3. Work your way up to Airline CEO.

Then you can start calling shots and snipe at other CEOs who are now your peers.

And if you are unwilling or lack enough ambition to complete steps one thru three, then shut the heck up and get a life.
Since there are so many of you that seem to know more about how to run an airline, may I make a recommendation.

1. Go back to school and start work on your MBA. Preferably in Marketing or Finance.
2. Start building your networking skills and get to know people in the airline biz who will mentor you and your future ladder climbing campaign.
3. Work your way up to Airline CEO.

Then you can start calling shots and snipe at other CEOs who are now your peers.

And if you are unwilling or lack enough ambition to complete steps one thru three, then shut the heck up and get a life.

Blind faith in the leaders at Lehman Brothers, AIG, GM, etc. has been very expensive.

The king can do no wrong. The king can do no wrong. The king can do no wrong.
<SNIP> I'm not so sure about interenational and cargo being money makers anymore ... with travel demand down we can't charge as high a fare as we used to in order to get across the pond ... face it ,demand is down everywhere

Meanwhile, back on Earth:

China Rocks

Jim Lowell, 08.05.09
Forbes Magazine

Since March the S&P 500 is up 43%. China's Shanghai Composite is up 57%. But I'm not taking profits. I think China will continue to pull the global market up in its wake, and I've made some big ETF bets on it.

Since there are so many of you that seem to know more about how to run an airline, may I make a recommendation.

1. Go back to school and start work on your MBA. Preferably in Marketing or Finance.
2. Start building your networking skills and get to know people in the airline biz who will mentor you and your future ladder climbing campaign.
3. Work your way up to Airline CEO.

Then you can start calling shots and snipe at other CEOs who are now your peers.

And if you are unwilling or lack enough ambition to complete steps one thru three, then shut the heck up and get a life.

Finally, words of wisdom. I'm amazed the moderators haven't suggested to bring this back on topic yet. But since they haven't "yet," I'll add my .02 cents.

So many people seem to forget that Parker & Co. have managed to keep the doors open for two airlines that were nearly out of business. To what degree each airline was at in terms of bankrupcty/liquidation is not the point. Since the merger, the economics of air travel have been up and down along with jet fuel and customer service. A very good arguement can be made that our still being in business is at the expense of employees and customers, right or wrong, this I agree with. There hasn't been much wiggle room in the financial statements to work with. But the bigger issue here is a question. How much longer can the doors to this airline stay open? Route authority to China, widebody jets, operating/accounting profit or loss are all only crumbs on their plates right now. Signs are appearing that they are getting desperate for cash, because our lifeline, the financial market, is still all but closed. The fact they are even considering selling the e190s for me is an ominous sign of things to come. Argue all you want about Parker & Co's methods, but the doors are still open during some amazing times for this industry. Now, what the heck does all of this have to do with flying to China?
What is has to do with China is that a large segment of posters on here want to implement service upgrades that increases CASM, while at the same time adopoting routes (Beijing) that would likely decrease overall average RASM, then they put a smirk on their face and call the management idiots.

Bean counters are pretty much ignored if beans are being added faster than can be counted, but if they finally get a chance to count the beans, then recount them just to make sure, it's probably time to listen to them.
In my mind the question is this. If the CEO of US Airways was a True Leader and visionary would the airline begin the scheduled service?
My answer is no they would not, if they showed a little humility and admitted to some miscalculations combined with economic downturns made the numbers too costly. Instead, they show vision and leadership by focusing on what this international operation really needs, replacements for the 757s and 767s and building our international scope with the A330-2/300s (the Middle East). And then pray to the Gods that the financial markets ease up soon for demand to improve as well as some A340s to do China and other long haul markets. They need to use leadership, vision and HUMILITY to fix what we got and make it the best of the best. Forget China for now and just focus on improving what we have already.
I still think alot of what we see here exposes the difference between Management & Leadership in business.

Herb Kelleher was/is a leader who carved out what was once a niche that has now with the addition of other LCC's reached the critical mass to where LCC's dictate price more often then not. WN's business model is clearly superior from a CASM standpoint. WN freely admits they're not for everybody.

Leaders develop Strategy, Managers implement tactics. Big difference and rare is the CEO with the ability to do both.

Conversely Guys like David Seigel are Managers. Some Leadership skills but clearly not enough as demonstrated by 2BK's.

In my mind the question is this. If the CEO of US Airways was a True Leader and visionary would the airline begin the scheduled service?
I believe that yes they would have started the china service may be with the A330 type that goes to tlv. Im wondering if the china service would be much more profitable if they went PEK-HNL-PHX-PHL or another way.
I believe that yes they would have started the china service may be with the A330 type that goes to tlv. Im wondering if the china service would be much more profitable if they went PEK-HNL-PHX-PHL or another way.
Why would a passenger go out of their way to fly on US from the east coast to PEK, making two stops, when they could fly non-stop with a change of a/c in ORD, DFW,LAX, or SFO on UA, AA, CO, my routing may be off a little, but the point is why sit on a plane from the east coast to China that makes two stops when there are already so many better options? PineyBob's point is, I think, and my point is, absolutey, use leadership and vision to take what you have and make it the best operationaly, productively, and customer service wise and move it forward into the future of this industry, whatever that may be. Define your product, have a vision for it, and move on with it. Parker & Co are failing with this because their attentions are being distracted too much by the balance sheet. My opinion.
Plus the route authority was not award as a four stop flight, its PHL or bust.
Since there are so many of you that seem to know more about how to run an airline, may I make a recommendation.

1. Go back to school and start work on your MBA. Preferably in Marketing or Finance.
2. Start building your networking skills and get to know people in the airline biz who will mentor you and your future ladder climbing campaign.
3. Work your way up to Airline CEO.

Then you can start calling shots and snipe at other CEOs who are now your peers.

And if you are unwilling or lack enough ambition to complete steps one thru three, then shut the heck up and get a life.

Was this directed at posters here on Usaviation or those in the compound on Rio Dorito Pkwy? :lol:

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