I find it sad that there are people who actually think that turning away extremely rare opportunities like this is justifiable.
The APA is taking advantage of the opportunity to get something from the company. Whats wrong with that? This situation is certainly more justifyable than the company taking advantage of 9-11 and the thousands of deaths to jam unreasonable concessions down their workers throats.
"APA's position makes no more sense than it would to for me to quit my job just to stop my wife from buying a Diet Coke at the Kwikee Mart every day."
Sure it does, AA wants something and the APA is saying they want something in return, quid pro quo, its the normal way of doing business.
"Instead of allowing the company to grow, they've ensured that AA won't be able to expand in one of the most important global markets. "
Wrong again, AA is the one who refuses to negotiate.
"That's going to hurt front line employees a lot more in the long run than it will management, especially if people like me shift flying to airlines like CO who have more than just one route into China (I refuse to fly NW and would rather not fly on UA)."
Yea, like we dont hear that every time we dont do what management wants, well the fact is we have been doing what they want and we are no better for it, in fact the opposite. Management always tries this same infantile game of trying to get other workers against the pilots, well not only does it not work, even if it did the pilots could care less. Like I said, what else are any of the other work groups willing to give up to allow Aa to get this route? I for one am not willing to give up anything. Let someone else have it if thats the case.