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American M & E Working Together Toward Profits

Agree with everything else you've mentioned, except for this.

Effecient reputation? Absolutely.

Effecient flight ops? Positively.

Reliable? They mishandle or damage about 2-3% of their shipments.

Translate that into baggage rates, and that would be equal to 20 to 30 tracers per 1000 bags handled, and historically, most AA stations had mishandling rates at or below 5 per thousand, and the hubs are roughly double that at 10 per thousand, which is still better than FDX....
Do you know what our mishandling rates are in terms of similar type products?( EPX, PPs, general cargo)
1. How many years ago did he say this? I beleive UPS started their air division in the 1980s.
During their last go-round of talks with their pilots. I'm still trying to find it, I think it was in ATW magazine.
Do you know what our mishandling rates are in terms of similar type products?( EPX, PPs, general cargo)

Got me. I don't work there anymore. There's an internal cargo website that had daily/monthly performance including mishandles and refusal rates, but I can't remember the address offhand.
Now the latest is that Carmine and Burchette are bidding AO work at a cheaper labor rate than Engine Overhaul Work.

When an elected Union Officer threatened to out this information to everyone, he was quickly threatened by the Local President.

Why oh Why would they bid AO work at a cheaper labor rate?
They can't stand the fact that what we are doing is working. Plain and simple. They want to pull out their history books to attempt to prove a point.

War of words my friend.

Any moron can make it work when you give away the farm.
Its the billion dollar concession package that makes it work.
No matter how much more AA makes the twu will keep negotiating concessions
When does it end bill

Why doesnt the twu push for the COLA like they push for all this extra work

If the twu is so hard up to save AA and save jobs why not push for the COLA

I will let you do the math 😀

If I understand the situation correctly, the lawsuit in RSW is the result of an arbitrator (not Kasher) ruling against a grievance filed by an ex-twaer. There was only a small amount of information on a website that is no longer running. It is yet another futile attempt by some ex-twaers to take what is not theirs; their time would be better spent drinking whiskey and smoking marijuana.
<_< ----As far as I know, the suit is still on going! As is the Mich. suit!!!! 😛
If I understand the situation correctly, the lawsuit in RSW is the result of an arbitrator (not Kasher) ruling against a grievance filed by an ex-twaer. There was only a small amount of information on a website that is no longer running. It is yet another futile attempt by some ex-twaers to take what is not theirs; their time would be better spent drinking whiskey and smoking marijuana.
Wiskey and weed? Is that a nAAtive thing to do, after you get screwed out of your occ. time?????????????// B)
Wiskey and weed? Is that a nAAtive thing to do, after you get screwed out of your occ. time?????????????// B)
It was a figure of speech-and they did not get screwed out of anything. They were in the same position after the deal as they were before the deal- in that they kept their occupational seniority at their only two hubs/bases (STL and MCI) which is more than they should have got because twa was terminally ill while AA was the healthiest legacy out there. They would have been on the street with absolutely nothing. Letting them have their twa occupational seniority systemwide would have stapled the AA employees beneath them. Let them skate into AA from their emaciated corpse of a REGIONAL airline called twa to the top of the seniority lists at AA so they could get the best of everything while we would have been laid off as their furlough cushion??? Bull####!!!!
It was a figure of speech-and they did not get screwed out of anything. They were in the same position after the deal as they were before the deal- in that they kept their occupational seniority at their only two hubs/bases (STL and MCI) which is more than they should have got because twa was terminally ill while AA was the healthiest legacy out there. They would have been on the street with absolutely nothing. Letting them have their twa occupational seniority systemwide would have stapled the AA employees beneath them. Let them skate into AA from their emaciated corpse of a REGIONAL airline called twa to the top of the seniority lists at AA so they could get the best of everything while we would have been laid off as their furlough cushion??? Bull####!!!!
🙄 ------ Now,Now aa! Let's not get too carried away! All I said was now threre are two law suits!!! 😛 Both FSC related!!!

Hey arse wipe, Its spelled Whiskey at least get that part right. :shock: You don't seem to have a clue! :lol:
<_< ----You know local! I once know this ol Connie mechanic that calmed he found the cure for the common cold! "A shot of Jack Dannel's, and a Snicker's!" And I probely spelled them both wrong! 😉 😛
I took you as more classy than this Princess. Showing a picture of hundreds of dead people (was it Jim Jones cult???)

According to the NMB those "dead" people were elidgible to vote in our AMFA union election. So what's your problem,Bill? Can't handle the truth about the PLI and CI?
According to the NMB those "dead" people were elidgible to vote in our AMFA union election. So what's your problem,Bill? Can't handle the truth about the PLI and CI?
Let's see PK, your classless, and all you do is spin, spin, spin. 🙄 🙄

All I do is personal attacks, and I'm rude, crude and socially unacceptable!!! Sniffle.... :up: :lol:

You see, Billyboob here is the "Martha Stewart/Rosie O'Donnel of the twu bubba club. He is always so considerate of others, (except when he's yelling SCAB!!!) He never belittles anyone, is never crude, and is always willing to swallow whatever management goo he is fed. 😛h34r:

Its all us angry malcontents that need to take Billdo the Believer as an example of what we should all aspire to. Its a wonder how quiet he keeps those twu bones in the closet. 😛h34r: 😛h34r:
Reliable? They mishandle or damage about 2-3% of their shipments.

FM, I don't know where you get those numbers. My company was one of the first customers of FedEx when Fred Smith started it in the 1970s and we have shipped hundreds of thousands of packages by FedEx. Over that same period we shipped UPS ground, and then by air when that became available.

We constantly make FedEx and UPS compete for our business; and we maintain a computer template of which carrier is the most cost effective for a given weight to a given address by a required delivery date. Only a customer specification of the carrier (billed to their account) will override our template decision on the carrier.

I can assure you that if your numbers above were accurate for "mishandle" (e.g. delay or loss) or "damage" it would be a factor in our template.

I asked our shipping and accounting people about delay, loss, damage claim with both FedEx and UPS. They responded that Fedex had the most "delays - resulting in no charge to us"; and it had the most "delays - not the fault of FedEx". But we ship FAR more air by FedEx than UPS. And air is more prone to delay than ground.

As to your figures for "loss" or "damage", they said your numbers might be in the ballpark if there were a dot zero in front of them, i.e. 0.02-0.03% of the shipments. At least that is our experience.

Eric, I seldom check bags. But as a 4MM Plt AA flyer I would love to have our FedEx/UPS percentage odds apply to my checked bag, rather than those I have personally experienced and have read about on the FT and other BB. I think HH on PBB only tabulates absolute figures from the complaints to the government.

Best wishes in your new job.
Agree with everything else you've mentioned, except for this.

Reliable? They mishandle or damage about 2-3% of their shipments.

Translate that into baggage rates, and that would be equal to 20 to 30 tracers per 1000 bags handled, and historically, most AA stations had mishandling rates at or below 5 per thousand, and the hubs are roughly double that at 10 per thousand, which is still better than FDX....

How are carry on bags counted?

Are carry ons counted into the equation? They ask you how many bags you are carrying, do they enter it into the computer? If a person checks one bag and carrys on two, and they lost the checked bag then we would still have a 66% reliability rate even though 100% of the bags that were checked were mishandled.

At FDX every single package is handled by them so in all fairness carry on bags should not be counted, but more than likely they are.

It has been my experience that FDX is very reliable. In the scores of packages I've shipped over the years they only lost one.
Well it has been officially announced that Eagle Saab C-Checks that per the twu, "MCI couldn't handle," are coming to DFW. Of course in classic twu style, they sign a letter of agreement allowing the company to lock those who bid the crew to do the work into a 14 month bid, instead of the currect 3 month bids. The crew will be one line 4-10's with 29 crew, 2 crew chiefs, and 28 days to complete the work. So it is official that we have lowered our costs so much that even the low cost regionals want us to do their work. Who's next--China Air? :down:

MCI Transplant...Could you give us the MCI side of the story? 😉