I've been on both sides of union n nonunion. I prefer union representation compared to being an at will employee
Funny, I had the opposite experience.
I don't like my value being tied to nothing more than an occupational seniority date. My efficiency and quality of work mean NOTHING in a UNION. After about 8 years of that BS I just stopped giving a sh*t because if AA's weak ass management doesn't care why should I?
I found TWU to be full of narcissistic, self important, self serving, sycophants. They call you brother until selling you out benefits them.
I got tired of coming to work and seeing people do absolutely NOTHING because they felt entitled, through seniority, to sit there and collect a check but not contribute anything to daily operations. I did not see that so much on the line but TULE was RAMPANT with it in my shop (I can't speak to other shops).
We had crew chiefs who's only mission in life was to sit in the office soaking up air conditioning. We had good crew chiefs when I started but after they retired for the most part (with few exceptions) we had one loser crew chief after another (one was so incompetent management FINALLY forced him to step down).
My own UNION local president, who I PAY UNION DUES to REPRESENT ME was encouraging us to vote for a concessionary contract that did away with our jobs (except he had an under the table deal with management so he was never "inconvenienced" with a layoff).
So tell me, what do you find so alluring about being a member of the TWU? Because from where I sit it was a total sh*t show.
I am MUCH happier now working as an at will employee.
I don't have anything against UNIONs in general (I was part of one other and it was a fine experience) but TWU was such a train wreck. By the way I have worked both sides FOR THE SAME COMPANY (American Airlines). I started American Airlines working at Triad in revenue accounting auditing tickets bought through travel agencies to make sure they complied with fare rules. I can say it was a lot different experience (and a lot better) than working for the UNION side. I was 4 times as productive and had half the stress.
To each his own I guess. I just wonder if you truly believe working under a UNION is better or you have just been conditioned to think it is.