American looking to "right-size" the company and staffing levels for the Fall and 2021

The way they tested me was to shove a giant Q-Tip in my nose. It was painful and I was warned not to pull away or it would cause a nose bleed. I had to be tested before they authorized Remdesivir and convalescent plasma. They also took blood so I assume they ran antibody tests as well.

They have newer versions that aren’t as brutal now.
That's the first thing Chavez did in Venezuela. He packed the courts to his liking.. Then they changed their Constitution. Now the people are eating their dogs. Sound good to you?
Hmm..... anyone else packing the court that we know of? Maybe the orange messiah?
In an election year the politicians use anything they can on each other. Science being involved with this one. Problem is science has not figured out this virus and can't really say what should be done. Trump sticks his foot in his mouth but you don't hear any solid answers from anyone including the science people about how to deal with this virus. I wear a mask in public, not sure if it helps or not but can't hurt. Gets old hearing all the criticism the politicians throw at each other when they really don't know what can fix the problem.

again, what i hear from the dems/anti-trump people is masks, masks and masks.


first - trump tried to play-up his authority and office and take control. trump said he won't shut down the country and that his aspiration was that the virus tide would turn by easter. trump said he didn't want the cure worse than the disease.

second - the dems, especially democratic governors fought back and ridiculed trump, telling trump that when it came to this or that about the virus, the governors had total power over their states, not trump.

the governors won.

looking at what happened - deaths in nursing homes, economic shut-downs, fed involvement adding emergency hospital beds, PPE and ventilators, travel bans, etc., you can applaud and criticize both parties.

so, does it come down to masks? again, in europe - which has had higher fatality rates and a 2nd virus spike now, just as in the usa: europe has been very strict about masks and my personal verdict is masks may have helped in the spring, but i recently read the virus mutated as a weaker virus, but a more contagious virus. makes sense to me, because more and more people wear masks and the virus numbers continue to climb - in europe and the usa.

personally, at work - i wear a mask out of respect for others. i may not wear one 100% of the time, but it's better than others who rarely wear one, even though the company and certain cities make mask-wearing mandatory in airports and around co-workers.

to me, i thought the company did a much better job at the beginning of this pandemic. as time has gone by, pandemic team call warnings have come late and certain cliques at work eat together - sharing food from the same plates - in open defiance of the company and the union.
that's all i hear from the loudest anti-trump people. masks.

social distancing?

again, look at europe. in general, the europeans took the american stance. sweden and initially england, took the herd immunity angle.

the virus is seeing a second wave/spike in europe - and the europeans were and are much more in line (heavy fines) with masks and social distancing after the terrible spring in italy, spain, france and england.

yet, they are having a 2nd wave/spike now?? just like the usa.

tell me how anyone else in power in the usa could have avoided a second wave/spike? more masks and social distancing? i think the virus has shown it's staying power, it's mutated to being more contagious.
The issue I personally have with mask are when is the end game.
I keep hearing oh once we have a vaccine.
Well that’s 6 months on the outside and then it needs to be at least 50 percent effective.
Then after that what.
We have lived thousands of years with viruses and such and our bodies need to build natural immunity to these things.
The mask need to go unless your in very close contact for long periods.
Yes I would include airplanes but even that should end
Just like has been said if mask wearing helped there would never have been a second wave as most states had mandates for business and such things throughout the summer and into the fall but here we are.
So no I’m not one who thinks mask make very much of a difference

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