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American looking to "right-size" the company and staffing levels for the Fall and 2021

This will be proven to be the largest medical scam in human history, the miss information by media, leaders and the medical community is unprecedented and staggering!

W - T - F have YOU been SMOKIN' ?????

Ask LA LE LU LI LO on the Water cooler, just how FAKE Covid-19 is !
I didn't look into the article about Deltas loss but the number is astonishing. As for AA you would think it is worse. It will be a real stunner for the government to see AA and UAL report losses that make Delta look good. I think even the clown politicians will have their jaws hanging open by this.

Simple solution.
Let AA + UA do an equal Merger.

Couple that with 'their' powerful world 'partners' ( BA/LH/IB/SAS/EI), ( B6 and AS are with AA), Then the World would be their Oyster !!

Then let DL and WN FIGHT for the leftovers. 😉
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W - T - F have YOU been SMOKIN' ?????

Ask LA LE LU LI LO on the Water cooler, just how FAKE Covid-19 is !
I don't think he is saying the virus does not exist. I think what he is saying is they are blowing it out or proportion to push a political agenda.

If I am incorrect and UPNAWAY you think this is some sort of hoax I assure you it absolutely is not. I was hospitalized with it. I am still having issues breathing due to COVID. In fact I am on my second inhaler.

I am telling you.... COVID is absolutely real and life threatening. I heard 2 people code in the OSU COVID ward in Tulsa OK in one night. That is a FACT I am sharing with you from first hand experience. Not 3rd hand or hearsay... I was there. I bought the T-shirt.
I don't think he is saying the virus does not exist. I think what he is saying is they are blowing it out or proportion to push a political agenda.

If I am incorrect and UPNAWAY you think this is some sort of hoax I assure you it absolutely is not. I was hospitalized with it. I am still having issues breathing due to COVID. In fact I am on my second inhaler.

I am telling you.... COVID is absolutely real and life threatening. I heard 2 people code in the OSU COVID ward in Tulsa OK in one night. That is a FACT I am sharing with you from first hand experience. Not 3rd hand or hearsay... I was there. I bought the T-shirt.
My prayers for you to heal recover bro. I've heard very similar from a few of my coworkers as well
IThen the airlines will just begin to stop flying routes that they lose their ass on.

That's already started. Look at the routes carriers were allowed to stop serving under the CARES Act. DL stopped service to something like 25(?) in all, and many aren't coming back any time soon.

And the sad part is the media and others continue with misinformation and fear mongering that continues to harm parts of our economy.
There is no doubt the virus is real but the way in which it has been treated is criminal

And which way is that, specifically?

...this election there is no one to vote for or against.

You will be voting for which direction you want our country to take.

I didn't look into the article about Deltas loss but the number is astonishing.

It's brutal, but there are some greenshoots of recovery in there. My guess is AA's will have some as well.
I dont want to go deep into politics here n I do respect everyone opinions n whomever they choose for. But what's more sad is the American people are suffering and now with tens of thousands of airline employees furloughed it's just really sickening. Neither party is doing anything now to help. I'm a former Republican turned Democrat and basically it's a cluster f. K to see our fellow union bros n sis tossed out on furloughs and the entire govt not lending a hand in an election year.
Well said sir. It is sad to sit here and watch these boneheads who never ever feel the pains that the american working public does, they always get their "full" paychecks.
I actually thought with the AA and UAL layoffs starting they would have gotten something out rather quickly, but it is obvious just how they are willing to allow the economy to crash just to be able to use the economy against Trump for the election as that is the only thing they have even though the markets are still a very near record once again right in the middle of a pandemic, that speaks volumes on who we need to re-elect as President, if for anything to rebound this economy like he did when he first took over and the markets and economy went thru the roof, it time to keep that going.
Simple solution.
Let AA + UA do an equal Merger.

Couple that with 'their' powerful world 'partners' ( BA/LH/IB/SAS/EI), ( B6 and AS are with AA), Then the World would be their Oyster !!

Then let DL and WN FIGHT for the leftovers. 😉
If they allow AA and UAL merge, then SWA and Delta should also be allowed and maybe even throw Alaska in there for a threesome. Now that would be awesome huh? Imagine the possibilities of these 3 well ran airlines merging...
W - T - F have YOU been SMOKIN' ?????

Ask LA LE LU LI LO on the Water cooler, just how FAKE Covid-19 is !

I am smoking the data not the irrational fear.

Average age of death in the US is 83 years old with 2.4 co-morbidities.
Sure some people do get very sick and some do die, but for the vast majority it is way less deadly than the flu. We could and should protect the sick and very old and open everything else up without restrictions and encourage all normal activities to resume. That's what the data says and what our leaders should be responding to instead of the lying media and scared Karens on Facebook!

And we know for a fact that mask do not do anything to effect this virus, the data on that is also crystal clear.
That's already started. Look at the routes carriers were allowed to stop serving under the CARES Act. DL stopped service to something like 25(?) in all, and many aren't coming back any time soon.

And which way is that, specifically?

You will be voting for which direction you want our country to take.

It's brutal, but there are some greenshoots of recovery in there. My guess is AA's will have some as well.
I think the shutdowns were excessive and could have been much shorter.
If it had been done as was first suggested only a few weeks our economy would not have tanked.
Yes Trump should have had a national plan one where these liberal governors could not keep their states shutdown so long
The damage done by this virus will be more economic than by those who actually get sick.
When you hear folks saying recovery will take 3 or 4 years and even longer if Biden is elected then yeah it’s criminal.
I think the shutdowns were excessive and could have been much shorter.
If it had been done as was first suggested only a few weeks our economy would not have tanked.
Yes Trump should have had a national plan one where these liberal governors could not keep their states shutdown so long
The damage done by this virus will be more economic than by those who actually get sick.
When you hear folks saying recovery will take 3 or 4 years and even longer if Biden is elected then yeah it’s criminal.
I wonder how many people with other ailments didnt go to a doctor for care during the lockdown? We had an empty hospital ship up here in NY.Iwas having anxiety issues, thought I couldn't breath a couple of times lasted about 40 minutes till I calmed down and the OCD kicked in high gear with the temperature taking.
I wonder how many people with other ailments didnt go to a doctor for care during the lockdown? We had an empty hospital ship up here in NY.Iwas having anxiety issues, thought I couldn't breath a couple of times lasted about 40 minutes till I calmed down and the OCD kicked in high gear with the temperature taking.

I read cancer diagnoses are down over 50% from a normal year that is going to lead to a lot of dead people. Already they say lock-down related deaths are at around 75K wait until it is all done and all the data gets really studied. More people will have died because of the lock-down than the virus in the end.
It is so amazing how smart you guys are. Yet you are still working for the Airlines. You guys should be running your own company. Hell you got all the answers. The fact that you are Trumpers says it all. You are sooooooo smart.
It is so amazing how smart you guys are. Yet you are still working for the Airlines. You guys should be running your own company. Hell you got all the answers. The fact that you are Trumpers says it all. You are sooooooo smart.
Man you must be bored with your life right now. LOL

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