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American looking to "right-size" the company and staffing levels for the Fall and 2021

My concern is layoffs and concessions. You can recover and get called back but concessions stay for a while. So we live with concessions long after the economy recovers and the company will be profitable again. The company will get their concessions from the economical downturn. Them recalls come back and the company still wins over on us. This union is too stupid to have rock solid kick back clauses.


I think I am correct with my following statement that you support AMFA coming here to AA for the M&R work group? So my question what are you doing to rid AA of this STUPID UNION? You don't have to reply here it was more of a rhetorical question, If all the M&R employees asked themselves that question we could get rid of these two industrial unions from AA and the M&R group.
My concern is layoffs and concessions. You can recover and get called back but concessions stay for a while. So we live with concessions long after the economy recovers and the company will be profitable again. The company will get their concessions from the economical downturn. Them recalls come back and the company still wins over on us. This union is too stupid to have rock solid kick back clauses.
17 years of concessions, 5 of those the most profitable in aviation history proves that.

I am NOT on any horse, I have 41 yrs in the industry, 23 at AA. I have NEVER been laid off but have gone through 5 BK's. AA is airline #5. All the others are gone for one reason or another. But that was back in the day when if you had 3 aircraft you could run an airline. I have seen all the BS that the industry can/has thrown at the employees. And "YES" I have walked a picket line standing up for what I believed was right and my fellow employees. Something the USAir men/woman did not do. They just folded like a deck of cards. The M&R guys there let the IAM trick them over and over. That might be the case that carriers send work else where but will the American Public and the AFLCIO that both the TWU/IAM talk so proudly about, let that happen?

History repeats itself how many times have you heard that. That is why I believe the way I do and I will act that way NO Matter how the rest of the M&R workgroup think or feel. I Learned this By working with the BEST Mechanics the airlines has ever seen. EASTERN AIRLINES.

I am asking you, YOU work fleet/ramp? If that is the case then you know Nothing about my class and craft. At one time it was a GREAT job, but the industrial unions have let it turn into something I am NOT proud to be a part of any longer.

That is WHY I want to Bring AMFA here to AA, they may fail as well but the decisions will be made by the membership NOT a BUS driver or Train worker from NY and with the UAL guys it's Truck drivers (IBT).
Okay so you've seen the paycuts,Chapter 11s and 7s and yet at this unprecedented time in aviation history you dont think AA will layoff any AMTS. Its absurd
Okay so you've seen the paycuts,Chapter 11s and 7s and yet at this unprecedented time in aviation history you dont think AA will layoff any AMTS. Its absurd
You are probably right, there will be layoffs. We can speculate all day, until we see the deal the association and American come up with its onlly speculation. Im sure the number will be out sooner or later. Until then worry about what you can control.
Gotcha. Thanks.

Hey TWU any updates? Or has Sito not yet told you what you can say.

"You're Out Of Order, Brother"

Sign a card!
SWAMT, If you read this article do you have a link to it? UAL has what approx 8k mechanics, cutting that many would remove the midnight shift from the entire system. It would also cut O/H shops, leaving not much more than line maintenance. That would also be the same effect at AA if they cut 3k-4k mechanics.
The whole concept during a layoff is seniority, so the amount of bumping and rebid of shifts and transfers from shops to the line major task. Not all mechanics are fleet qualified across the multiple aircraft types at UAL and AA. Unlike SWA that has just 737's. You throw in the cost for badging at each station background checks, and all the airport requirements to drive and operate equipment, parking. VERY BIG cost. GPM's at each carrier require Aircraft to be put into storage in a certain way to protect them until needed. so unless the airlines is planning on dumping some of its fleet the need to keep maintenance will still be there. Each day aircraft are being jacked tires rotated, static ports and covers place to protect system are put on/off, along with all the checks required to keep them airworthy.

Packaging employees out, cuts the cost the most effective way. Stops payments into 401k's, dumps vacation, cuts high hourly pay rated employees, employee medical costs go down due to a younger workforce. ect...

What is SWA plan for the few mechanics they have, what is it 3-4k.?
If they cut at SWA the same to stay competitive as its been said SWA would be down to contracting out even it's line maintenance?
What has your AMFA leadership been telling you guys they will do if that happens?

Sorry bout that. Forgot to post the article I read. Found it again and will leave it this time:


Second para is where I read these numbers;

" The furloughs, expected to take effect on or after Oct 1, would apply to 15,000 flight attendants, more than 2,200 pilots, 11,000 customer service and gate agents, as well as 5,500 maintenance workers. The job cuts may continue through the end of 2020."
Mind you, 5,500 maint. workers could easily include more than just mechanics. Journalist don't always know that some times cleaners, stores, and other workers are sometimes included as maint workers not just mechanics and this is how I am thinking it is done in this article, because as you said 5,500 would be a huge hit if all mechs at United. BTW; I thought United was around 10K mechanics, am I wrong?

I don't think we have hit 3K yet. Our union has been talking with the company and even asked the company about bringing more work in house from vendors to try and stay away from layoffs and the co. said they will do anything and everything they can to avoid involuntary layoffs, so hoping enough take the retirement and leaves, passengers keep increasing as we go, and also hoping we are ran lean enough to avoid any layoffs. Maybe by working with the co. omn bringing more work in will also help that out.
Our industry is fixing to get wacked again come this fall and maybe even further down the road. Not so sure SWA is 100% safe from layoffs this time around. We have a lot of mechanics out on these leaves and that helps greatly, just need some more to step up IF they can on Sept 1st when the pay will increase from 25% to 50% to stay home, keep all benefits, and of course all seniority as well. At last count our CFO said we were at around 7% taking some sort of leave or leaving. I know they would like to see more come by 7-15. If I were to guess I would say 5% more would be good or at least better. We will be notified the following week after 7-15 of all the totals, and then start discussions with the co about where we will go from there. Our co. doesn't even like the to say the word layoffs, they (WE) are all very proud of the no layoffs in our co's history and will protect that the best we can, as it is a very big hiring tool when we are being selective on experience employees to hire.
Okay so you've seen the paycuts,Chapter 11s and 7s and yet at this unprecedented time in aviation history you dont think AA will layoff any AMTS. Its absurd
I am thinking you have misread his previous post. I don't recall AIM saying there would be no layoffs.
AIM, Updated info;

Just read and email with new updated numbers at SWA. We have so far over 2800 folks taking the retirement offer, and almost 5600 taking one of the 4 leave options. This equates to 14% of employees up from the 7% posted last month. This is very good news, and with another week left to sign up they are predicting some more. Maybe and hopefully they will get their numbers needed to stay away from the involuntary layoffs. Also hearing now they may even deny some that would thin out smaller groups and/or shops to thin. More to come 7-15
Ideally, the HEROES Act (or whatever it's called) will be aimed at people, and not companies.

- the heroes act money in the latest bill from the house has been watered down to apprx. $10k from $25k.

as mentioned, i don't believe i deserve that, but, i would take it.

truth be told, i'd rather have my company get funds to avoid BK than me getting $6.5k after taxes and my company filing for bk.
- the heroes act money in the latest bill from the house has been watered down to apprx. $10k from $25k.

as mentioned, i don't believe i deserve that, but, i would take it.

truth be told, i'd rather have my company get funds to avoid BK than me getting $6.5k after taxes and my company filing for bk.
not a shot in hell, would i give the company instead of ourselves. they have no idea or inclination to share when things go well. but they sure as hell can take it fast enough, they have pissed away billions on stock buy backs new headquarters and generous bonuses for themselves, yet took 5 years in the most profitable period in aviation history to negotiate a contract. hell no. . bankruptcy is coming one way or the other, once one does the rest will

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