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American looking to "right-size" the company and staffing levels for the Fall and 2021

Reality check here people, I hate when this happens!........ But it is a possibility. Been there! Do that!
American Airlines: The First To Go Under
I don’t doubt that AA has some problems but het guess what so does the entire industry.
There is nobody going to get through this without help and with some creative financing.
This is totally unprecedented times like no other.
I do not believe AA will go away, bankruptcy yes it’s most likely but the eagle will continue to fly into the future, smaller yes but it’s not going anywhere
I do not believe AA will go away, bankruptcy yes it’s most likely

i believe this is the main reason the govt. interceded and immediately offered aid to all the airlines.

just like in the 2000s..us air 2 times, ua, dl, nw, all filed. aa didn't. aa was at a cost disadvantage--immediate with debt, long term, with pension payments that others erased.

it caught up to aa in 2011.

if aa files in 2021..it will have a huge advantage with debt and likely pbgc takes over the pension. if so, expect ua and dl to have to file within a year. aa will wipe out a huge percentage of debt, while the debt circus will start at delta with expected higher CapEx, especially for new airplanes.

i believe the govt and airlines are all aware of this domino scenario and it's to be avoided at all costs.

not guaranteeing govt. aid in oct. - especially as we know that aid from april, but i believe there will be another aid package.
I don’t doubt that AA has some problems but het guess what so does the entire industry.
There is nobody going to get through this without help and with some creative financing.
This is totally unprecedented times like no other.
I do not believe AA will go away, bankruptcy yes it’s most likely but the eagle will continue to fly into the future, smaller yes but it’s not going anywhere
First off, I sure hope you are correct! But I've been down this road before........Just be prepared.
I wonder what deals were cut when they extended the bid to august.....
This move to extend the bid is only to "piss" the members off........If you look around, it's business as usual for AA. Wait until September!
All airlines will be smaller.Business picks up when? They are retiring planes left and right.What if your reduction in hours lasts for years.Will all airline employees be deemed part time? Is that the NEW normal in your eyes?

our 2003 concessions lasted 17 years.

When business starting getting good AA hired off the street. So no I don’t think AA will be going to the part time work schedule for everyone.

Fleet service might be part time. Depending on the flight schedule for a long time though.
Its clear.. the deregulation of the airlines has been a failure, to passengers and employees. Re regulation cant come soon enough...
You actually would trust Parker and Co to do this and not layoff. They'd reduce hours and layoff anyways. These guys are snakes and should not be trusted. Just like the Association.

I think you can count on layoffs come October. I would expect whatever the man power required for 115 airplanes will be on the street.

But if we can avoid bankruptcy with working 30 hours a week I’m all for it. The airline industry will bounce back, it’s just a matter of when. It’s better to give a little for the next couple of years rather then for AA to take for the next decade.

Once AA goes bankrupt again, how many people think our pension will be sent to the PBGC, how many think Tulsa will remain open through a second bankruptcy, and once aa becomes profitable again how many think we will get industry leading contracts. Remember the ground employees went through 17 years of a concession contract, and that was through the most profitable time in airline industry history.

help now for a couple years or suffer through decades of concessions. I’m just going by history.

the guys I hear complaining the most are the guys who can’t survive without OT. It’s funny how they’re always the biggest complainers but yet they’re at work more then anybody.
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You don't cut hours and pay. You lay off and get your headcount to be sustainable. When things improve you call back workers as needed. Pay cuts and reduced hours will piss people off and only the union profits from it with sustained union dues. You cut hours and pay then you still have more workers than needed. Then you cut pay again? Then you cut hours again? Then what? Eventually headcount need to be adjusted both up and down. You need to give the guys who get laid off something to come back too. What job will you have anymore if you come back from layoff at 30 hours with reduced pay? The purpose of reducing hours and pay is to avoid layoffs. That wont happen. So forget about cutting pay and hours unless its contractual.
Anybody that thinks that negotiated concessions are the answer are fools.it NEVER works, i rest my case over the last 17 years. 5 of them the most profitable in aviation history. They spent 5 years stalling, ok then lets stall for 5 years and see how that works
First off, I sure hope you are correct! But I've been down this road before........Just be prepared.

Well this is a completely different situation than the last Financial crisis.
So it will have different solutions and outcomes
Well this is a completely different situation than the last Financial crisis.
So it will have different solutions and outcomes
Nope. Its just an opportunity for them to accomplish what they couldnt in negotiations. We can debate it all day, only time will tell. The rape of the cba.will begin in sept.
i believe this is the main reason the govt. interceded and immediately offered aid to all the airlines.

just like in the 2000s..us air 2 times, ua, dl, nw, all filed. aa didn't. aa was at a cost disadvantage--immediate with debt, long term, with pension payments that others erased.

it caught up to aa in 2011.

if aa files in 2021..it will have a huge advantage with debt and likely pbgc takes over the pension. if so, expect ua and dl to have to file within a year. aa will wipe out a huge percentage of debt, while the debt circus will start at delta with expected higher CapEx, especially for new airplanes.

i believe the govt and airlines are all aware of this domino scenario and it's to be avoided at all costs.

not guaranteeing govt. aid in oct. - especially as we know that aid from april, but i believe there will be another aid package.
I think your right about bankruptcy setting off a chain reaction in airlines. We could see serious changes in how airlines are dealt with and regulated. Since this is a national disaster I think airlines will be dealt with much better than if they caused the problem themselves. If this goes on much longer all the airlines will be bankrupt. Sets up major changes in how governments handle public aviation.
Now I've worked under IAM contracts, and TWU. All I'm saying here is don't expect the Union to look out for your best interests, They will do so only until it is no longer profitable to them!......... Speaking from experiance!

If you're an AMT, sign an AMFA card - if you haven't already.
Well this is a completely different situation than the last Financial crisis.
So it will have different solutions and outcomes
V.O, when I said "been there, done that, "I wasn't referring to a past AA "crisis", I was referring to a different airline.

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