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American looking to "right-size" the company and staffing levels for the Fall and 2021

P.S. Reciprocity between foreign workers and U.S. citizens does not exist. Under Federal law, if a company wants to bring a non-U.S. citizen into the country to work a job in the company, the company must prove that they have made a diligent search and there is not a single person in the U.S. qualified or able to do the job.

Not entirely true if the person already has the legal right to work in a given country, including the US.

Also, while the process of a visa sponsorship ain't cheap, it's just a matter of nobody being qualified or able, you also can get visas if nobody is willing to do it (e.g. seafood processing plants have no problem hiring US nationals, but nobody wants to do that job so they hire migrant foreigners).

Also read where United backed off from cutting hours after union sued over the CARES rules and regs, so at least that worked for now for them.

Sort of. Hours for management employees were still cut, but United did back off and ask for the IAM groups to voluntarily cut back. I heard >50% of employees in one of the groups agreed to reduced hours. Whether or not it's enough to avoid layoffs, who knows. The TSA checkpoint numbers keep climbing, and now that's schools out at the end of the week in a bunch of states, it will be interesting to see how June really stacks up.
First off very few workers that you union guys consider management are not in fact managers. They are just non union workers juts like all of you. As for those non union worker bees, I bet there will be layoffs but it will depend on the departments. They just did a big round of Manager cuts last fall and I am sure won't hesitate to do more. But in the short term the crews and airport staff are obviously the most likely effective, but a lot of their support staff will be too. Quit trying to divide!

EDIT to add BTW of all the front line workers AMTs are going to be the most needed and least effected, so you at least are in a bit better position as is most of tech Ops.
They waited forever and a day on mechanics contract during Happy day’s! Just imagine what’s next? Seriously it’s time for a ball check if you still have them!

Now children...pay attention to this post. You need to learn the difference between "right-size" and "down-size." This difference may make a HUGELY difference on your future at American Airlines.

The difference: Down-sizing (which is NOT what AA is proposing) is where some managers also lose their jobs.

Any questions? You need to ask now before it's too late.

Sample answer: [to AMT with less than 40 years seniority] "you're toast."
Sample answer: [to randomly selected manager] "Nothing to worry about. Let's do lunch next week."

Cynical? Moi? How could you say such a thing to me?🙄
Buckle up mechanics when time we’re happy they waiting forever and a day! Don’t give them the time of day a ball check is required to see if you still have them!
They waited forever and a day on mechanics contract during Happy day’s! Just imagine what’s next? Seriously it’s time for a ball check if you still have them!
Four and a half YEARS negotiating a JCBA during peak economic times and record profits in the industry.

Four and a half DAYS for the dysfunctional association to jam concessions up our butts when that day arrives.

2003 all over again.
Parker and company won't turn down a good BK opportunity when they see one.
Four and a half YEARS negotiating a JCBA during peak economic times and record profits in the industry.

Four and a half DAYS for the dysfunctional association to jam concessions up our butts when that day arrives.

2003 all over again.
Parker and company won't turn down a good BK opportunity when they see one.
I wonder what deals were cut when they extended the bid to august.....

this would be better to have our hours cut and lose pay until business picks rather then lay offs and contract like the 2003 give backs that lasted for 17 years. A year or two of working less for at same pay rate would be better then the never ending concessions. Not to mention AA would have everything in place when ready for heavy flight schedule
They waited forever and a day on mechanics contract during Happy day’s! Just imagine what’s next? Seriously it’s time for a ball check if you still have them!

You have the mechanics confused with the flight attendants when it comes to having balls!

this would be better to have our hours cut and lose pay until business picks rather then lay offs and contract like the 2003 give backs that lasted for 17 years. A year or two of working less for at same pay rate would be better then the never ending concessions. Not to mention AA would have everything in place when ready for heavy flight schedule
All airlines will be smaller.Business picks up when? They are retiring planes left and right.What if your reduction in hours lasts for years.Will all airline employees be deemed part time? Is that the NEW normal in your eyes?
Liston, I hate putting things like this out there.......... All I'm saying here is hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst! Hey! I've got one retirement check coming from the PBGC, I really don't want another!
Reality check here people, I hate when this happens!........ But it is a possibility. Been there! Do that!
American Airlines: The First To Go Under
This article has been floated around all chats, facebook, text, forums and many other places. Everyone that I saw posted this is full of doom and gloom. Drama, drama drama. If anyone at AA doesn't realize it by now that AA is in the worse financial position than the other US carriers then wake up. That possibility is always an option. We have no control. Regardless of the articles you read how bad it is everyone should be preparing financially for any big hits in the future.
Reality check here people, I hate when this happens!........ But it is a possibility. Been there! Do that!
American Airlines: The First To Go Under
Totally agree with the statements about how this management team is not running a good business structured airline. I also would agree that this management team is done if/when AA files for BK. Parker IS NOT the man to get it done as he has proven he can't even run a positive cash flow in the best economy times from 2018 to the crisis in 2020. It's a no brainer now that he needs to be replaced and a bunch of house cleaning will have to take place. IMO the BOD has left Parker in charge for way, way too long, it's a matter of time now.

this would be better to have our hours cut and lose pay until business picks rather then lay offs and contract like the 2003 give backs that lasted for 17 years. A year or two of working less for at same pay rate would be better then the never ending concessions. Not to mention AA would have everything in place when ready for heavy flight schedule
You actually would trust Parker and Co to do this and not layoff. They'd reduce hours and layoff anyways. These guys are snakes and should not be trusted. Just like the Association.
This article has been floated around all chats, facebook, text, forums and many other places. Everyone that I saw posted this is full of doom and gloom. Drama, drama drama. If anyone at AA doesn't realize it by now that AA is in the worse financial position than the other US carriers then wake up. That possibility is always an option. We have no control. Regardless of the articles you read how bad it is everyone should be preparing financially for any big hits in the future.
Now I've worked under IAM contracts, and TWU. All I'm saying here is don't expect the Union to look out for your best interests, They will do so only until it is no longer profitable to them!......... Speaking from experiance!

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