American looking to "right-size" the company and staffing levels for the Fall and 2021

So now that the airlines (AA & UAL) are calling back furloughed employees, SWA is now retracting their concessions ask as well as backing off all furloughs and layoffs, although this very well could be temporary up until April of 2021. I have been reading a lot of articles regarding the Emergency Aid Package or rather PSP. They all say that workers will get recalled and no layoffs thru March 31 2021 with back pay starting back on Dec 1st.---Now he's the question; Why only back to Dec 1st? Why not back pay to when the layoffs occurred Oct/Sept? Not quite following why they are not starting it where the other relief package dropped off at.
So now that the airlines (AA & UAL) are calling back furloughed employees, SWA is now retracting their concessions ask as well as backing off all furloughs and layoffs, although this very well could be temporary up until April of 2021. I have been reading a lot of articles regarding the Emergency Aid Package or rather PSP. They all say that workers will get recalled and no layoffs thru March 31 2021 with back pay starting back on Dec 1st.---Now he's the question; Why only back to Dec 1st? Why not back pay to when the layoffs occurred Oct/Sept? Not quite following why they are not starting it where the other relief package dropped off at.
I think that even going back to the beginning of the month is a pretty good deal. Between unemployment and severance pay, they are better off than those who were we working the entire time.
And a lot of folks will still be sitting at home getting paid before they ACTUALLY go back to work. Good gig if you can get it.
I think that even going back to the beginning of the month is a pretty good deal. Between unemployment and severance pay, they are better off than those who were we working the entire time.
Oh yea I kinda forgot about the severance pay.
At least folks are going back to work for now. Hopefully they will all stay.
Just read an update from the downsizing or rifs.
Good news for Southwest and the employees.
Taking us thru 2021.
ALR's sent out the following update:

AMFA ALR Update – January 2
January 2, 2021
To All AMFA Members at Southwest Airlines:
As you know on December 18th, we had completed the hearings for all three Expedited Arbitrations (AMT, App Tech, and FMT) for furlough protection. AMFA was to the point where briefs were due to the arbitrators starting next week.
We are pleased to communicate that all three cases are now officially history. The Arbitrators have been noticed of what is called a post-hearing stipulation which confirms that the cases are now moot because the RIF (reduction in force) has been canceled.
So, what that means is that AMFA members keep its contracts intact with no concessions through 2021. There will be no RIF, no job loss, and there will be no ruling issued and the grievances have been withdrawn without prejudice.
This is all good news for AMFA members and good news for Southwest Airlines. Your dedication to our craft has been nothing less than exceptional. We are proud to serve as your Airline Representatives.

In Solidarity,

Your AMFA–SWA Airline Representatives
Just read an update from the downsizing or rifs.
Good news for Southwest and the employees.
Taking us thru 2021.
ALR's sent out the following update:

AMFA ALR Update – January 2
January 2, 2021
To All AMFA Members at Southwest Airlines:
As you know on December 18th, we had completed the hearings for all three Expedited Arbitrations (AMT, App Tech, and FMT) for furlough protection. AMFA was to the point where briefs were due to the arbitrators starting next week.
We are pleased to communicate that all three cases are now officially history. The Arbitrators have been noticed of what is called a post-hearing stipulation which confirms that the cases are now moot because the RIF (reduction in force) has been canceled.
So, what that means is that AMFA members keep its contracts intact with no concessions through 2021. There will be no RIF, no job loss, and there will be no ruling issued and the grievances have been withdrawn without prejudice.
This is all good news for AMFA members and good news for Southwest Airlines. Your dedication to our craft has been nothing less than exceptional. We are proud to serve as your Airline Representatives.

In Solidarity,

Your AMFA–SWA Airline Representatives

SWAMT, Can you educate me on how this is a Win for AMFA? The CARES money runs out the end of March 2021 if I remember right. Does the CAREs stipulate that if they take the money, they cannot RIF/Furlough any employees for the rest of 2021? I don't remember reading and/or hearing about that.
I can see this as being a draw between AMFA and Southwest, but I just can't see a win here. The only way for AMFA to Win, was to have the Arbitrator side with them and state the company was in violation of the Contract. Just curious on how you see this as a win.

SWAMT, Can you educate me on how this is a Win for AMFA? The CARES money runs out the end of March 2021 if I remember right. Does the CAREs stipulate that if they take the money, they cannot RIF/Furlough any employees for the rest of 2021? I don't remember reading and/or hearing about that.
I can see this as being a draw between AMFA and Southwest, but I just can't see a win here. The only way for AMFA to Win, was to have the Arbitrator side with them and state the company was in violation of the Contract. Just curious on how you see this as a win.

I can understand your point, but if you look at it from a little wider view point. The association/AA laid off for a MONTH and then recalled until March when the cycle starts again if there is no releif. Southwest on the other hand threatened to lay off but did not. When a grievance is withdrawn without prejudice it means that the conflict was resolved but the greivance can be refiled if the situation arises again.
If i was a southwest low seniority employee i would feel like a winner, unlike the low seniority over here at AA.
I can understand your point, but if you look at it from a little wider view point. The association/AA laid off for a MONTH and then recalled until March when the cycle starts again if there is no releif. Southwest on the other hand threatened to lay off but did not. When a grievance is withdrawn without prejudice it means that the conflict was resolved but the greivance can be refiled if the situation arises again.
If i was a southwest low seniority employee i would feel like a winner, unlike the low seniority over here at AA.

I know a couple of my coworkers were furloughed/or bumped so I understand that aspect for the lower seniority guys at Southwest. But isn't the intent of the Grievance to not just right the wrong, but also to ensure it does not happen in the future. (yes most of the time they still happen again). So Southwest could still lay off. Unless of course, they put it in writing to AMFA that they will not.

Thanks for the response.
SWAMT, Can you educate me on how this is a Win for AMFA? The CARES money runs out the end of March 2021 if I remember right. Does the CAREs stipulate that if they take the money, they cannot RIF/Furlough any employees for the rest of 2021? I don't remember reading and/or hearing about that.
I can see this as being a draw between AMFA and Southwest, but I just can't see a win here. The only way for AMFA to Win, was to have the Arbitrator side with them and state the company was in violation of the Contract. Just curious on how you see this as a win.


The win-win part that AMFA is referring to is the fact that our contract does not get violated, layoffs for the first time in Southwest history does not happen, and no concessions take place.
As DFW said, if you look at the overall big picture of it all, AMFA went all the way to fight for their members contract instead of just allowing layoffs and concessions happen to them. You are correct that a decision was not handed down in a ruling on this case, but, also as DFW gen said; It will be brought back into the system "if need be". I would also like to point out that this "Expedited Arbitration" is just one of the new processes AMFA and Southwest has agreed to use for future grievances on emergency issues as this one was. (I think you asked me about those new processes before TD).
Another reason "I" see it as a win, is we immediately saw AMFA stand up and fight for their members rights and contracts, not just sit back wonder, gee, can they really do that? I can very positively tell you that IF we were still with the teamsters they would have questioned the companies action but would have came out of behind closed door meetings saying; "look guys, we did the best we could, they wanted to layoff 500 mechanics and related but we were successful at nego them down to only 300, therefore we (teamsters) saved jobs". Sound familiar???
Another reason it's a win in my eyes is the fact that our contract remains unopened and in tact, as is.
Please also understand that I am not saying AMFA stopped Southwest from layoffs and concessions as they did at Alaska when they won that arbitration ruling, however, I will say that AMFA will go those extra miles to fight for their members contracts and rights. Something all you AA'ers really need to think about while making a decision about representation when the time comes for you guys. Now you guys have seen AMFA fight and win at Alaska over layoffs, rifs, and concessions and again here at SWA they went to fight for their members/contracts. Not seen this happen with the current representation at AA for a long, long time.

On a final note: TD, you asked how does it cover us thru 2021? Yes you are correct about the PSP covering until March 2021. But it was told to us by our CEO in a company memo that now that the PSP has been passed and signed into law that we were all safe from furloughs/layoffs and concessions until the end of 2021. The same timeframe was also reiterated by AMFA in their update too.
Hope this answered all your questions.
The win-win part that AMFA is referring to is the fact that our contract does not get violated, layoffs for the first time in Southwest history does not happen, and no concessions take place.
As DFW said, if you look at the overall big picture of it all, AMFA went all the way to fight for their members contract instead of just allowing layoffs and concessions happen to them. You are correct that a decision was not handed down in a ruling on this case, but, also as DFW gen said; It will be brought back into the system "if need be". I would also like to point out that this "Expedited Arbitration" is just one of the new processes AMFA and Southwest has agreed to use for future grievances on emergency issues as this one was. (I think you asked me about those new processes before TD).
Another reason "I" see it as a win, is we immediately saw AMFA stand up and fight for their members rights and contracts, not just sit back wonder, gee, can they really do that? I can very positively tell you that IF we were still with the teamsters they would have questioned the companies action but would have came out of behind closed door meetings saying; "look guys, we did the best we could, they wanted to layoff 500 mechanics and related but we were successful at nego them down to only 300, therefore we (teamsters) saved jobs". Sound familiar???
Another reason it's a win in my eyes is the fact that our contract remains unopened and in tact, as is.
Please also understand that I am not saying AMFA stopped Southwest from layoffs and concessions as they did at Alaska when they won that arbitration ruling, however, I will say that AMFA will go those extra miles to fight for their members contracts and rights. Something all you AA'ers really need to think about while making a decision about representation when the time comes for you guys. Now you guys have seen AMFA fight and win at Alaska over layoffs, rifs, and concessions and again here at SWA they went to fight for their members/contracts. Not seen this happen with the current representation at AA for a long, long time.

On a final note: TD, you asked how does it cover us thru 2021? Yes you are correct about the PSP covering until March 2021. But it was told to us by our CEO in a company memo that now that the PSP has been passed and signed into law that we were all safe from furloughs/layoffs and concessions until the end of 2021. The same timeframe was also reiterated by AMFA in their update too.
Hope this answered all your questions.

SWAMT, I am following your logic now. That makes a bit more sense. I did ask about some of the new process between AMFA and Southwest, and this being what I believe to be the first time they really had to use the new process, and it does have a good out come. So that is good.

I appreciate you providing some in site.
SWAMT, I am following your logic now. That makes a bit more sense. I did ask about some of the new process between AMFA and Southwest, and this being what I believe to be the first time they really had to use the new process, and it does have a good out come. So that is good.

I appreciate you providing some in site.
A question for you and your co-workers. Have you seen some of the folks that were laid off coming back to work as of yet? I'm not even sure IF any of your group was even furloughed, were they?? Some folks are thinking it may only be temp. how do you all see it where you all work???
A question for you and your co-workers. Have you seen some of the folks that were laid off coming back to work as of yet? I'm not even sure IF any of your group was even furloughed, were they?? Some folks are thinking it may only be temp. how do you all see it where you all work???

Yes, between being Bumped into other areas and actual furloughs we did have a couple. I was on a conference call today with our group and Management said that right now, Labor Relations is managing the recall, and as of right now, they are more concerned with bringing AMT's and Materials Services back to work than my group. I can't speak to the Fleet/Ramp group so I have no idea on how that is being done. Personally I am conflicted with this, because I want our people to be back working and being productive for the company. But on the other half, if they will just be re-furloughed again at the end of April, I just don't understand why we need to recall people (other than its a requirement to receive the money.) I don't see enough work necessitating bring people back unless flying is increasing. But alas, they never asked my opinion, and I am not behind the curtain pulling the levers.
Did all you Republicans get your welfare checks yet. LMFAO

Ya know, I couldn't agree more with that post. I listen all day to my right wing wacko coworkers spout their socialism rhetoric, meanwhile tRump is the biggest socialistic president we've ever had.

He has nationalized the airlines, and now we are once again been paid with government money.

I'm sure glad my tax dollars go to pay those unionized hypocrites over at southwest so they can come here and tell me how great they have it, and rub my nose in it. All with their big government pay checks.

Meanwhile back at the break room, I watch my government paid coworkers sit around for 7 1/2 hours with their feet up, watching TV, and then ***** when they have to pump oil in an engine once a week. Don't say anything. Someone might find out we don't have to actually do anything.

I'm sure the aviation gods over at southwest sure aren't this way.

Isn't America, I mean American, great? Don't even have to work and the government pays us. What a place !!

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