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American gets Delta's Haneda slot

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WorldTraveler said:
I gave an answer but you either ignored it or don't believe that DL would fight the legal battles to prove it was right in being reawarded the route and to prove to SEA that it would fight to keep service for them but can't make routes work if the demand isn't there, even with a hub.As it is the US will have HND service to just 2 mainland cities and one in Hawaii compared to 18 cities with NRT service. It shouldn't be hard to figure that the problem is HND slot times.what?You come up with the most BIZARRE conclusions and this has got to be near the top of the list.No one said that AA wouldn't protect Latin America - but if going after DL in MCO means they have to add their own flight which will siphon off traffic from AA's MIA hub and hurt AA in MIA worse than it will if they leave DL to fight it out with the Brazilian airlines.
Again you spin , I asked you how you know this did DL put out a press release as to why they fought for it! Back it up with facts and not your assumptions!!!!

Your accusations and reasons are just as baseless by that standard along with the statement about DL dumping capacity.

The statement that DL made was that the right cannot be justified on economic grounds.

btw, AA is reducing a number of flight reductions at LAX including to Hawaii and across their system for the winter even as they will be required to start this LAX-HND flight. Perhaps they are going to cut other non-profitable flying in order to offset the losses they will incur operating this new route.
AA overall will offer more daily flights to and from LAX than it ever has, and it has even announced its new LAX winter flying yet, like Mazatlan.
and yet there are current markets that will be reduced.... so, yeah.

and this isn't just about LAX reductions or is that whole a.net schedule thread just all wrong?

thanks for reliably popping up with the defense to counter the reality which I have consistently noted that AA's growth at LAX comes with reductions as well - which you and commavia don't ever bother to highlight.

btw, AA isn't the only airline at LAX that is larger than it has ever been.
you do say that over and over when confronted with the facts that every one of AA's additions which you have held onto end up also coming with the reduction of other flights.
WorldTraveler said:
btw, AA is reducing a number of flight reductions at LAX including to Hawaii and across their system for the winter even as they will be required to start this LAX-HND flight. Perhaps they are going to cut other non-profitable flying in order to offset the losses they will incur operating this new route.
AA is "reducing a number of flight reductions?" Huh?
Could you imagine attending this clowns service? The sermon would be a beat down.
WorldTraveler said:
to prove that it had the legal right to operate the flight and didn't lose it but instead chose to give it up rather than fly it at a loss for months every year.
This is a weaker, more pathetic statement than John Kerry's "I was for it before I was against it" flip-flop.
WorldTraveler said:
Or perhaps they wanted to prove to SEA that they would fight to defend their markets but they can't fix the lack of demand.
One of the saddest statements / testaments to date of DLs 'might'.
Spin away!
Could you imagine attending this clowns service? The sermon would be a beat down.
sounds to me like all that someone who has lost the argument can hold onto when it is clear that their arguments about LAX growth are accompanied side by side with cuts in service not just to DAL but across the system.

btw, will today be the day that AA ditches LAX-NRT and loads LAX-HND?

how long till AA reaches average fare and revenue parity on LAX-HND with DL?
Since it is obvious that you lack the mental horsepower to grasp the issues and conduct an intelligent discussion about strategic business issues and are instead interested in a pi$$ing contest, answer for us this question:  what airline, other than DL, had to abandon a route from its hub to a slot restricted / limited access airport?
Spin away!
Reducing flight reductions can be one of two things logically.  Either it means they are adding flights, or it means they are rescinding some previously announced reductions.  He just can't bring himself to say that AA is increasing capacity and flights at LAX; so, he resorts to the double negative approach--AA is not going to not increase flights. :lol:
One other option...he is typing so fast to tell everyone else that they are wrong that he has to disengage his brain to release energy for his fingers.  Like the time that he stated that UA and WN had reduced more LAX to China capacity than any other airline.  And, WN had reduced more than UA.
WT, this will be the third time asking for the facts. How did you know DL went to court , spent time and money to protect the route just to prove they were right only to walk away?
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