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Delta exits SEA-HND

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WorldTraveler said:
you prove again that you don't have to contribute in the discussion but are merely interested in trying to defame someone else.

You and no one else should be surprised that I dominate this board and will continue to do so as long as you and others want to turn it into a personal attack forum.
If you want to call pointing out your inaccuracies, fabricated statements and outright lies as "personal attacks" well then I just have one thing to say to you (in a way that you hopefully will grasp): I will usually be the first in line to throw stones at you.
WorldTraveler said:
DL did NOT walk away from the route during the route case.

They decided AFTER the DOT affirmed that DL had the right to continue to operate the route that it is not commercially viable for DL to do so on a year round basis.
Translation: DL walked away from the route.

Why can't you say it?
DL walked away from the route AFTER they won the right to operate it and followed all of the rules.

I have said it several times already.

You aren't capable of doing anything other than to defame someone else and pull out months and years old posts in your efforts.

Why can't you admit that you can't talk about market issues but instead are hellbent on revenge?
WorldTraveler said:
DL walked away from the route AFTER they won the right to operate it and followed all of the rules.

I have said it several times already.

You aren't capable of doing anything other than to defame someone else and pull out months and years old posts in your efforts.

Why can't you admit that you can't talk about market issues but instead are hellbent on revenge?
Maybe its better to put things in context ....
E spoke to this months ago in this post.....
DL is only forced to fly the route 365 if they accept DOT's conditions. It wasn't clear from their objection if they were consenting to the more stringent conditions, or if they were going to walk away from the market if they didn't get relief.
To which you responded ...
it is only in your dreams that DL will walk away from the route.

DL made it abundantly clear that it believes it has the legal position to argue that the DOT has no basis to impose 365 day "fly it or lose it" requirements.

Why don't you grow some integrity and admit you were WRONG.
and DL met the requirements of the DOT and left of its own accord.

Just as UA left JFK of its own commercial accord, how you can try to argue otherwise is beyond me.
They left because they lied to the DOT, they said it would be flown with a 744, and never was.
The DOT called them out and now DL has to run with its head tucked between its tail.
And this thread is about DL giving up SEA-HND route, it has NOTHING to do with UA and JFK.
You have to throw out irrelevant crap to deflect from your misinformation and DL is losing!
see, you can't participate with defaming someone.

DL didn't lie about anyone.

there was no REQUIREMENT that any route would be flown by any aircraft.

Crap is including aircraft data from route awards years ago. It had nothing to do with this route award.
So now I get it, since DL lied to the DOT, its ok for you to lie on the boards.
Your own posts, your own lies, your own misinformation, your own spin, your own deflect, your own insults cause the reaction you get from others.

Look in the mirror.
WorldTraveler said:
and DL met the requirements of the DOT and left of its own accord.

Just as UA left JFK of its own commercial accord, how you can try to argue otherwise is beyond me.
So we're looking at the very situation E was speaking to
Delta did walk away - which you said they would not do
So you were WRONG.
the DOT NEVER said anything in this route case about DL's 744 statements from years ago.


It is only an issue because you - driven by revenge - want to drag something up that was never an issue for anyone that actualy was involved in the route case.
WorldTraveler said:
DL walked away from the route AFTER they won the right to operate it and followed all of the rules.I have said it several times already.You aren't capable of doing anything other than to defame someone else and pull out months and years old posts in your efforts.Why can't you admit that you can't talk about market issues but instead are hellbent on revenge?
As Iv stated before, you are not capable of talking market issues because of your myopic veiw!! A discussion can't always be one sided along with talking down to others ! Did you not say the route would be profitable for DL because of low fuel prices , DL would not walk away from the route ? Why can't you be a man and state that even you were surprised by this announcement?
Good. As both an employee and a shareholder in DL, I would like to see the assets allocated to this route moved to where they can more efficiently generate revenue.
Kev3188 said:
Good. As both an employee and a shareholder in DL, I would like to see the assets allocated to this route moved to where they can more efficiently generate revenue.
Rarely agree with you but I do on this one
WorldTraveler said:
DL didn't lie about anyone.
I don't know, it seems to me you're now backtracking on another (matter-of-fact) statement that you made not too long ago:
WorldTraveler, on 29 Apr 2015 - 07:32 AM, said:
WorldTraveler said:
Airlines say what they need to say to the DOT. What happens in real life is considerable different.
So, which is it?
DL did or did not lie?
Do airlines, as you claim, bull sh!t the DOT?
Please pick a narrative and stick to it.
WorldTraveler said:
DL walked away from the route AFTER they won the right to operate it and followed all of the rules.

I have said it several times already.

You aren't capable of doing anything other than to defame someone else and pull out months and years old posts in your efforts.

Why can't you admit that you can't talk about market issues but instead are hellbent on revenge?
What you don't understand is, when you post, you do it in an immature and incredibly arrogant style, and you make enemies by your endless fanboy pontificating and posting like a real jerk.  You are so deeply invested in the DL cult that when things like this happen, it is hilarious.  You are the one that puts the "kick me" sign on your back, don't get butthurt when you get kicked.
You are not an expert on the airline biz, just someone that is freakishly fixated on one airline, so much so, that common sense, as well as good manners are ignored.  Take responsibility for once, stop spinning, admit that you were incredibly wrong....again.  Otherwise, you are just someone that will be laughed at by everyone here.
What you, monkee, and others fail to be able to admit is that I very much DO understand way more a bout the business of the airline industry than you or others do.

you and others have tried to resort to every trick in the book and then some to admit that.

DL fought for the right to serve HND because it was in part protecting its hub at NRT. HND-LAX has worked well. There are no more daytime slots to be made available at HND so US Japan daylight service at HND is not going to happen for a good while.

There is no economic basis for DL to lose money flying SEA-HND to protect NRT or anything else.

and as much as some are trying desperately to find me and others wrong, DL complied with everything the DOT said they had to and they fought to retain the right to keep the route and walked away only after their right to retain it was reaffirmed.

yes, Kev and meto,
you understand that there is no value for anyone in running unprofitable routes.

meanwhile, frugal continues to run around trying to find something to defame me for.

DL didn't lie.

it operated the HND award in compliance with what the DOT required.

A 744 wasn't required. Neither was operating it daily.

Until now.

DL decided it was not worth operating the route on a daily basis in the dead of the winter and the devaluation of the yen has only proven that.

Given that AA will very likely stop its own LAX-NRT flight in order to add HND, it isn't a win for them either.

it is a reallocation of assets.

and given that ICN traffic is hurting for all airlines because of MERS, a 333 that was probably going to fly SEA-ICN this winter has likely been freed up.

Why some people try so hard to deny those same realities is sickening.

Let's hope this leads to another int'l flight for SEA in the next year.
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